The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 354 Ancient City in the Mountain

Chapter 354 Ancient City in the Mountain (Part [-])
"Did you feel the vibration?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"It's a little bit." Hu Han nodded.

"Is there an avalanche?"

"No way."

The vibration continued, and it became more and more intense, and ice scum had already begun to fall down, hitting the heads of several people.

"Didn't you feel the sound of an explosion in your head?" Ling Tian said.


"In other words, they won't find out where we are, so prepare to blow up the top." Ling Tian continued, although the tone was speculative, but based on his perception, she has already seen that this matter is not possible, but is happening. occur.

"Crazy!" Yang Ling'er cursed.

Using bombs on snowy mountains, I am afraid I am not out of my mind, the vibration and echo caused will definitely cause an avalanche!At that time, everyone will have to be buried below. In the face of natural disasters, it will be difficult for personal strength to deal with it!
"What should I do?" At this moment, several people panicked.

"Can you still walk through the glacier?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"The time is running out, and we are walking through the glacier. The vibration caused by the bomb will cause us a lot of damage. We can only die." Wang Changfeng shook his head.

Many times, not so many people were killed by the bomb explosion, but many were killed by the shock wave generated by the bomb explosion, not to mention walking through the surrounding underground at this time, do you feel that your head is hard?It is possible to be shaken to pieces.

"No, there is still a chance. Let's go straight down! It's far away from the vibration. If you don't have time to use the Earth Escape Technique, use the Earth Travel Talisman directly. Everyone, bring a few more Earth Travel Talismans. After we get out of the vibration, we will walk to both sides."

Yang Linger suddenly said, if there is no further action, if they continue to be trapped here, everyone will not be able to escape the fate of being bombed or blocked.

"That's the only way." Wang Changfeng took out all the land talismans and started distributing them, exactly five per person.

"Remember, a ground-moving talisman can only sneak 200 meters underground. When the ground-moving talisman is about to expire, you will feel a sense of oppression. At this time, you must use another ground-moving talisman in time, otherwise you will be squeezed." Pressed to death, before all the land-moving talismans are used up, you must leave the underground, and gather at the foot of the mountain after leaving the underground." Wang Changfeng explained, in fact, mainly to explain to Ling Huohuo, after all, only Ling Huohuo is a "student". .

Several people wear dimension tables on their hands, and they can know the three-dimensionality of their location, so they don't have to worry about getting lost on the ground.

When they were ready, the five of them affixed the Landline Talisman on their bodies.

The first time he used the earth talisman, Ling Huohuo felt a force of earth attribute wrapping him, and then, with a thought, his body began to sink rapidly without resistance, and soon sank more than 100 meters. The vibration was almost undetectable, but to be on the safe side, Ling Huohuo continued to sink, and when he reached the limit of 200 meters, Ling Huohuo was about to use the ground movement talisman. However, at this time, Ling Huohuo only felt that his feet were empty...

Whoops, Ling Huohuo fell down, is the bottom empty? !

But the height is not high, only three or four meters. Ling Huohuo quickly sat on the ground, and his butt hurts a bit from the stone on the ground. Wait, stone?

What Ling Huohuo was walking through just now were all glaciers, did it reach the surface of the mountain?

When Ling Huohuo circulated his aura and looked around, he was so shocked that he couldn't speak for a long time.

Before Ling Huohuo could react, a few bangs brought Ling Huohuo back to his senses, and he turned his head to look, hehe, isn't this Wang Changfeng and his elder brother?

Ling Huohuo hurriedly took out the flashlight and pointed it in the direction of the two of them. Although it was only three or four meters away, he fell suddenly without any preparation. It also "recovered" shortly after.

During the recovery time, Hu Han and Yang Linger also fell, but Yang Linger was fine, but Hu Han was miserable, because Yang Linger fell on Hu Han's body...

Seeing that Ling Huohuo didn't doubt himself, Ling Tian secretly smiled triumphantly, acting?Simple!As long as you stare at Wang Changfeng, you will be in whatever state he is.

For a moment, Ling Tian felt that the Demon World owed him an Oscar.

But after several people recovered and saw their surroundings clearly through the flashlight and fluorescent sticks, it was difficult for them to calm down for a long time.

Because, there is an ancient city under the glacier!
At this moment, the few of them were on the platform of a tall tower in the ancient city, which happened to overlook the entire ancient city.

Although it is difficult to see the entire ancient city with a few beams of lights, it is surprising just to see the leopard through the tube. Ling Huohuo can have night vision, and the impact received is even greater. Although Ling Tian can also night vision, but not It is rare for other people to be impacted, but it is more common for Ling Tian to see a city of this size.

Taking advantage of the few people around who didn't react, Ling Tian bounced a purple energy ball behind him, and the energy ball disappeared, while Ling Huohuo seemed to have sensed something, looked behind him suspiciously, and found that there was nothing there. Turned his head again.

"Eight hundred, did you feel anything just now?"

"Nothing, what's the sense?" Babai asked suspiciously.

"That's it." Ling Huohuo frowned. It shouldn't be. It stands to reason that people in their own realm should not have illusions, but Babai didn't find anything. It shouldn't be able to lie to me. What is it? what happened?

"Let's find an opportunity to contact Hongshuang and the others first, and make arrangements early. Moreover, the group of people above will be coming down soon." Babai reminded.

"Hmm." Ling Huohuo nodded, and didn't bother with this matter anymore, he was confident in his own strength.

Ling Tian, ​​who observed that Ling Huohuo had returned to normal, was secretly relieved.

Although the energy ball he sent out just now was processed by special means, it will not produce power fluctuations, but it has the power of blood, and just now he forgot that there is another person with the same blood as himself beside him, and the development Ling Huohuo, who was taller than himself, although the speed of the energy ball was very fast, Ling Huohuo still sensed it. Fortunately, Ling Huohuo didn't think too much about it, and didn't pursue it too much.

"What should we do next?" Ling Tian hurriedly raised the topic and diverted everyone's attention.

"Since we're here, we must explore to see if there are any treasures. Oh no, it's an antique. This may be another big discovery. When Master and Master's wife come back, they will definitely be surprised." Yang Linger said.

Hu Han and Wang Changfeng nodded.

"I have no objection either, besides, that group of people may be coming down soon." Ling Huohuo pointed his finger.

"Okay, treasure hunting team, let's go!" Yang Linger shouted happily.


Outside Ang Longgang Sun Peak.

An ordinary truck was parked at the foot of the mountain, Jeffet Rose was reading the newspaper boredly, while Jill was watching Korean dramas.

"What kind of boring stuff do you like to watch?" Jeffet Rose couldn't help asking, Jill's hobbies are simply too strange, watching sad Korean dramas, Jill showed a very cool feeling instead, it was too much It's weird.

"You don't understand. The love and hatred between human beings are showing their ignorance. Ignorance makes human beings progress and pursue, and the truth pursued by ignorance will gain greater ignorance."

Jeffet Rose was silent for a while, continuing to read the newspaper.

"Boss, big brother, social society, but I really don't understand what you mean, I'd better continue reading my newspaper."

Jeffet Rose laughed at himself and shook his head. With so many years of understanding, I should have thought of it. I am a mentally retarded person who talked to you Jill. Maybe only the Lord can understand what Jill is talking about.

But Jill shrugged indifferently, you people just don't study much, maybe only the master who graduated from the Demon School in the same year as me can understand my noble thoughts.

At this time, a purple energy ball flew out of the mountain and appeared in front of the two of them.

Jeffet Rose's expression changed, he held the energy ball in his hand, a message appeared in his mind, and then he handed the energy ball to Jill.

Jill, who received the information from the energy ball, smiled, "As expected of the Lord, the plan is really far-reaching, I'm not as good as that."


Why do you still speak classical Chinese while watching Korean dramas?
Jeffet Rose got out of the car and patted the compartment.

"Get up and go to work."

As soon as the twenty figures in the carriage moved, they opened their eyes in unison, revealing a pair of purple circular eyes, emitting a faint purple light in the darkness.

(End of this chapter)

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