The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 355 The Statue of Fudo Myo at the Bottom of the Tower

Chapter 355 The Statue of Fudo Myo at the Bottom of the Tower (Part [-])
Ling Huohuo and his group walked down from the platform on the top of the tower.

Through the flashlight, everyone can only see a spiral downward staircase. There is a stone pillar in the middle of the tower. It is impossible to see the use of the tower, but the staircase is very wide, more than 20 meters wide.

"This tower may be a watchtower for sentry, and the structure here is very similar to most watchtowers." Hu Han guessed.

"But the stairs of the watchtower can't be so wide. Generally speaking, the stairs of the watchtower are only enough for one or two people to pass through, and the stairs here are too wide." Yang Linger said with a frown.

"Let's go down and have a look first." Wang Changfeng said.

Ling Tian and Ling Huohuo followed behind the three of them, walking down slowly.

The interior of the tower was dry and equally lifeless, pitch black.

Through the light of the flashlight, Ling Huohuo found that there was no sign of weathering inside the tower, and the stone wall felt dry to the touch.

Walking quietly, the footsteps of several people echoed in the tower.

After walking for about half an hour, several people were still in the tower and still hadn't reached the bottom of the tower.

Everyone suddenly felt that something was wrong.

"Don't you feel it's getting hotter and hotter here?" Ling Huohuo tugged at the neckline.

Because the inside of the tower is also very cold, several people are still wearing cotton clothes, but the further they go down, the higher the temperature, the heads of several people still start to sweat, and Ling Huohuo, who is very sensitive to the fire attribute, feels that the further down , the more fire attribute power in the tower, the more active it is.

"Indeed." Wang Changfeng looked at the temperature displayed on the watch, "The temperature here is more than 20 degrees higher than above."

Several people also opened their clothes to let in the air. As the clothes were opened, the heat dissipated, and everyone felt much more comfortable.

"Keep going down, there is only one way to go now, let's see what's down there." Ling Tian said, he was also curious about the things down there.

After walking for more than ten minutes, a red light began to appear in front of the stairs, and the stairs disappeared.

"Come on, we're at the bottom of the tower." Hu Han said excitedly.

The temperature where they are now is more than 30 degrees, and the cotton padded clothes have already been stuffed back into the backpacks by several people, but even those who like small shirts still feel very hot.

When the five people reached the bottom of the tower and saw the situation at the bottom of the tower, they were a little surprised.

There is a light source at the bottom of the tower, and the light is not weak, but the light from the flashlight is a bit negligible.

At the bottom of the tower is a huge square. In the middle of the square stands a sculpture more than 30 meters high, and the light source is this sculpture.

The sculpture is carved lifelike. It is the image of Fudo Myoko. Fudo Myoko holds a sword in one hand and a whip in the other. He wears a fire dragon on his body and fastens on his head. There are three small drum-like things floating behind him, who are glaring at him at this moment. , looking up at the top, there are many raised stones around Fudo Myoo, it looks like Fudo Myoo fell from the sky and smashed the ground.

Above Fudo Myoko is the stone pillar in the middle of the tower, and everyone discovered at this time that this stone pillar is actually hollow, and the top is pitch black, but under the red light of Fudo Myoko, they can see the stone pillar on the stone pillar. The hollow interior is actually engraved with many symbols, which look like words.

"It's Sanskrit." Hu Han said.

"I've seen this kind of text, but I don't know much about it. It takes some time to translate it if I want to know what it means." Hu Han took out his computer and began to scan the text above.

Yang Linger and Wang Changfeng looked around seriously. They were amazed by the glowing immovable statue and the peculiar structure of the tower, but the more strange the situation they encountered, the less they could act rashly. One bad thing is to bring the whole team into a desperate situation.

Ling Tian's eyes glowed with purple light, he began to scan his surroundings, and finally his eyes fell on the statue of Fudo Mingo, his eyes moved.

"Alive? Interesting."

As for Ling Huohuo, from the moment he entered here, he stared in the direction of Fudo Mingwang's statue, squinting his eyes.

At this time, Ling Huohuo felt a longing in the depths of his soul.

It is a desire that forces attract each other!

"How is this going?"

"It should be that the fire attribute of that statue and your fire attribute are attracted to each other." Yabai said, "If you can match the strength of that statue, you will naturally attract each other."

"Attract? Match?"

"That's right, many forces cannot exist alone, and must be interdependent with other forces. You should take a closer look at that statue first."

Ling Huohuo ran the "Sword Code", gathering the power to his eyes, and Fudo Mingwang's image changed in Ling Huohuo's sight.

It is no longer a stone statue, but an image of Fudo Myo-oh composed of power. The power shrinks and rises, as if the heart is beating.

"This is..." Ling Huohuo's eyes widened.

"That statue is alive!" Yabai said.


"That's right, if I'm not mistaken, that statue is a spirit body, normally speaking."

"Spiritual body?"

"Do you still remember those wandering spirits I saw in the Qunying Building in the capital?"

"The spirit body is a wandering soul?"

"It is an advanced product of wandering souls. Ordinary people die, and there are no special circumstances. The soul will become a wandering soul. After reaching the transformation state, the soul has undergone transformation. After death, it is no longer a pure wandering soul. , but can preserve memory and some power, such as the appearance of mandrill, which is generally called the soul, and if a person in the metamorphosis state abandons the body after death, and combines the soul with its own power, it will turn into a spirit body, Not only can it inherit all the power, but there will also be some wonderful changes."

"Is there such an operation?"

"Spiritual bodies are not unlimited. This world is not suitable for the survival of spirit bodies. Although there is more power in the atmosphere of this world, it is still not up to the standard for spirit bodies to live normally. If you transform into a spirit body in this world If you don't have a body, it will be difficult to survive, and your strength will not increase but will retreat."

Ling Huohuo nodded, "So that's the case, no wonder Mandrill didn't transform into a spirit body, or else I would be in danger at that time."

"However, it's not that there is no way to keep the spirit body in stock."

"What is it?"

"Possessed on the body of a host with the same attributes."

"Seize the house?"

"No, it's similar to a contract. The spirit body resides in the host's body and will not cause harm. Moreover, the power in the spirit body can subtly strengthen the host's strength, and the spirit body can also use the host to restore the power it consumes. Therefore, the spirit body will generally find a host with the same attributes as its own, and both sides can benefit. At the same time, the spirit body can also fight without the host without worrying about the power dissipation. , if after the death of the host, if the next generation host is not found within a short period of time, the speed of the spirit body dissipating will be even faster. Now this Fudo Mingo sealed himself in the stone statue to prevent the power from dissipating, but so many years have passed , he doesn't have much power left, and now he senses the fire attribute in your body to attract you."

Ling Huohuo looked at Fudo Ming Wang with a bit of jealousy, this is a ready-made thug of transformation!
"What? Want?"

"Hmm..." Ling Huohuo nodded hurriedly.

"Go, if he wants to go with you, he will naturally sign a contract with you."

Ling Huohuo swallowed, but still couldn't hold back the temptation, and took a step...

(End of this chapter)

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