The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 366 Why are you so skinny?

Chapter 366 Why are you so skinny? (three more)
Ling Huohuo and the other five continued to move forward.

Although there were many tombs passed by along the way, they were all empty and contained nothing.

The only discovery was that they encountered another plant—green ivy.

Green vines are relatively common vines in tombs. They are very tenacious and lush. They are generally used as food for some herbivorous and omnivorous creatures in underground ancient tombs.

There is no special ability, it can only be used to satisfy hunger.

"The creatures in the ancient tomb only saw the caracal rat and the green ivy. These two creatures are the most tenacious creatures in the ancient tomb. It seems that the creatures in the underground tomb were also affected. There are only a few kinds of creatures with the most tenacious vitality left, and I don’t know if there are any other creatures left.” Fudo Myoko said.

The catacombs and ancient tombs were dark, and there was no danger along the way, and along the way, Fudo Mingo found that although the building hadn't changed much, it had collapsed in many places, and it could be seen far away at a glance.

"Going forward, we should be entering the depths of the ancient tomb." Fudo Myoko identified the surroundings and said.

After walking so far, several people were a little tired, and began to rest at the same place, and Ling Huohuo was also going to learn about the situation inside with King Fudo Ming.

"What's in the depths?" Ling Huohuo asked curiously.

"I don't know, the monsters in the depths are very strong, many of them surpass me, and I can't go deep into it every time. Moreover, there may be dragons in the depths of the ancient tomb!" Fudo Myoko said.

"Dragon?" Ling Huohuo squinted his eyes. Although Ling Huohuo didn't know what his blood was, it looked like a legendary dragon. Ling Huohuo had always guessed that his blood was a fire dragon, but now he heard that it was alive. dragon message.

"Well, I once heard a very strange cry. After I went back, I checked the information of the clan and other three clans. Some people have witnessed the figure of a dragon. It is said that the cry is very similar to the one I heard. .”

"Then what did the dragon you witnessed look like?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"Only a hand drawing."

Fudo Mingwang was sending his memory to Ling Huohuo, and the "Sword Code" shook for a while, but Ling Huohuo suppressed it and received Fudo Mingwang's memory.

A piece of parchment appeared in Fudo Myo's memory, and a picture was drawn with black lines on the parchment.

It can be seen that it is in the underground ancient tomb, a long phantom shuttles through the ancient tomb, the only thing that is clear is Xu Ying's eyes, blood red, full of rage.

Although it is just a picture, the picture contains the feelings of the person who witnessed the dragon at that time, and Ling Huohuo also felt the feeling of being left in the painting.

Cold, majestic, depressing, violent, like a boat in a storm, drifting with the wind.

"What was the strength of that witness at that time?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"Tier six!"

Sixth order?Ling Huohuo felt that if he faced the dragon by himself, the situation might not be much better.

"That dragon may not be alive, but be careful." Ling Huohuo sighed.

After resting for a while, everyone recovered almost and moved on.

The ancient tomb was built extremely huge and spectacular.

The deeper you go, the more huge tombs there are, and they are all empty without any funerary objects. It is still unknown what this ancient underground tomb is used for.

And soon after entering the depths, the underground tomb changed.

Everyone actually felt the flow of wind in the ancient tomb!

The further you go, the stronger the wind.

"Was it windy in there before?"

"No." Fudo Mingwang also said with some doubts: "There has never been any wind in the lower ancient tombs."

As we continued to move forward, light began to appear in the surroundings. Although it was not obvious, the surroundings were indeed much brighter than the dark one before.

And when everyone braved the wind and reached the depths of the ancient tomb, a spectacular scene appeared in front of everyone.

A huge, bottomless pothole appeared in front of everyone.

"here it is……"

Everyone looked at the scene in front of them in surprise.

The pothole is very wide, it seems to be thousands of meters long, and the surrounding area is empty. It is no longer a stone, but mud, and only a very shallow part can be seen downwards. Even with a strong flashlight, the bottom cannot be seen. Department, throw down a fluorescent stick and it will soon disappear, the wind is blowing up from below.

When they looked up, everyone also knew the reason for the light here.

Above everyone turned out to be a blue flowing liquid, and the light came through from above.

"It's water!" Ling Huohuo saw at a glance what the blue liquid above was. The water was dragged by a strange force and did not flow down.


"There is a strange space power here." Eight Hundred said suddenly.

"Who?" King Fudo Ming shouted in surprise, why did someone else insert into the private channel between himself and Ling Huohuo?Are you a ghost or is the other person a ghost?

"My friend, I will introduce you to you later." Ling Huohuo explained, and then asked Xiang Babai: "Space power? What is that?"

"Although it looks normal here..."

When Babai said this, Ling Huohuo couldn't help but look up, what's normal here?

But Babai didn't pay attention to what Ling Huohuo was thinking, but continued: "However, the original space here is separated from this world. The reason why it looks normal is that this world will automatically make up for the space loopholes. However, leaving this world That part of the space is not completely separated, there is still a part connected with the world, and that part of the connected space holds up the water and prevents it from flowing down."

"So that's the case." Ling Huohuo nodded.

"The part connected to this world has thirteen nodes besides the part that holds the water above, twelve of which are around, and the last one is at the bottom of the hole."

"What's at the bottom of the hole?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"I don't know, I can only feel the power of space and a huge force of death." Babai said.

Although he didn't know what was at the bottom of the hole, but something with the power of death was definitely not a good thing. Ling Huohuo suddenly remembered the power crystal and the rhombus crystal in the body of the deadly Rat King.

As for the twelve surrounding nodes, Ling Huohuo looked around carefully and found that there seemed to be something buried in the surrounding soil. Looking at the one closest to him, it was a pair of armor buried in the soil. What Huo almost cried out was——at some point, the three of Hu Han were lining up in a row, sticking to the soil, rubbing against the armor, while Ling Tian was standing on the platform holding a flashlight for the three of them to illuminate.

Ling Huohuo's heart almost jumped out.

As for space power, Babai also gave Ling Huohuo a popular science, space power is very dangerous!One bad thing is an explosion, and everyone falls into the space turbulence together!Can't you be more honest?Why is it so skinny?
 Ladies and gentlemen, the previous book "The War of Wugeng Liuli", originally called "Don't mention school with me, quit", the author is going to rewrite it, it is still a daily article, and it will be officially uploaded next Monday. This book is still updated three times a day, and that book will be updated twice a day as much as possible (this update decision will not change before liver cirrhosis and kidney overdraft), I hope everyone will support and give more opinions, thank you~
(End of this chapter)

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