Chapter 361 Central Sanctuary (Part [-])
Ling Huohuo did not follow the original plan to go to another exit to the surface, but went to the depths of the Rat Kingdom.

If the Caracal Rat Kingdom is not dealt with, sooner or later it will threaten Ling Tian and the others on the ground. It is better to deal with the Caracal Rat Kingdom down below.

But what Ling Huohuo didn't know was that the four of Ling Tian had just escaped from the group of ferocious rats and ascended to heaven.

"This direction is the direction leading to the central temple of Fire Source City." Fudo Myoko looked around and identified the direction.

"The Central Temple? What's that?" Ling Huohuo asked, and with a wave of his hand, he cleared an open space again, but the new caracal rats soon surrounded them again. Along the way, the number of caracal rats was terrifying. The strength of the Caracal Rat gets stronger as you go in. Now the second-tier Caracal Rat is not rare, and there are some third-tier Caracal Rat.

"The fire, wind, earth, and water clans guard the twelve sacred artifacts. In order to prevent people from stealing all the sacred artifacts at once, the four clans separated all the twelve sacred artifacts, and each clan guarded three pieces. The central sanctuary is the place where the Fire Clan placed the three sacred objects. It has a strong protective formation. I remember that in that disaster, although the sacred artifacts were finally taken away by the clansmen, because of the existence of the formation, the central sanctuary It is well preserved, but after so many years, the central temple may have lost its proper power." Fudo Myoko explained.

Ling Huohuo nodded.

"Also, I remember that the Central Temple also has a passage leading to the city on the ground." Fudo Myoko explained.

"Then go to the Central Temple to have a look." Ling Huohuo said.

The long swords in both hands danced, brought two flames, and rushed forward quickly, leaving only the charred carcass carcass on the ground, but the carcass carcass was quickly swallowed by other caracal rats, and then attacked again Xiang Ling Huo Huo.

Soon, Ling Huohuo stood at the door of a tomb. This tomb looked bigger than the others, and no caracal rats dared to approach it.

"This may be the residence of the rat king and the female rats. Other caracal rats are not allowed to approach." Fudo Mingwang explained.

Why are other caracal rats not allowed to approach?I am afraid that the mother mouse will have an affair, which is very common among animals.

In many animals, females use mating rights to dominate the group, and in a higher structure, strong males control females and mating rights, while other males can only be dominated by strong males.

These two racial structures also appeared in the evolution of human beings, one is called "matriarchal clan" and the other is called "autocratic rule", but the current human social structure is more advanced.

"The first caracal mouse to break through to the third level is usually the Shu King, but the strength of the Shu King is definitely not limited to the third level, and the strength of the Shu King also represents the strongest strength in the entire Caracal Mouse Kingdom. I haven't encountered it just now. There are quite a few of the third-rank Rats who have passed the fourth rank, so the strength of the Shu King is likely to be the fourth rank." Fudo Mingwang said.

"If the Mouse King really runs out, my elder brother and the others will be in trouble."

Ling Huohuo walked into the tomb, and the stone door of the tomb had been destroyed.

The tomb was very large and dark, but Ling Huohuo still saw a huge figure in the middle of the tomb, and a smaller figure around the tomb.

Ling Huohuo began to observe the surroundings.

Compared with the body of ordinary caracal rats, which are only one meter long, the mother rat's body is even bigger. It is more than five meters high. Got disgusted.

As for the rat king, it was even bigger. Roughly, it was 15 meters long and about seven or eight meters high, not counting the tail. It looked like a large caracal rat.

At this time, both the mouse king and the mouse mother are sleeping, and greater body weight means more consumption. Therefore, when food is in short supply, only dormancy can keep them alive. When it is time, it is the time for it to launch a rat wave.

Ling Huohuo clenched the sword in his hand.

"Then... just die in a deep sleep... cut!"

Cold light flashed.

The entire tomb fell into silence again.

Ling Huohuo appeared at the other end of the tomb, stood up, and took the long sword in his hand back to the small world.

Lifting his foot, Ling Huohuo took two steps and stood in the corner.

An inconspicuous sound appeared, followed by a second sound, and a third sound...

poof, poof, poof, poof...

Blood spurted from the rat king and the rat mothers, and the smell of blood permeated the entire tomb, and the position where Ling Huohuo stood was the blind spot where the blood sprayed, and no drop of blood sprayed on him.

In this way, Shu Wang and Shu Mu died in their sleep.

At the fifth level, killing the fourth level is the same as playing, not to mention that Ling Huohuo is now at the sixth level. Even if it is a simple slash, with the blessing of sword intent and sword energy, the mouse king and the mouse mother can only rush to the street.

Seeing that everything was over, Ling Huohuo smiled, and slashed Shu Wang's body with a sword out of thin air, and the sword energy flew out, splitting Shu King's body in half vertically.

Ling Huohuo squinted his eyes, and the flames in his hands seemed to come alive, turning into two big hands, grabbing back a ball in Shu King's abdomen and a diamond-shaped crystal on his head.

When he just killed the Shu King, he discovered that there were two different forces in the Shu King's body, which did not dissipate after the Shu King's death, so Ling Huohuo split the Shu King's body, unexpectedly, he actually gained something .

Ling Huohuo identified it, the ball is something similar to the demon pill, and it is the crystallization of power. Ling Huohuo also has it in his body after the bloodline awakens again, and he can spit it out and hold it in his mouth, just like a sugar ball.

As for using the demon core to fight, Ling Huohuo never thought about it. Using the demon core to fight is the last resort, the price is the whole body's demon power, and it will leave sequelae.

It's just that the ball in the Shu King's body is of the dark type, and Ling Huohuo even felt the lifeless energy on the ball!This is not what living creatures should have.

The relatively small amount of death energy will generally be dispelled by the vitality of the living creature, but if there is a lot of death energy, the vitality of the living creature will be swallowed instead, ranging from a serious illness to becoming a living dead or transforming into an undead creature .

And Yuyihu also has this kind of dead air, Ling Huohuo will not admit it wrong, although Yuyihu is still alive, but Yuyihu has also died many times, she has long been familiar with the dead air, and it has become her strength a part of.

But there seems to be nothing special about the Mouse King, right?So what's the matter with this death?

Ask Fudo Mingwang, Fudo Mingwang also doesn't know, never heard that there is death energy in the caracal rat's body.

At this time Ling Huohuo suddenly felt the commotion outside the tomb.

It seemed that the smell of blood wafted outside, making the hungry caracals a little commotion.

Without continuing to look at another diamond-shaped crystal, Ling Huohuo left the tomb through the nearby door.

After a while, without the suppression of the Shu King, the caracal rats all rushed into the tomb, feeling a little stunned by the death of the Shu King and the mouse mother, but it was only for a moment, let them eat!
Soon, the huge bodies of the rat king and the rat mothers were covered by rats.

(End of this chapter)

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