The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 348 I'm going to buy some oranges

Chapter 348 I'm going to buy some oranges (one more)
It wasn't the first time Ling Huohuo had visited the shopping mall in Beijing, but it was the first time he had visited such a high-end shopping mall in pajamas and flip-flops.

Ling Huohuo didn't look for a nearby shopping mall, but went directly to the capital square in the city center, and went straight to the top floor without hesitation.

In fact, there are clothes in Ling Huohuo's small world, but today's shopping is not a whim, but has other purposes.

"Isn't it a bit expensive here?" Yang Ling'er looked at the specialty stores around and said.

As a woman, she often goes out to buy clothes, but she knows the prices here.

And Hu Han and Wang Changfeng also know this place, as the largest and most prosperous high-end specialty store in Beijing, they still know it.

Everyone went shopping together when shopping in the mall today, while Happy stayed to watch the house, and Hu Han and Wang Changfeng each carried two boxes behind their backs.

Ling Tian smiled, he was also wearing a pair of slippers.

If he spends his own money, he really can't afford it. All his savings may be enough to buy a pair of shoes here, but if Eisfeldt and the others spend money, Ling Tian Gan patted his chest to assure that his name would be posted here tonight.

However, Ling Tian would not easily spend Eisfeldt's money if it was not necessary.

Ling Huohuo didn't care. When he was in the capital, Xiao Yunyun would take him out every time he went shopping, and Xiao Yunyun would not buy cheap clothes. Although Xiao Yunyun didn't have much pocket money before, he could still go here to buy some clothes. Fan, and since Xiao Yunyun became rich, he became more unscrupulous, and naturally only Ling Huohuo was with him every time.

Ling Huohuo knows the price here, but is Ling Huohuo a person short of money?
To put it bluntly, besides this place, Ling Huohuo really doesn't know any other shopping malls in Beijing where he can buy clothes, because he and Xiao Yunyun have been shopping here.

And ever since Ling Tian found out about his wealth, Ling Huo never cheated on Ling Tian and Ling Miao again.

Ignore the strange looks from the salespersons.

Ling Huohuo ordered two clothes at random, tried them on, and they were just right.

Although Ling Huohuo's red hair looks a little bad, but Ling Huohuo is not bad in the first place, and because of the awakening of blood, his figure has become better, and he has a strange temperament, wearing clothes on his body , the whole person has a new look and is extremely stylish.

Then Ling Huohuo put on his eyes, but he became more bookish.

After Ling Huohuo finished changing his clothes and came out, Hu Han and the three of them were stunned for a while, and Ling Tian also blinked, as if it was the first time he knew Ling Huohuo.

"Come on, this, this, this, wrap it all up for me, and swipe the card." Ling Huohuo threw out his black card with great pride, and Hu Han and the three were stunned.

Then Ling Huohuo asked about Ling Tian's size, and chose some clothes for Ling Tian, ​​Ling Tian accepted it calmly, anyway, he had all his clothes with him, and it happened that someone was buying clothes for him now.

"Wait, have you looked at the price?" Yang Ling'er asked suddenly, she just glanced at the price, and Yang Ling'er, who was looking at a bunch of zeros, was a little dizzy.

"Oh? Look at the price? Brother, I've never looked at the price when buying clothes!" Ling Huohuo tossed his red hair, and walked into another shoe store calmly.

"Bring me ten newest and most expensive shoes, one pair for one, size 42, by the way, brother, what size are your shoes?"

"43." Ling Tian was taller than Ling Huohuo, and his shoes were bigger than Ling Huohuo.

"Ten more pairs of 43's, just swipe your card."

In Ling Huohuo's attitude full of nouveau riche, he finally finished shopping for clothes.

And although he also wanted to buy some clothes for the three of Hu Han, they all refused.

For Ling Huohuo's expenses just now, how many things did they have to dig underground to come up to spend so much?

The three people who were frightened did not dare to accept Ling Huohuo's things.

"Brother, is he always like this?" Yang Ling'er asked Ling Tian, ​​holding her back.

"Uh... I don't know, he usually does online shopping." Ling Tian thought for a while and said.

The three of them looked at each other, and it turned out that Ling Huohuo was the boss.

After leaving the shopping mall, Ling Huohuo looked around naturally, his eyes lit up.

"Stand here, don't move around, I'm going to buy some oranges."


Ling Huohuo walked into a fruit supermarket by himself, and the boss was unexpectedly a coquettish-looking woman. Seeing Ling Huohuo walking in wearing a famous brand, his eyes lit up.

"Boss, here are two catties of oranges." Ling Huohuo walked up to the female boss and said with a smile.

"Choose by yourself, over there, you want to choose with others?" The woman said with a smile, one hand slipped across the back of Ling Huohuo's hand, and she licked her lips, looking extremely tempting.

The appearance of the female boss made the men around her swallow their saliva and arch their waists.

Ling Huohuo didn't dodge, but took the initiative to grab the female boss's hand and scratched her palm.

"I wish I could, but I want to taste your two big oranges." Ling Huohuo said while staring at the female boss's chest.

The female boss smiled and withdrew her hand.

"By the way, a new batch of oranges came in today. They are in the back warehouse. They can't move them alone. Come and help them."


"Xiaojie, come here and help me look at it for a while." The female boss said to a shop assistant.

"Okay, boss." The clerk ran over and said with a smile, as if he didn't feel anything about the matter between Ling Huohuo and the female boss.

Then, the female boss led Ling Huohuo through a door to the back warehouse, causing the surrounding men to howl.

When Ling Huohuo and the female boss arrived at the warehouse, nothing interesting happened.

The female boss changed her coquettish look to a serious one.

Stand at attention and salute.

"Commissioner Firefox reports to Major General Ling!"

"It's okay, there's no need to do this." Ling Huohuo smiled and rubbed his face.

This is the main purpose of Ling Huohuo's shopping this time.

The enemy has guns and all kinds of high technology. Although Ling Huohuo has strength, he is not omnipotent, so he must make some preparations first, so he ordered some things in the military area.

"I didn't expect that the person who was sent to connect with me turned out to be a beautiful woman."

"I didn't expect Young Master Ling to be so high-profile."

High-profile refers to Ling Huohuo's attire. People in top brands come to visit the nearby fruit supermarket, which is indeed very high-profile.

Ling Huohuo twitched the corners of his mouth, it was really powerful, and he didn't suffer at all from his mouth.

"It's really weird who made up these joint conversations."

"Military secrets, no comment." Firefox looked serious.


Although the fire fox looks like an ordinary person, according to the information obtained by Ling Huohuo, this fire fox has a third-level strength, and now he can pretend to be an ordinary person without any flaws. It can only be said that the other party's methods are superb.

In this meeting, the conversation between the two is the secret code for the meeting arranged before, and the clerks outside are also people from the military area in disguise, and another layer of identification is when Ling Huohuo and Firefox's hands touch each other. Fire symbol drawn in Firefox palm.

"Okay, let's see what I want first."

"Okay, Major General Ling, please come here."

Firefox stepped aside and moved away two boxes of oranges. Her strength was not small.

Opening a box of oranges sitting in the corner reveals its contents.

(End of this chapter)

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