The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 350 3 Wunan Has Seen Through Everything...

Chapter 350 Three No Men Have Seen Through Everything... (Third)

Although the weather in Foshan was hot, what made it even hotter was the cheers of the people.

At the Foshan Stadium, this battle is being staged at this time.

The National Youth Martial Arts Autumn Tournament is in full swing, and what is currently going on is a swordsmanship competition.

There is no distinction between men and women in this swordsmanship competition, and all the participants are the top three in each provincial competition.

In this competition, the two girls are eye-catching.

A girl known as the Queen of Swords——Lu Sisi.

She comes from a family of martial arts, and her parents are seniors with high status in the martial arts circle. Even friends from abroad (Kentaro) have heard of their fame and come to learn from them.

The main inheritance of the Lu family is sword, palm, and boxing. However, her father practiced boxing, and her mother practiced palm. It is said that she only started practicing swords this year. , not even a teacher, can achieve today's achievements, one can imagine her talent in swordsmanship.

According to her own words, there is an expert behind her back who taught her from scratch.

Everyone guessed which swordsmanship master that expert was.

In this competition, she defeated her opponent with absolute strength in the battle, and won one victory after another. During the battle, she had a cold look and sharp eyes (in the state of using the sharp sword intent), plus With her heroic spirit and beautiful appearance, she finally won the title of "Queen of Swords".

And it is said that she secretly rejected many seniors' letters of accepting apprentices, and even defeated several seniors before calming down the storm of accepting apprentices. The "Female Sword Emperor" deserves her name.

The other is also a young girl, known as "Ancient Sword" - Hua Xiaoyu.

A daughter of the direct line from the Hua family of an ancient martial arts family, the main practice in her family is swordsmanship. Many seniors call swordsmanship "the style of the ancients".

Different eras have different sword techniques, but Hua Xiaoyu's sword techniques are actually those of ancient warriors! The "Ancient Sword Technique" is better at attacking, because that is the sword technique for killing people!

Hua Xiaoyu also used the "Ancient Sword Technique" to defeat enemies one by one with absolute advantage.

And her cute looks also attracted a large number of fans.

However, it is said that in a national competition in Beijing, Hua Xiaoyu narrowly defeated Lu Sisi and won the runner-up, and then practiced in seclusion. The gossip said that she ran away from home, but this is not important. Her swordsmanship became the "Ancient Swordsmanship" and became a blockbuster.

This also made everyone guess whether Hua Xiaoyu also worshiped a senior expert who is good at ancient swordsmanship as a teacher.

Before this competition, he made a bold statement that he wanted to defeat the "Female Sword Emperor", and he would be ashamed.

Everyone is also secretly looking forward to what kind of sparks will erupt when these two meet again.

However, the two are not in the same group. If they want to meet, they can only wait until the decisive battle.

And based on the strength displayed by the two, if there is no accident, the champion of this competition will be born between the two.


Lu Sisi cut off the long sword in the opponent's hand with one sword, retracted the long sword, ignored the bewildered gaze of the opponent, turned around and floated away.

"Here it is, it's the 'Broken Sword Style' of the 'Female Sword Emperor'! The winner of this match is the 'Female Sword Emperor' Lu Sisi! Let us give tearful applause to the 'Female Sword Emperor' and congratulate her on her thirteenth victory. The impressive results of the winning streak advanced to the final!" The supporter shouted excitedly, pulling his neck, and it seemed that it would pass at any moment.

The auditorium below also burst into warm applause and cheers.

"The title of 'Female Sword Emperor' is so shameful!" Lu Sisi, who returned to the lounge, covered her face with a helpless expression. The reason why she didn't want to stay longer was because the title of "Female Sword Emperor" was simply too shameful. The first time she heard someone shout, she would get goose bumps all over her body.

But what she didn't know was that her posture also made others see her as aloof, thinking that this was the arrogance that a "female sword emperor" should have. She became the girl of her dreams.

At this time, Father Lu and Mother Lu came in with a group of disciples and Jian Taro.

"Sisi, congratulations, you did a good job." Father Lu said with a grin.

"Take a good rest. Tomorrow is the final, so adjust your condition." Mother Lu said.

"Junior Sister, do you have anything to eat, let's buy it for you!" said the senior brother, patting his chest.

The disciples were also very excited.

Only Kentaro smiled.

"Okay, stop making trouble, prepare well, it's not too late to celebrate after winning the championship!" Mother Lu said.

"Yes, I have a feeling that Lao Ling always brags to me about how good his three sons are, saying that my woman is not good enough for his sons. This time our 'Female Sword Emperor' makes that Ling Huohuo unable to climb up , at least we can’t beat us, haha..." Father Lu laughed happily.

"Dad, what are you talking about!" Lu Sisi's face turned red, but she knew that her parents never forgot her and Ling Huohuo's baby, and as for Ling Huohuo, she couldn't beat Ling Huohuo... tied her parents together He might not be able to beat Ling Huohuo!What a shame!

Everyone quarreled for a while, Lu's father asked Lu Sisi and everyone to go back to rest, while he and Lu's mother returned to the arena, watching the game below, the match was Hua Xiaoyu.

"Did you feel it?" Father Lu said.

"Well, it's true, this Hua Xiaoyu is only one step away from the realm of the extraordinary." Lu Mu said.

"Moreover, there are external forces helping her, but it seems to be her own power, which is really weird." Father Lu said.

"What are you afraid of? Do you think that the sharp sword intent comprehended by our daughter will lose to this empty 'ancient sword'?"

"Haha, how is it possible, Wu Zhidao, relying on foreign objects is difficult to get into the elegant hall, after all, he is not far behind!" Father Lu laughed.

"Let's go."

After speaking, the two turned and left the arena.

In the auditorium, little Lolita looked thoughtfully at the backs of Lu's father and Lu's mother.

"What's the matter? My lord won! Smile!" The long-haired man pushed the little loli.

"Hehe, so what if we win? Tomorrow, we will meet that Lu Sisi who defeated him."

"So what, let me tell you, although my lord has only mastered a rough idea of ​​my ancient swordsmanship, it's not something that an ordinary person like Lu Sisi can handle!" the long-haired man said proudly.

"I'm afraid you are overconfident. Don't forget that Lu Sisi is the person next to Ling Huohuo. Ling Huohuo is the one who uses swordsmanship, and watching the competition during this time, I found that Lu Sisi's sword is a bit weird. It is enough to open the opponent's sword, but the success rate of her splitting the opponent's sword is too high. A sword made of the same material, why is her quality better? Haven't you noticed that Lu Sisi has a very sharp Willpower?" Little Loli couldn't help but strike.

"Um, then I secretly help my master?"

"Farewell, even if Hua Xiaoyu wins, she won't be happy. Although she is very naughty, she is arrogant in her heart. Otherwise, she wouldn't run away from home just because she lost to Lu Sisi once, and go to find Lu Sisi to become stronger." If she is not so arrogant and always wants to succeed by her own efforts, wouldn't it be easier to use her family's resources?"

"Okay." The long-haired man was a little frustrated.

In fact, little Lolita still has another consideration, that is, those two people just gave her a very dangerous feeling. If she remembers correctly, those two people are Lu Sisi's parents.

"Really, I really don't know why I want to watch such a boring game with you, wouldn't it be better to find my coffin board?"

"Who are we friends?" The long-haired man said with a smile.


Little Loli stepped on the long-haired man's foot, and the long-haired man cried out in pain and knelt on it.

On the other side, San Wunan calmly ate shredded squid, as if he had seen through everything...

(End of this chapter)

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