Chapter 343 Ins and Outs (Part [-])
A week ago, Ling's father and Ling's mother took the three of them down a mysterious tomb.

This tomb was originally prepared to be explored by people from the country, but Father Ling and Mother Ling took the three of them to find another way to the depths of the tomb.

After the five people went down, they found that there were many organs and magical things in the tomb, but they were led by two strong old drivers, Father Ling and Mother Ling, and the journey was safe and sound.

But when the five of them went through a lot of hardships and explored the cemetery first, they found that the cemetery was really fucking poor, and there was nothing like the previous things.

There are four things that seem to be more valuable.

A dagger covered with copper rust, a red compass of unknown material, a pair of gold silk gloves, and finally a mechanism box placed in the main tomb.

The box was square, silver-white, and couldn't be opened at all, but Ling's father and Ling's mother seemed to know this box. After seeing this box, they only said "no wonder, no wonder".

Just when the five of them were about to leave, something happened!
A group of things that looked like undead appeared in the tomb.

When the three of them talked about the undead, Ling Huohuo couldn't help looking at the sky outside the window, and found that the big chrysanthemum in the sky had disappeared at some point. It seemed that the world of the dead had been disconnected from this world.

According to the description of the three, the things that stopped them seemed to appear suddenly. They were all wearing broken cloaks and battle armor. They looked like an army with extremely strong strength.

After some fighting, Ling's father and Ling's mother escaped to cover the three of them, but they themselves failed to escape. Even the traces of the battle disappeared, as if it had never happened, but the three of them really couldn't contact Ling's father and Ling's mother.

Just when the three of them were at a loss, they suddenly remembered what Ling's father and Ling's mother said when they were sending them to escape.

"Don't worry about us, we're fine. Your next task is to go to the bedroom of my home in Zhonghai City and protect the things we hide behind the closet. Be sure to protect them!"

So, the three of them went through a lot of hard work and finally arrived in Zhonghai City. They wanted to take away the things secretly, but they were caught by Ling Tian who heard the movement. After some struggle, the three of them rushed to the street.


Ling Huohuo looked at the three of them, and they all had first-order strength, and then looked at Ling Tian, ​​an ordinary person.

Now Ling Huohuo wants to know how these three people lost?Don't you feel ashamed if you haven't played three against one?Get out of the group!

However, Ling Huohuo didn't say much. After all, his parents didn't know whether they were alive or not. For a son of a person, a son does not think his mother is ugly, and a dog does not think his family is poor. If they have an accident, he still has to save them, not to mention that he has the ability to do so.

Well, there's nothing wrong with saying that.

However, there are very few clues now, only the thing that my parents said was hidden in the back of their closet.

Ling Tian also frowned. After hearing that his parents had an accident, he began to use the sensing ability in his blood, and found that he could respond to these two people. Their blood was very healthy, which meant nothing happened, but they couldn't. Sensing the specific location of the two, because the location of the two actually blocked the world?

what's the situation?What the hell are you two doing with the world consciousness of this world?

This kind of shielding is the protection of the two people by the will of the world. As long as in this world, no means can be used to divination the positions of the two of them, which strengthens the concealment and safety of the two of them. This is the will of the world to use its authority. What they have achieved is what they desire but cannot ask for, but with the character of these two people, how can they be favored by the will of the world?Even the son of luck doesn't have this treatment!

At the same time, there are two other bloodlines sensed, one is this Ling Huohuo who is sitting next to him, the power of bloodline is even stronger than his own, what happened when you went to Japan?As for the other one, I also couldn't sense the specific location, and needless to say, this one belonged to Ling Miao. Didn't you just go to the Transcendent Academy?In which backcountry was the Transcendent Academy built?No signal received!
For a moment, Ling Tian felt that he didn't know this world.

"Could it be the reason why I've been indulging in Wenrouxiang for too long?" Ling Tian rubbed his chin, frowned and thought, Li Yinman's Miaoman figure appeared in his mind...

But his appearance made others feel that Ling Tian was worried about his father and mother.

"The accident happened to Master and Master's wife to save us. Don't worry, we will find them and rescue them!" Yang Linger said apologetically.

"Together, you can't even beat my elder brother. Do you think we can believe what you say?" Ling Huohuo couldn't help but said.

The scene was awkward for a while.

"Forget it, don't think too much about it, let's see what those two people are hiding behind the closet." Ling Tian raised his head and said, let's take advantage of this matter to move around, and then speed up the pace. , take this world as the foundation, and conquer the heavens and worlds!

"Aren't you worried about them?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"It's okay, don't worry, good people don't live long, and harm will last for thousands of years, it's okay." Ling Tian stood up and patted Ling Huohuo on the shoulder.

The three of Yang Linger opened their mouths. Did anyone say that about their parents?And Ling Huohuo nodded in agreement?The three felt that they deserved to be the children of those two.

Come to Ling's father and mother's room.

The room was a little messy, and it looked like there were traces of a fight, so Ling Huohuo couldn't help but look at the three of them again, and they smiled awkwardly.

The closet has been opened, and there are some tools on the floor.

"Just as we were about to dig into the closet, the eldest son discovered it." Wang Changfeng said.

These three people won't wait until there is no one to come again?Ling Huohuo rolled his eyes.

In fact, the three of them also wanted to come back when no one was around, but they found that when the Ling family was empty, they didn't know why, but they couldn't enter the Ling family. There is actually a formation in the courtyard of the Ling family, which will be opened when the Ling family has no immediate family members of the Ling family, and strangers are prohibited from entering.

As far as the three knew, there were five immediate family members of the Ling family.

And the three of them also recognized that this formation was written by Ling's father and Ling's mother. As students of Ling's father and Ling's mother, they also know a little bit of Feng Shui. Look out, finally decided to sneak in in the middle of the night.

As for the formation in the courtyard, Ling Huohuo and Ling Tian didn't know about it, because they were always closed when they were there, and the formation was not arranged with anything with power, but was made using nearby It was established by Feng Shui and has been integrated with the Ling family's house. It looks very natural, and people like them who have never been in contact with Feng Shui can't see it at all.

However, with the strength of the two of them now, they only need to carefully observe the situation around their home to find the traces of the formation. However... who would be free to stare back and forth at the home they have lived in for so many years?
(End of this chapter)

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