The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 360 Monsters are people-eating~

Chapter 360 Monsters Can Eat People~ (Third)
A monster mist slowly drifted out from the ice cave above the ancient city, and finally fell to the ground, revealing Sakura and his party.

Behind the monsters was a group of women in leather clothes who were tied together, and the other was holding the rope that tied them.

At this moment, the woman in the leather jacket and the others hadn't realized what happened.

"You... what are you?" a team member asked cautiously.

"Us?" Yizi showed a wicked smile.

"We are monsters~" Half of Yizi's face returned to the appearance of a monster, with a ray of monster aura floating around, but soon returned to its original shape.

And the monsters in the front sensed the movement behind them, and they all turned their heads, revealing some of their own characteristics that were going to be bad, and they would go back to the same place again, ignoring the things behind them, and began to study the next plan. Losing contact, their actions cannot be too reckless.

At this time, the team members were already frightened by the fact of the monster and dared not speak.

After all, monsters are rare in China, and generally only exist in legends. Although the team members who have been performing missions in the local area have seen many bizarre things, this is the first time they have seen monsters. They have only heard how cruel monsters are. , is cannibalism!

The team members swallowed nervously.

"Um... do you eat people?" The team member asked carefully again, expressing everyone's aspirations.

"Don't worry, we won't touch you until the rations we brought with us have been eaten." Yizi said, in fact, since they were unblocked, they monsters haven't eaten anyone again. On the one hand, Ling Huohuo Restrictions, on the other hand, they found that most of the human bodies today are not as spiritual as the previous humans. They used to eat people mainly to plunder the spiritual energy in the human body, and only a few bloodthirsty monsters will be indiscriminate eat human.

However, there are too few auras in the modern human body, so they have cut human beings off their diet.

In fact, monsters are now eating human food.

Moreover, Ling Huohuo's monsters can also eat the meat from the other world, which is the real delicacy, and there is a lot of aura in it, which can not only strengthen the body, but also improve the strength, so every time I go to the other world, I am the most active It's the monsters.

However, the woman in leather and her team members don't know these things!

"Then how many days will your food last?" a team member asked in a low voice.

"Hmm..." Yizi pretended to think for a while, "About three days."


"Doesn't that mean we can live for three days?"

"Master Monster, human flesh is not tasty, we have been taking hormones since childhood!"

"I have hemorrhoids!"

Yizi smiled and looked at the wailing captives. In fact, as long as the monster is strong enough, it is okay to not eat. A monster like myself has been imprisoned for so many years, and it is still fine if it has not eaten.

"Don't worry, I will cut off what you can't eat, and you can eat the rest, but don't worry, we are not so barbaric, we don't eat raw, we will roast you again, but in order to keep fresh , I won’t kill you, just bake it directly, I have brought cumin and pepper powder.” Yizi said.

At this time, one of the team members saw Happy digging a hole happily, and his eyes lit up.

"By the way, isn't there a dog over there? You can eat dog meat first, and let me tell you, I roast dog meat as a thief."

Harpy raised his head when he heard the commotion, and stared straight at the team member who suggested roasting dog meat.


The team members felt a little terrified of being stared at by Happy.

Harpy let out a hideous grin.

"Sorry, I'm a monster too, the kind that eats raw food!"

As he spoke, Happy showed his teeth to them, licked them with his tongue, and walked gracefully towards that team member.

"Ha... the husky has spoken!"

The team member almost knelt down without being frightened, and the others looked at Happy with horror.

"Puppy dog, come here, we have something to do." Hongshuang shouted to Happy in the distance.

The look of Happy's "savage monster" instantly changed back to a silly and cute look.

"Okay, big sister."

Then he hurriedly ran towards Hongshuang.

Looking at the group of people who were glad to have escaped death, all of them showed disdainful smiles.

"Humans with fish lips~"

the other side.

Hongshuang patted Happy's dog's head.

"Puppy dog, look for the general's breath first." Hongshuang squatted down and patted Happy's dog's head with a smile, then stood up.

Happy moved his eyes away from Hongshuang's chest reluctantly, and almost touched it just now... But when the feeling of being frozen was heard, Happy shuddered, and hurriedly pretended to be innocent.

"Guaranteed to complete the mission!"

Then Happy began to bend down on the ground and sniff.

Although they have a faint connection with Ling Huohuo, they can only determine the approximate location. Not only is it dark here, but the buildings are also very complicated. It is difficult to find Ling Huohuo with eyes.

"I'm looking for a fight." Happy said suddenly.

"Which direction?" Big Tengu asked.


"Below?" Everyone was startled and hurriedly jumped away.

under?Isn't the general buried under the ruins?

"Isn't it right? I clearly feel that the general is in front." A monster said.

"Me too," another monster continued.

The monsters looked at Happy again.

"That's right, although the general is in the front, his aura leads to the bottom of the ruins, and I can still smell the stench of blood below." Happy said confidently.

The monsters thought about it.

"Do you think there will be a passage leading to the ground below, and the general is going through the passage below." Ling Yu'er said suddenly.

"And I feel that there is a lot of dust in the air here. This place should have collapsed later, and the passage was buried below." Big Tengu said with a hand clasped.

The monsters nodded, thinking that what they said made sense.

"Then shall we go forward or down?" Ling Yu'er asked.





The monsters all agreed downwards. The monsters rarely like to think. It’s not that they are stupid, but that the monsters talk about strength. If you come up with a hundred strategies, it’s better to go up and give the enemy a knife. It’s better here. The conclusions of the thinking Hongshuang and others can easily be unanimously agreed by everyone.

Moreover, in any case, as long as you follow the general's footsteps, there is absolutely nothing wrong.

As for the ruins, it has no effect on the monsters.

"Okay, then go down and dig a hole." Hongshuang said.

A monster whose body was a ground quiver directly recovered its body, which scared the woman in leather and her team members, thinking that the monster was going to eat people.

The ground mole is more than three meters long. It is khaki overall, with a soft body but hard hair. Its tail is not long. Its body is round and spherical. A monster known as the "scourge".

As the name suggests, the quake is good at digging holes, and its talent is to cause earthquakes. The fourth-order quake can trigger a fifth-order earthquake at most!
The quake swung its body, turned its head down, and began to dig a hole. Soon, a three-meter-wide hole appeared in front of the monsters.

Three meters long, three meters wide, spherical, nothing wrong with it.

"Let's follow along too." Hongshuang followed with the monsters, and Yizi also led the captured group to follow at the end.

The ruins were relatively thick, but as a small hole-puncher, the mole quickly penetrated the ruins and the surface.

Just when the ground quiver had just pierced through the ground, a strangely screaming bug-like creature suddenly fell into its mouth.

Molemouse smacked his lips.

Crisp, chicken flavor.

(End of this chapter)

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