The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 349 Remembering the humiliation of that day...

Chapter 349 Remembering the humiliation of that day... ([-] more)

Power fascinates people, and absolute power represents absolute right to speak. However, sometimes, we have to admit that the role of tools is really great, and in modern society, technology is the primary productive force.

"Camouflage armor, wearing it on the body can distort the light for a short time, achieving the effect of invisibility."

"Multi-purpose lenses, using nano-materials, not only can block bullets, but also have two functions of infrared and night vision."

"Close-fitting body armor, one-piece type, can cover all parts except the head, and is extremely thin, able to block the bullets of swords and powerful sniper guns."

"Two silver double eagle pistols, the clips can hold 100 bullets, without affecting the other structure of the pistol, the power is three times that of the ordinary Desert Eagle, the effective range is [-] meters, four clips are given, plus the original clip , a total of six magazines, and a set of pistol care fluid as a gift."

"Ten ordinary smoke grenades and ten grenades each, and a belt bag as a gift. Four grenades or four smoke grenades can be equipped in the waist bag."

"There are also some spy equipment, and a set of professional nursing equipment will be given as a gift. There are instructions for use inside."

Firefox took out some normal-looking daily necessities, including cameras, watches, eyeglass frames, lighters, rings, and belts.

"There are also nanofiber clothes, which are designed for outdoor sports and can resist ordinary swords."

Ling Huohuo picked up the clothes in the box, which looked like field clothes, no different from ordinary clothes.

"These are three bullets."

Firefox took out another box, and after opening it, bullets of three colors were neatly arranged in the box.

"The yellow ones are normal bullets, [-] rounds, the red electric shock paralysis bullets, [-] rounds, and the green ones are drug anesthesia bullets, [-] rounds. Two bullet bags are given as a gift."

Ling Huohuo took the box and it was quite heavy.

"This is all the things the major general wants, and a fake suitcase is also given as a gift, which can hold these things. As long as these things are packed in the suitcase, there is no problem passing the security check in China, but this box can only be used in China." Firefox He took a step back and said.

Looking at the equipment lying all over the floor, Ling Huohuo suddenly had the feeling that he was shopping with an arms dealer, and... what the hell is the gift?Is there a gift for buying things in the military area?Is that when there is still a discount?Buy two get one free?
But don't be in vain.

Ling Huohuo quickly packed up the things on the ground, and finally put all the things into the suitcase. These equipments have been learned during the training in the military area. Although they are not proficient, they are limited to simple use, and shooting, Ling Huohuo remembered that his shooting distance without missing the target was ten meters, and this pistol with an effective range of 100 meters was enough, and because of this, Ling Huohuo did not buy other guns.

Although the suitcase looks like an ordinary suitcase on the outside, it has a metal structure inside, and there are fingerprints and combination locks. After opening, the inside is divided into many small parts, which are used to store things in different categories.

Therefore, the quality of the box is also very high, but this weight is not difficult for Ling Huohuo.

Send the crate into the small world.

"Thank you."

"The major general is polite."

"Okay, I'll go first."

"and many more."


"Your orange."

"It's your orange."


Finally, Ling Huohuo walked out of the store with a bag of oranges.

Since then, no one has seen the proprietress of this store again, and the store was sold to someone else two months later.


Ling Huohuo and his party quickly returned to the base. After packing up everything, Ling Huohuo once again lived a life of salted fish.

Ling Tian followed Hu Han and the others to practice, and everything seemed to be peaceful.

Until that day, looking at the base that was bombed into the sky, the five of them remembered again the humiliation of being chased and shot by that woman...

Ling Huohuo was still in pajamas, Ling Tian was still without shoes, Hu Han and the others were still uninjured, and Happy was still looking for the little bitch nearby, but the difference was that the other party snatched both boxes this time.

The scene was eerily quiet for a moment.

A week after the Ling family was bombed, the base was also found by the other party, and the entire base was taken away.

Fortunately, those antiques were transferred by Wang Changfeng during this time.

However, this is not the point, the point is that the other party took the safe with the box away!
This time, after the other party found Ling Huohuo and his party, it wasn't the woman who rushed in carrying the RPG, but... the woman rushed in with a group of strong men carrying the RPG.

Moreover, the other side also has people like warlocks, the security and protective formations are of no use at all, the network has also been hacked by the other side, and all the cameras are on strike.

The three of Hu Han who didn't react could only grab their newspapers and run out in a hurry, while Ling Huohuo and Ling Tian pretended to be afraid and ran out. In fact, Ling Huohuo seemed to run away after changing clothes at first, but The woman seemed to be eyeing Ling Huohuo, and rushed into Ling Huohuo's room with a knife in hand, and Ling Huohuo had only half taken off her pajama pants.

In order to hide his strength, in the end, Ling Huohuo could only run through the window in his pajamas.

In fact, the reason why Ling Huohuo allowed this group of people so much was because the nightmare sent back some interesting news.

The Black Moon organization is collecting this silver box. There are already nine similar boxes in the base of the Black Moon organization. The patterns on the boxes are: rat, tiger, rabbit, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, chicken , dog, plus the ox and dragon on my side, plus a pig, isn't it the zodiac?
Ling Huohuo really wanted to know what these boxes were for, so he indulged this group of people.

Moreover, the pig hadn't been found yet, and Ling Huohuo also knew where all the boxes were placed. After secretly observing and figuring out the use of these boxes, he went to take the base one by one, which was really flattering.

"What should we do now?" Wang Changfeng asked.

"Eh...the boxes are gone, let's go." Ling Huohuo waved his hand.

Ling Tian nodded, he also wanted to leave by himself, find his own demon general and carry out his own plan, what Ling Huohuo said was exactly what he wanted.

"Actually, it's not impossible." Hu Han said suddenly.

"Huh?" Everyone looked at him.

"In order to prevent the box from being snatched away, I made some manipulations and feet on the box, and affixed a miniature transmitter. The transmitter cannot be detected by ordinary detection methods."

Everyone was surprised.

"You still have this kind of high-end equipment?" Ling Huohuo asked in surprise.

"Um." Hu Han, who was stared at by everyone, scratched his head, "Actually, it's the first time I've used this thing, and I found it in the base's arsenal."

Hu Han took out his computer and clicked a few times.

A map of Huaxia appeared on the screen, and a small light spot was moving westward.

"This is the transmitter." Hu Han pointed to the little light spot and said.

"If you go in this direction... you will end up here, Tibet!"

Ling Huohuo raised his eyebrows, Black Moon's base doesn't seem to be in Tibet, does it?

(End of this chapter)

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