Chapter 367 Armor, Totem (Part [-])
"Stop, STOP, Yayongdie..."

Ling Tian and Hu Han turned their heads in unison, and looked at Ling Huohuo who was screaming strangely.

"What's wrong?" Yang Linger asked.

"Second Young Master, don't bark, it's game over if you scare me into falling." Wang Changfeng grabbed the dirt firmly.

"Um... sorry, sorry." Ling Huohuo scratched his face, "You guys just go there?"

"Otherwise?" Ling Tian asked back.

"Aren't you afraid of danger? I always feel that it's not very safe." Ling Huohuo said with some embarrassment.

"Don't worry, we are professionals!" Hu Han said with a smile, he thought Ling Huohuo was worried about their safety.


It seems that this matter has nothing to do with whether you are professional or not.

"It's okay, I'm watching, you just stay aside." Ling Tian patted Ling Huohuo's shoulder.

Ling Huohuo twitched the corners of his mouth, not knowing what to say.


"Okay, let's continue." Ling Tian didn't continue to pay attention to Ling Huohuo, but continued to Hu Han and the others.

In fact, Ling Tian can also see it, but without a violent impact, the space power will not cause problems.

Ling Huohuo had no choice but to look at the three of Hu Han who were moving forward, with Wang Changfeng walking in the front.

Soon, the three of them arrived in front of the armor.

The three of them did not touch the armor directly, but observed it, and then Wang Changfeng took out a cloth and wiped the armor.

"It's not weathered, it's still very strong." Wang Changfeng said after pressing the armor twice.

"Take out the armor and bring it to the platform. Be careful and pay attention to your surroundings," Yang Linger said.

The three of Hu Han are professionals. Although they cling to the soil wall and only have a small foothold, the three of them quickly dug the armor out of the soil and brought it back to the platform safely.

"It's really okay." Ling Huohuo thought to himself, but he still didn't relax.

"The nodes of the space are on that armor. As the armor moves, the nodes of the space also move." Yabai said.

Ling Huohuo nodded, then leaned up and began to observe the armor.

Hu Han and Yang Ling'er were cleaning up the soil on the armor, gradually revealing the inside of the armor.

The armor turned out to be silver-white. I don't know what material it was made of. After wiping off the dirt and dust, it was still shiny, just like brand new. This weird situation also made Hu Han and the others a little happy.

This pair of armor might be some kind of special item. Compared with real gold and silver, this kind of special thing makes them more excited. There are many real gold and silver, but there are very few special items, but all of them are treasures.

What's more, when it was just carried, the quality of the armor was very heavy, it was definitely a good treasure.

Soon, the full picture of the armor appeared in front of everyone.

It is a full body armor.

Including helmets, breastplates, breastplates, arm armor, gauntlets, leg armor, boots, weapons, these parts, the connecting parts are very soft.

The weapons are two short daggers, a scimitar on the waist of the armor, two daggers that can pop out from the armor, short spikes that can pop out from the toe of the boots, and a round, wheel-like weapon on the back of the armor. , was fixed on the armor and could not be removed.

The armor is exquisite, with patterns engraved on the chest, and the helmet can reveal the face. Everything is assembled together. Although it is a human-shaped armor, it looks like a mouse.

"Babai, is there something wrong with this armor?" Ling Huohuo communicated with Babai.

"Let me see... Huh? Besides the space node, there is actually a totem inside." Babai said with some surprise.

"What is a totem?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"Totem, that's a high-level thing, very rare, it's a collection of beliefs of a race, the conditions for its production are very strict, it's something that can only be created at the ninth level, you just need to know that it's a kind of thing that can bring Something with strong power is enough." Babai said, but he didn't explain carefully, after all, there is still some gap between the ninth level and Ling Huohuo, and Ling Huohuo still can't touch the power of that level.

"Wow, it's so exquisite, it must be worth a lot of money." Wang Changfeng rubbed his hands and laughed.

"We should stay and study it first. This armor must be related to the previous civilization. To be able to forge such an exquisite armor, the skill of that unknown civilization is absolutely superb." Hu Han said.

"You guys made this armor?" Ling Huohuo secretly asked Fudo Mingo.

"No, although we also have armor, but it is not in the same style as this armor. I have never seen this armor before. It may have existed in the ancient tomb." Fudo Mingwang said.

"Can you try it on?" Ling Tian suddenly asked, looking at the armor, Ling Tian showed interest, and he also discovered the totem, and he knew about the totem, so he became interested.

"It's not good to try it on here." Hu Han said.

"It doesn't matter, there is no danger here anyway, you might find something if you try it on." Ling Tian said nonsense seriously.

"Well...then try it, who wants to try it?" Yang Linger asked.

Ling Tian has always been very reliable, and he is more convincing among several people. Hu Han and the three quickly believed in Ling Tian.

"I'll do it." Ling Tian raised his hand.

"Young Master, I can't seem to wear it." Wang Changfeng compared the armor with Ling Tian.

Among the five, based on Ling Huohuo's height, Ling Tian and Wang Changfeng are about the same size, both half a head taller than Ling Huohuo, Hu Han is a little shorter than Ling Huohuo, and Yang Ling'er is the shortest.

The five of them compared it and found that only Yang Ling'er could fit it.

"Could this be a pair of ladies' armor?" Wang Changfeng guessed, a little regretful, such a handsome armor is actually for women.

Yang Ling'er hid behind to change her armor by herself. Although the armor was not light, Yang Ling'er had been practicing all the time. Although wearing such a pair of armor restricted her movements, it was still no problem.

"Don't peek!"

After leaving a word, Yang Ling'er turned and walked into the passage, but disappeared, only the rustling sound of undressing could be heard.

On the other side, Ling Huohuo and the others were left staring with big eyes.

Hu Han didn't know what he thought of, his face was flushed, and his eyes kept rolling.

Although Wang Changfeng looked calm, looking at his trembling legs, he was not calm at all.

Only Ling Huohuo and Ling Tian looked normal.

Yang Ling'er was already good-looking and had a good figure, but adding the last sentence made Hu Han and Wang Changfeng a little restless.

But fortunately, they didn't evolve into perverts and didn't take action, otherwise Ling Huohuo might have to eliminate harm for the people.

Having nothing to do, Ling Huohuo turned his gaze to the other side again. Not far from the other side of the platform, there was a pair of armor buried in the soil.

(End of this chapter)

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