Chapter 362 Ah! ! ! (two more)
The four of Ling Tian hid behind the pillar and shivered. Of course, it was Hu Han and Wang Changfeng who were shaking. The reason why Ling Tian was shaking was because Wang Changfeng was hugging him.

Ling Tian lowered his head, looked at Wang Changfeng who was hugging him, and sighed.

"Can you get up first, you might as well think of a way to hug me like this." Ling Tian said helplessly.

"No." Wang Changfeng raised his head and glanced at Ling Tian, ​​then put his head on Ling Tian's chest again, and whispered, "I will feel safe holding you."

Ling Tian can guarantee that if Li Yinman hugged him like this and said these words, he would not leave even if the world ended tomorrow, but thinking of Wang Changfeng's stubbled face...

Ling Tian stuck Wang Changfeng's head into the gap of the ruins beside him, clapped his hands, and felt much more comfortable.

"Eldest son, can you do this? You don't coax others..." Wang Changfeng's voice came from the ruins.

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows, squatted down and took off one of Wang Changfeng's shoes.

"Hey hey...Eldest son, don't, don't touch there, you make people itchy..."

Pull Wang Changfeng out again.

"I knew... um..."

Stuffed Wang Changfeng's own sock into Wang Changfeng's mouth, and then stuck Wang Changfeng's head into the gap in the ruins again. This time it was much quieter, only the exposed body of Wang Changfeng twitched.

Ling Tian rubbed his nose, resumed his breathing, and rubbed his eyes, "It's a bit spicy."

"What should I do?" Hu Han looked desperate, and Yang Ling'er's expression was not very good.

It became like this when the four of them saw something under the hall.

Although it was just a quick glance, I could see a huge mouse-like monster under the hall. Fortunately, the monster was sleeping, otherwise it would be fun.

I thought I had arrived at a safe place, but I didn't expect to go directly to the boss' lair. No wonder the monsters outside dared not enter here. It turns out that there are more powerful ones here.

Those one-meter-long ones outside are hard to deal with, let alone this one here.

In the past, most of the people who went to the tomb saw zombies, traps, and poisonous insects, and they could be dealt with with some tricks, but why did they encounter such groups of monsters when they entered an ancient city this time?How did they survive?Could it be that there is something wrong with the way I came down today?

Looking at the two depressed mooders, Ling Tian sighed, if he was alone, he would have crushed it long ago.

But now that Ling Huohuo is not here, do you want to expose your strength?No, it’s better to act first, make a "temporary breakthrough" first, and then make something secretly later. Isn't there so many statues? Make yourself a powerful "patron saint left by the ancients", that's all Fuck, just perfect, I'm such a genius.

When Ling Tian was about to implement his plan, his expression changed, because he felt Ling Huohuo's existence underground.

After waiting for two seconds, there were a few puffs, and a faint smell of blood wafted in the air.


Is this useless to me?
Ling Tian blinked.

Hu Han and Yang Ling'er were trying to find a way, but they didn't notice the movement below. As for Wang Changfeng, he didn't even struggle now, and Ling Tian suspected that he had passed out.

Pulling Wang Changfeng out, sure enough, Wang Changfeng rolled his eyes.

"I told you to wash your socks, but you didn't listen, alas." Ling Tian shook his head.

At this time, a loud voice broke the calm.

"The sound came from underground." Yang Ling'er listened and said.

The three of Ling Tian looked at each other, threw away Wang Changfeng, and walked over with the flashlight and weapons.

When they reached the entrance of the cave, the three of them shone the light of the flashlight down together, and their scalps felt numb for a while.

I saw dense rat monsters surging below, as if they were scrambling for something.

"What about the big one?" Hu Han whispered.

"Below." Ling Tian pointed to the middle position, where the spit out part can still be seen, but it is disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"What's the situation?" Yang Ling'er was at a loss, where is the agreed big boss?How to let the little soldier be under the pressure.

"Let's see the situation." After a moment of silence, Ling Tian said, what else could he say?Do you want to tell others that the big monster has been killed by Ling Huohuo?

The riot of the underground caracal rats didn't last long. A few minutes later, when the rat king and the rat mother were completely eaten, the caracal rats began to circle around in place, and finally scattered around.

There are no females in the group of caracal rats, and the possibility of reproduction is lost. If there is no female rat in the catacomb, then when this generation of caracal rats dies, the entire caracal rats in the catacomb will perish.

As if knowing this, the caracal rats began to run deep into the ancient tomb, as if they were going to find a new female rat.

The migration time of the caracal rat troop was very long, more than ten minutes, and even the vibration of the ground could be felt on the surface. Hu Han and Yang Linger saw that their scalps were numb, and they couldn't help but push back. , then there is really no place to die.

After all the caracal rats left, only a mess remained in the entire tomb, and the ancient city and the underground tomb returned to a quiet state again.

Yang Ling'er walked carefully to the door of the main hall, looked out along the gap, and found that there was no mouse monster outside.

"They're all gone." Yang Ling'er turned her head and said to Ling Tian and the two of them.

Da da da……

Suddenly, a rattling sound came from the ground.

Hu Han and Yang Ling'er froze and looked down nervously, while Ling Tian curled up his lips.

A black shadow appeared on the ground, and the strong flashlights in the hands of Hu Han and Yang Linger shone on the shadow at the same time.

"Ah!" Black Shadow exclaimed.

"Ah!!" As the black shadow exclaimed, Hu Han and Yang Ling'er, who were already tense, also cried out in fright.

"Ah!!!!" On the other side, Wang Changfeng, who was in a coma, was startled awake by the screams, and also screamed.

Ling Tian calmly plugged his ears.

After half a minute, Hu Han and Yang Ling'er's shouts stopped, because they could clearly see the shadow below.

"Ling Huohuo??!" Hu Han and Yang Ling'er exclaimed.

"Yes, it's me." Ling Huohuo below nodded hastily. Although Ling Huohuo was still wearing the clothes at this time, compared with before, the clothes were a little dirty and there was a lot of dust on his face. A lot of suffering.

"Ling Huohuo, why are you here?" Hu Han asked.

"Didn't I go down from the hole over there to the ground? I walked along the passage and met many mouse-like monsters. Fortunately, they had no eyes, so I hid aside. I didn't know why they started Riot, I just followed."

"So that's the case, eh? Why are you talking with your eyes closed?" Yang Linger asked curiously.

"Uh... you guys turn off the strong flashlight first." Ling Huohuo said with the corners of his mouth twitching.

Hu Han and Yang Linger were a little embarrassed, and Yang Linger's face turned red.


In the entire hall, only Wang Changfeng was left, so he continued to exclaim because he didn't know.

Two seconds later, Yang Ling'er turned around abruptly and threw the strong flashlight in her hand at Wang Changfeng, hitting Wang Changfeng on the head.


Wang Changfeng's cry disappeared instantly, and he fell down softly again.

Now, the ancient city regained its tranquility.

(End of this chapter)

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