The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 345 Another day of nuclear peace...

Chapter 345 Another day of nuclear peace... (one more)
Ling Tian quickly observed his surroundings. The window closest to him was about ten steps away, and there were no weapons around him. It seemed... that he couldn't escape.

Ling Tian looked in Ling Huohuo's direction, hoping that he could find a solution. If he didn't make a move, he would have to do it himself, but it's hard to explain...


Ling Tian patted Wang Changfeng's shoulder and lowered his voice.

"Do you have any good solutions?"

"This... that..." Wang Changfeng's eyes were a little erratic, "No."

"Oh~" Ling Tian looked at Wang Changfeng meaningfully, anyone can see that you have a problem, "I have an immature idea."

"What do you think?" Wang Changfeng's eyes lit up, and he heaved a sigh of relief.

"Did you see that window?" Ling Tian pointed to the window closest to the two of them.

"But... we will definitely be shot into a hornet's nest when we run over."

"It's okay, you're here, aren't you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Use you as a meat shield."

"You can't do this!"

"Why? You can't beat me anyway." Ling Tian said, and patted Wang Changfeng's shoulder, "Don't worry, I have been working out all the time, so it's easy to walk with you, I think it will be fine if you cooperate If I run fast, you can still save me when I send you to the hospital."

At this time, Wang Changfeng was in despair, looking at Ling Tian's smiling expression, he seemed to see a demon.

"Actually... I can do it too."

"What way? Didn't you say there is no way?" Ling Tian asked innocently.

"It doesn't mean that, but my method is not the method of normal people. It may be supernatural. It's a magic technique. Have you heard of it?" Wang Changfeng said while looking at it.

In this age of science, ordinary people may regard magic as a trick to deceive people. Wang Changfeng felt that even if he told it, Ling Tian might not believe it.

Ling Tian patted Wang Changfeng on the shoulder.

"It doesn't matter if the cat is black or white, as long as it can catch mice, it doesn't matter what you use, as long as it allows us to leave safely, but you have to believe that it's not a problem for me to run with you."

Wang Changfeng wanted to cry, but although Ling Tian seemed to believe in him, why did he still obsess over using himself as a shield?
Wang Changfeng took out two spells and handed one to Ling Tian.

"This is a cloaking talisman. Putting it on your body can make you temporarily invisible for ten seconds. This time should be enough for the two of us to run to the window."

Ling Tian looked at the occult talisman, there were indeed power fluctuations on it, the property of power is a kind that can give hints to others and make them invisible, but the level is not high, and it has no effect on people with higher spiritual power , and unfortunately, generally speaking, in order to keep up with my own extremely fast speed, the mental strength of the physical training will not be weak, and that woman is a physical training.

Ling Tian can guarantee that as long as he really believes in his evil, sticks to this talisman, and rushes out with him, he will definitely be shot into a sieve.

Seeing Ling Tian's strange gaze looking at him, Wang Changfeng shrank his neck.

"I think it's better to carry you and run out." Ling Tian said.

"Wait, actually I have other methods." Wang Changfeng said hastily, and then he took out a few talismans again.

"This is a speeding talisman, this is a giant power talisman, this is a golden body talisman, this... this is a perspective... ah, this is nothing." Wang Changfeng was about to take back the last talisman, but was caught Ling Tian snatched it quickly with sharp eyes and hands, and put it in his pocket calmly.

perspective?I didn't expect you to be this kind of Wang Changfeng, confiscated!


"Ahem, I have a solution, our time is running out." Ling Tian said.

Because at this time the woman has come down.

Ling Tian picked up the three talismans and smiled at Wang Changfeng. Wang Changfeng suddenly had a bad feeling.


There was a sound, and the muzzle of the woman aimed at the location where the sound came from, and fired two shots quickly, but there was no one in that direction.

It was the stone thrown by Ling Tian.

Although Ling Tian couldn't use his strength, the stone he threw was fast enough based on his physical fitness alone. With a woman's eyesight, it was impossible to tell that it was a stone thrown by Ling Tian.

"What?" The woman was taken aback, a little surprised.

Immediately afterwards, a shadow flashed past and rushed towards a window.

I saw the Speed ​​Talisman and the Giant Power Talisman attached to Ling Tian's body, but Wang Changfeng still did not escape the fate of being held in Ling Tian's hand as a meat shield. Fortunately, the Golden Body Talisman was attached to his body.

In fact, Ling Tian's physical strength erupted quickly enough, but the two talismans just gave him an excuse to use his strength.

When the woman realized that she was about to turn the gun, Ling Tian had already rushed to the window, opened the window, and threw Wang Changfeng out, then jumped out by himself, escaped to heaven, and disappeared without a trace.

The woman rushed two steps and arrived in the middle of the living room. Looking at Ling Tian who was running away, they snorted coldly and did not chase after him.

The woman frowned, that speed is not something that ordinary people can send out, what is the situation with that person?He is obviously an ordinary person, but he can run at a speed that he can't even react to.

Moreover, the woman knows that these gold-touching school guards always have some mysterious means to deal with ghosts and gods. She is a physical trainer, and she doesn't have any good skills and abilities. She is not very good at those mysterious means, so she has always been very Be careful, but unexpectedly let two people run away.

However, her target this time was the two silver boxes. She saw clearly just now that these two people did not have boxes in their hands, so the boxes should be on the other three people.

Then, when the woman turned her head, she happened to see Ling Huohuo, who was standing in a daze at the door of the kitchen with a pot lid on her head and a frying pan in her hand.

Ling Huohuo also looked confused. He originally wanted to come out to save his elder brother, and was even ready to expose his strength, but why did he see his elder brother escape and ascend to heaven at an unscientific speed as soon as he came out?
Wait, does that mean that this woman and I are the only ones left in the entire Ling family?
Ling Huohuo looked at the woman.

The woman pointed the gun at Ling Huohuo.

"Put your hands up!"


It's just the two of us, why are you being polite?
Ling Huohuo showed a smile, walked towards the woman with a bad face, and patted the frying pan in his hand.

Destroy my home and point a pistol at me, feel my anger!
The woman felt bad for a while, the other party was obviously an ordinary person, why did she feel in danger?
Then the woman quickly shot two shots at Ling Huohuo. Ling Huohuo waved the pan in his hand, reflecting all the bullets to one side.

The woman opened her mouth slightly, are the quality of the pans so good now?This is not scientific!

Ling Huohuo charged forward while holding the pan against the bullet fired by the woman, and soon appeared in front of the woman.

"not good!"

The woman thought to herself, but before she could react, she felt a pain in her chest, and her body flew backwards.

Ling Huohuo looked at the pan and touched his nose.

"It's so flexible."

The woman didn't want to fight, she got up and rushed out of the room. This family is really evil, it's better to retreat first.

"Run, I'll chase you, if I catch you, I'll kill you hehehe..."

When Ling Huohuo chased out the door, her pupils shrank involuntarily, and she saw a bazooka on the woman's shoulder, facing the door.


A small mushroom cloud slowly lifted into the sky.

The sun is shining brightly, and it is another day of nuclear peace.

(End of this chapter)

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