The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 363 The Fire Clan’s Ancestral Burial Site

Chapter 363 The Fire Clan's Ancestral Burial Site (Third Watch)

Looking at the empty catacombs, Hongshuang and his party were a little confused.

"Where is the general?" A monster said in a daze.

They chased the general down, but found that the general was not there, only the empty underground tomb.

Happy sniffed and shook his head.

"There are a lot of smells, the smell is very confusing, the general's smell is very weak, and the specific route cannot be traced." Happy said.

"But if we can sense that the general is ahead, let's chase it in the direction of the grand prize." Big Tengu said.

"Okay, let's move on." Hongshuang said.


The boy tugged at the rope that bound the women in leather clothes and said in an unhappy tone.

With Yi Zi's tugging, the group of women in leather clothes staggered for a while, but they didn't say much, and followed with their heads down. They knew that in front of Yi Zi, an unreasonable monster, talking was just looking for trouble.

When a group of people passed by the ground mouse, they couldn't help but move their bodies.

At this time, the quake was still looking like a monster, holding a ghost worm in one paw, happily eating it bite by bite.

Looking at a group of people passing by, the ground mouse looked at them with small eyes, and handed over a paw.

"No, old man," said the mole mouse.

The group of women in leather clothes shook their heads in unison.

I really can't get out of that mouth.


After Ling Huohuo and Ling Tian got together, they sorted things out briefly. After discussing, they decided to move on.

Several people were very curious about this ancient city and the tombs below, but what surprised Ling Huohuo was that Yang Ling'er wanted to explore the underground instead of the ancient city above the ground.

"Aren't you afraid of meeting those monsters again?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"The ancient city on the ground has traveled so far and found no valuable clues. Besides, aren't you curious that this ancient city has such a large underground space? What's more, my teacher once said that the real good things are buried deeper forever. place." Yang Linger said.

Hu Han couldn't stop Yang Ling'er. Although he was a little afraid of the monsters underground, he finally agreed to go down together. As for Wang Changfeng...

"What did you say?" Wang Changfeng asked in a daze.

"Go underground, do you want to go?"

"What's in the ground?"

"You just need to nod."



Putting down the rope, Ling Huohuo and his party began to move underground.

Knowing the dangers of the underground, and after so many years, Fudo Mingwang's experience may not be useful. This time Ling Huohuo also became vigilant. Although he didn't want Hu Han and the others to follow him, he couldn't find any good reason to refuse They, and Ling Huohuo estimated that even if he didn't join them, they would eventually go underground out of curiosity.

And Ling Huohuo can ignore Hu Han and the three of them, but he can't ignore his elder brother.

Ling Huohuo has already decided that if something goes wrong, he will take action even if he reveals his strength. As for the consequences...just push it to Ling Miao. Anyway, he is also a blood awakener, and he is abroad. When he comes back, he will go to the Chaofan Academy Well, let him face the gale by himself.

Keep going.

Underground is different from above ground.

It's not as cold as above, the temperature has returned to ten degrees, and the ground is relatively humid. Ling Huohuo even found some moss-like plants.

All the way forward, when several people passed through a stone gate, Fudo Mingwang suddenly spoke.

"Master, if you continue to move forward, you will be out of the range of Fire Source City."

"What's ahead?" Ling Huohuo asked, looked at the people around him, pretended to be normal and continued to move forward.

"Back then, within 5000 meters was a safe zone without monsters, and between 5000 and [-] meters was an intermediate danger zone. Although there were monsters, there were no monsters that could cause disasters. The strength was generally below the second level, and [-] meters A thousand to [-] meters is a high-risk area. There are many powerful monsters, the strength of which is no higher than the fifth level. If you go further, you will be in the depths of the tomb. The passages need to bypass the high-risk areas." Fudo Myo first introduced the situation back then.

"However, after so many years, there may be more powerful monsters here, just like below the city of fire." Fudoming finally said.

"It's really far enough, but let's take a step and see." Ling Huohuo said.

There was no strange place encountered on the road, even the caracal rat disappeared, and Yang Linger and the others began to observe the surrounding situation.

"What the hell is this place? How can there be such a magnificent building." Yang Linger sighed.

"That's right, and what is the purpose of building such an underground project? Could it be that there was something on the ground back then?" Hu Han said.

"This doesn't look like the master's place." Wang Changfeng observed for a while and said, he was almost awake at this time, and he was far away from Ling Tian along the way.

When everyone walked for almost 3000 meters, nothing happened.

The eerie silence made Ling Huohuo and Fudo Mingwang feel that something was wrong. It stands to reason that after so many years, the ferocious rats have built their nests under Huoyuan City. It makes no sense that there are no monsters outside the range of Huoyuan City.

"Tell me, will the disaster that year also affect the ancient tomb, and the monsters are almost dead." Ling Huohuo made a guess.

"..." Fudo Ming was silent for a while, and finally said: "It's very possible."

"Everyone come quickly!" At this moment, Hu Han suddenly shouted in front.

"what happened?"

Ling Huohuo and the others ran over.

"Look, I found something." Hu Han said excitedly.

I saw several pairs of carvings carved on one wall, and underneath was an unknown character.

"This must be the trace left by the civilization that lived here. According to these carvings and enough texts, it is possible to restore part of the culture of that civilization, or even decipher the text of that civilization. By comparing with the texts of other civilizations, we can even find this civilization. Descendants." Hu Han said.

If these carvings and characters, as well as the matter of the ancient city, are published, then Ling Huohuo and his party will definitely become popular, but because of the relationship between everyone, these are all secrets that cannot be revealed.

"What is this place?" Ling Huohuo asked.

Compared with the dilapidated places in other places, this place looks relatively intact. It seems that this place must have been well protected back then. If it can be protected, this place must be an important place.

"This is the place where our people buried their ancestors." King Fudo Ming said solemnly.

The ancients had a tradition of worshiping ancestors. They felt that their ancestors would still protect their descendants after their death. They respected their ancestors very much, and the Fire Clan, where King Fudo Ming belonged, was no exception.

"It is true that there is a formation that is no less powerful than the Central Temple, but it has lost its effectiveness after so many years, but I didn't expect it to be so well preserved." Fudo Mingwang said slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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