The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 346 Ling's father and Ling's mother were arrested and shot to death

Chapter 346 Ling's father and Ling's mother were arrested and shot to death (second update)

Looking at the Ling family that was razed to the ground, the woman received some news in her earphones. Instead of confirming Ling Huohuo's life and death, she quickly got on a nearby motorcycle and drove away.

A ball of flames slowly condensed on a house opposite the Ling family.

Ling Huohuo appeared again, and looked at the back of the woman leaving in the dust, showing a meaningful smile.

"Did Nightmare catch up?"

"I have already caught up." The ice and snow fell, and Hongshuang appeared behind Ling Huohuo. At this time, she was wearing a secretary's outfit, the buttons on her chest were not fastened, revealing a gully, wearing glasses, licking her lips, Very tempting.

Ling Huohuo nodded calmly, hung the pan in his hand behind his waist to protect his butt, threw the lid of the pan on his head to the house under his feet, and looked in the direction of his home.

The two explosions just now attracted the surrounding neighbors, and the police arrived slowly.

"Let's go."


"you guess."


Hongshuang twitched the corner of her mouth, if she couldn't beat Ling Huohuo, she would definitely freeze Ling Huohuo into a popsicle.


Fortunately, Ling Huohuo had his mobile phone with him, and he quickly got in touch with Ling Tian, ​​and they would be together. Although they were a little shocked, no one was injured.

Fortunately, Happy had gone out to hook up with the little bitch early on, so he escaped the disaster.

When Ling Huohuo found it, it was feeling the depth of the little bitch in the park, which was unbearable to look at.

On the other side, the goldfinch also came back with Qingmianniao and Sansuniao to release the wind, and found that the house was in ruins. Huohuo, but they didn't follow Ling Huohuo, but hid in the small world.

The home was destroyed, Ling Huohuo and Ling Tian followed the three of them into the car to the capital. The three of them came by car, and their base was in the capital.

Ling Huohuo and Ling Tian didn't have anything to prepare, because the whole house exploded, and according to the news, nothing was left behind.

Fortunately, Ling Tian was wearing a small shirt and jeans, but no shoes, and Ling Huohuo was not only without shoes, but was also wearing pajamas.

But the five of them didn't stay in Zhonghai City, and the other party is also in Zhonghai City now, fearing long nights and dreams, it's important to rush to the capital first.

And Ling Tian directly asked for annual leave with the company, and the house was blown up, so what work do you still have?

Stuffing Happy into the trunk, holding two boxes, the group started to rush to the capital, and Wang Changfeng drove.

Because of the news, the entire Zhonghai City now knows that Ling Huohuo's house was bombed, and the police are now looking for Ling Huohuo and the others.

Along the way, many people who recognized the people whose Ling family was bombed began to contact Ling Huohuo and Ling Tian. Ling Tian picked some people to reply, but only two people contacted Ling Huohuo.

One is Dongfang Shizuku, the representative of everyone in the NG company. Although they don't know the location of Ling Huohuo's house, Ling Huohuo's profile picture has been posted on the TV, and they all know it. Ling Huohuo and her reported a safe , and many of them said that if Ling Huohuo has no place to live, they can go to their house to live. Hearing this, Ling Huohuo almost couldn't help jumping out of the car and running back to Zhonghai City, but he held back under Ling Tian's strange eyes. , expressing with regret that he has somewhere to go.

And the other person who contacted Ling Huohuo was from the military.

As the major general of the country, Ling Huohuo has been secretly concerned about his residence. This incident has already reached the ears of the military bosses just after it happened. Someone went to bomb the home of the fifth-order strongman?I'm afraid it's not boring?They still don't know that Ling Huohuo has broken through to the sixth level.

However, they still came to inquire according to the regulations.

Ling Huohuo didn't talk to them, but sent a message.

Describe the appearance of that woman, and hope that the country will also help find clues about her.

However, the reason behind it was not disclosed to the military. Otherwise, with the tomb robbery of Ling's father and Ling's mother, they would definitely be sent to prison as soon as they were found and sentenced to life imprisonment. Although Ling Huohuo belonged to the military people, but they have not yet achieved the consciousness of killing relatives with righteousness.

On the other hand, the state has also suppressed this matter. After all, this matter involves Ling Huohuo, a person with a special identity and strong strength, and needs to be treated with caution. Therefore, in the afternoon, the news in Zhonghai City It is time to report that this is a gas explosion, reminding the public that when a gas leaks, never smoke a cigarette to calm down first, and then start to popularize the prevention and self-rescue methods of gas leaks, and never mention the Lingjia explosion.

Ling Huohuo himself doesn't have many friends. As for the others, either they don't know about it yet, or like Xiao Yunyun, they are no longer in the country.

It was more than ten hours, the journey was safe, and it was already early morning when everyone arrived in the capital.

Without stopping, the five went directly to the base of the three of them.

It is said to be a base, but it is actually a house in the suburbs. It is said that this house was bought by Ling's father and Ling's mother.

It is very quiet here, and there are not many people around, which is convenient for them to move around. At the same time, the security of the house is also very good, and the formation protection left by Ling's father and Ling's mother can be said to be very safe, at least there is no need to worry about being neutralized.

Looking at the house, Ling Huohuo and Ling Tian glanced at each other, this is not a base, this is obviously a villa!Even the decoration is better than your own home!

Is this the rhythm of setting up a home outside?If there hadn't been this incident, Ling Tian and Ling Huohuo even wondered if those two would bring back another younger brother in a few years?
Entering the villa, Ling Huohuo and Ling Tian's eyes were almost blinded by the shaking.

As soon as they entered the villa, they were full of antiques, randomly placed. Although the two did not know each other, they could still tell that these were definitely valuable. Then, among the pile of antiques, the two saw two terracotta warriors... When he was caught, he didn't even have life imprisonment, he was shot directly!

There are a lot of rooms in the villa, and the quilts are all complete, and they still have private bathrooms. Ling Huohuo and Ling Tian chose a room on the second floor, and fell asleep, and the three of them also returned to their own. In the room, two boxes were put into the safe, and Happy was kept outside the safe.

However, after closing the door, Ling Huohuo and Ling Tian tacitly used the method of soundproofing the room together.

Hongshuang appeared behind Ling Huohuo again, still dressed as a secretary.

"How?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"Nightmare has entered the opponent's base. The opponent seems to be a large organization. Most of the members wear black robes. They call themselves the Black Moon Organization. That's all there is for the time being." Hongshuang said.

"Well, continue to inquire about the news, tell the nightmare, and pay attention to safety."

"Do not worry."

Nightmare is a kind of monster that wanders in dreams. It can be attached to the shadows, and it can't be sensed when it is inactive.

"The other party seems difficult to deal with, this time you guys follow secretly." Ling Huohuo said.



"What's wrong? General." Hongshuang asked.

"I'm going to take a bath, don't you avoid it?" Ling Huohuo raised his eyebrows.

Hongshuang licked her lips and opened her chest a little.

"Let the little girl help the general wash it, I can still..."

Without continuing to pay attention to Hongshuang, Ling Huohuo closed the door of the bathroom. Ling Huohuo knew what the monster said, so he just listened to it and couldn't be it.

Ling Huohuo felt that after getting acquainted with this group of monsters, it became easier and easier to tease him. Are all monsters so boring now?
"Tch, the general is getting more and more boring."

Hongshuang said something unhappily, and it turned into snowflakes and disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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