The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 344 I heard that a frying pan can block bullets?

Chapter 344 I heard that a frying pan can block bullets? (three more)
Ling Tian easily opened the closet and found the things hidden in the back of the closet.

The space behind the closet is not small. There are two boxes. After opening, there are various tools. After Yang Linger identified them, they are tools for tomb robbers. Many of the same.

In addition to the two boxes, the innermost one is a silver box, about the size of a basketball, with patterns engraved on it. I identified it as a cow pattern.

"Wait." Hu Han hurriedly rummaged through his parcel when he saw the box, and found a silver box the size of a basketball.

I compared it with the box at the back of the closet. They were the same size, both silver and white. The only difference was the pattern on it. The pattern on the box that Hu Han took out was a dragon pattern.

"What is the connection between these two boxes?" Ling Huohuo touched his chin and looked at the two identical boxes.

Suddenly, Ling Huohuo felt a chill behind him.

"No, it's dangerous." As soon as he was about to react, he saw Ling Tian kicking Hu Han and the three of them out of the bedroom. Yang Ling'er was no exception. Huohuo took a step ahead, picked up the two boxes, and ran out of the bedroom wisely.

And Ling Tian also quickly picked up the two boxes full of tools on the ground and rushed out of the bedroom.

The three Hu Han who were kicked out of the door have not yet reacted.

Why do you kick people casually?
Just as they were about to have an attack, Ling Huohuo and Ling Tian rushed out with things and lay down on the ground. Immediately afterwards, the entire bedroom exploded with a "Boom".

"What's the situation?" Hu Han shouted.

Ling Huohuo and Ling Tian did not speak, but stared seriously at the bedroom that had just exploded.

The explosion just now was not left behind by Ling's father and Ling's mother. They haven't cheated the disciples that much yet. The reason for the explosion just now was because someone outside attacked the entire bedroom.

Ling Huohuo sniffed.

The smell of gunpowder?
Da da da……

There was the sound of footsteps, and a figure stepped out of the smoke.

Leather jacket and pants, high-heeled shoes under her feet, all in black, her enchanting face looks like a black rose with thorns.

Hu Han and Wang Changfeng swallowed in disbelief, Yang Linger pinched each of them angrily, and they recovered.

Ling Huohuo and Ling Tian did not lose their composure, but observed the woman who suddenly appeared.

Ling Tianlang has been around for so many years, what kind of beauty has he never seen?With a wealth of experience, now that he is settled down, he only has one Li Yinman in his heart.

I also saw a lot of beauties in Ling Huohuo, especially after forming the Hundred Ghosts Night Walk, I saw a lot of vixen, bunny-eared girls, and dog girls, and monsters always tempted Ling Huohuo intentionally or unintentionally, and got along for a long time , the resistance increases linearly.

The woman looked indifferent, holding an RPG launcher in her hand, her strength was level three!

The woman dropped the launcher in her hand and stretched her hands behind her.

"No, quickly find a bunker." Ling Huohuo shouted.

Everyone hurried downstairs, and the woman chased after her.

Sure enough, the woman took out two Desert Eagles from behind, stood at the stairs, and fired at everyone.

Fortunately, with Ling Huohuo's early warning and Ling Huohuo and Ling Tian's protection, everyone hid one step ahead and was not injured, but the living room was not so lucky, it was a mess, and Ling Huohuo forgot to eat the bucket of bubble Face was not spared either.

Holding two boxes, Ling Huohuo hid in the kitchen with Hu Han and Yang Linger, listening to the movement outside.

On the other hand, Ling Tian and Wang Changfeng squatted behind a wall, looking at the hole above their heads. Fortunately, the two of them squatted down, otherwise they would really have holes in their bodies. Ling Tian didn't care, but Wang Changfeng had to prepare for the funeral. up.

The woman's footsteps sounded, and she walked downstairs slowly.

Ling Huohuo looked at the messy living room and the holes in the wall, and thought about it. When he was in the military area, he also had a certain understanding of all kinds of guns.

The power of the Desert Eagle itself is great, but the power just now is a bit too big. It seems that it is a modified pistol, so the number of bullets may also be higher.

If he could use his ability, he could easily restrain the woman, but there were other people nearby, so he couldn't be easily exposed until the end.

Behind the wall, Ling Tian had Wang Changfeng on his back, his eyes glowed purple, and he seemed to see a woman through the wall.

"There is no power of any kind in the body. It should be physical cultivation. Does the strength strengthen the body and reaction?" In an instant, Ling Tian understood the situation of the woman.

Although Body Cultivator has a strong melee ability, he doesn't have all kinds of weird powers. For the current situation, it is undoubtedly good news, and there is also the possibility of escape.

After all, Ling Tian didn't want to expose his power either.

"Hey, do you know her?" Ling Huohuo asked Hu Han behind him in a low voice.

The two thought for a while, then shook their heads.

"Is this why master and master's wife said to protect that thing?" Hu Han was a little scared.

"What exactly is this box?" Yang Ling'er put her eyes on the two boxes in Ling Huohuo's arms.

"No matter what, let's leave here first. In an open place, she can't openly shoot outside." Ling Huohuo said.

Huaxia is a country with arms control. It is not allowed to have a knife longer than the regulations, let alone a gun. If a woman dares to shoot outside, or even an RPG, there is no need for Ling Huohuo to take action. Huaxia will naturally Teach her to be a human being, and with Ling Huohuo's identity, she can even visit a prison.

Looking at the window near the kitchen, Ling Huohuo opened the window.

"You take your things first."

Hand over the two boxes to Yang Linger and the other two.

"What about you?" Hu Han asked worriedly.

"I'm going to wait for my elder brother and the others, and then we'll go find you together."

"But..." Hu Han was confused.

"Stop it, let's go." Not in the mood to talk nonsense, Ling Huohuo directly threw Hu Han out of the window with his collar, and then looked at Yang Linger.

"Uh... no, I can walk by myself."

Unexpectedly, Yang Ling'er, who had such great strength as Ling Huohuo, consciously jumped out of the window holding the box.

With Ling Tian's beating last night and that kick just now, Yang Ling'er didn't dare to hope that Ling Huohuo would take pity on her.

After clapping his hands, Ling Huohuo looked around, looking for a tool, and then his eyes fell on the frying pan hanging on the shelf... I heard that the frying pan can block bullets?

On the other side, Ling Tian, ​​who sensed Ling Huohuo's movements, also began to think about how to get out in a normal way. Hearing the approaching footsteps, Ling Tian knew that their time was running out.

And Wang Changfeng also began to think about it, he didn't want to be here today.

(End of this chapter)

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