The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 368 The Scream of the Ground Rat

Chapter 368 The Scream of the Ground Rat (Part [-])

Hongshuang led Happy, and led a group of monsters forward slowly, following Ling Huohuo's footsteps.

The monsters and the woman in leather clothes did not make a sound, only the sound of footsteps echoed.

Suddenly, the last mole stopped.

It still looks like a monster and has not recovered its human form, so it has always been in the rear.

It turned its head, looked behind it suspiciously, and tilted its head.

"Quake, what's the matter?" The boy who noticed the quake stopped and asked the quake, and the woman in leather and the group also stopped.

"Well, I always feel that there is something behind me." The ground mouse said, regaining the appearance of a monster. As a beast, it is more sensitive to the surrounding senses.

"What? Other people?" Yizi asked.

"It can't be a ghost, right?" said a team member. In a dark and quiet environment, humans are most likely to overthink, and monsters have seen it. It's normal for a ghost to come out and think about it. Who would come to such a place?

When the other team members heard it, their bodies trembled.

cluck cluck...

One step up is one step.

"Shut your mouth, don't chatter your teeth, it's annoying."

The team members kept their mouths shut, but their trembling calves showed their emotions. The only one who could calm down was the woman in leather who was the captain.

Although these team members are capable, they haven't done any professional psychological training. Apart from training and doing tasks, they just eat, drink and have fun. Seeing the horror of monsters, they also become afraid of ghosts, which are also unknown.

Mole Mouse and Yizi stared closely at the back, while the woman in leather and the group also looked in the same direction, but they didn't have night vision, so they could only shine a flashlight behind them with their eyes wide open.

At this time, a red mist floated slowly from the corner behind him. Although it seemed to be floating slowly, it was actually very fast.

And in the red mist, there is still a little bit of red light.

"What the hell?" Everyone was at a loss.

Yizi frowned, showing a small canine tooth, "Don't you know if you test it?"

As she said that, a cloud of will-o'-the-wisp gathered around her, and she shot it towards the red mist.

The will-o'-the-wisps entered the red mist, and a large cloud of red mist was dispersed, but the inside was still red mist, and the will-o'-the-wisps that entered the red mist were also dyed red and slowly disappeared.

But taking advantage of this gap, Yizi and Momoshu keenly discovered that the small light spot in the red mist turned out to be a small bug that glowed red.

The red mist returned to its original state again and continued to drift forward.

"It can counteract the will-o'-the-wisps. It seems that the red mist is also a kind of power, but I don't know what effect it has." The ground mouse took out a pair of small glasses from nowhere, put them on the eyes, and began to analyze.

"Wouldn't it be enough for one person to throw it in?"

Saying that, Yizi looked at the group of women in leather clothes beside him, and smiled.

The team members' legs gave way, and they almost knelt down.

The red mist is not a safe thing at first glance, it is too weird, who knows if it will be alive or dead after entering?They don't want to die so ignorantly.

When a boy frightened the woman in leather and the group, the red mist had already floated in front of everyone, and the mole mouse curiously stretched out one of its little paws...


A groundhog screams, no, it's a groundhog's scream.

The mole mouse hastily drew back its paws, stepped back, and distanced itself from the red mist, but it also knocked the women in leather clothes behind it upside down, sitting them down with its big butt, sticking out their tongues , only Yizi and the woman in leather clothes escaped earlier.

At the same time, Hongshuang and his group of monsters were walking ahead, startled by the shriek of the mole.

When they turned around, they found that the mole, the son and all the captives had disappeared at some point, and now there was the scream of the mole, is that okay?
They rushed back in a hurry, just in time to see the situation of the groundhogs and the red mist floating not far away.

A few monsters stepped forward and rescued the team members who were sitting under the buttocks of the ground mouse, and helped them to calm down, and then rescued them.

And the ground mole was crying, blowing on its little paws that were still steaming.

"Quake, what's going on?" Big Tengu asked.

"That red mist... the red mist is so hot, my paws are almost ripe." The ground mouse cried.

Everyone looked at Hong Wu again, with serious eyes.

The monster's body is already very strong, but being able to scald the quake like this, one can imagine the terrifying temperature of the red mist, but he didn't feel the high temperature of the red mist, and the strange situation made the red mist's danger level rise again a notch.

But everyone didn't think about continuing to try it. Just by hearing the mole rat's cry, they knew how miserable the mole rat was, so it was better to stay away.

"How long has this red mist been around?" Hongshuang looked at the quake and asked.

"Well, they should have been following us and just caught up. I tried it out, and the red mist swallowed my will-o'-the-wisps." Yizi replied for the ground mouse.

At this time, the quake had its own little paw in its mouth, and one side of its cheek was swollen high, which made Ling Yu'er find it interesting to stand on tiptoe and poke at the quake's cheek.

"Hang Wu You Guo Lai Le." Momoshu said vaguely.

At this time, the red mist approached everyone again.

The big tengu frowned, and the wind appeared around him again, blowing the red mist, but the red mist gave people a viscous feeling, and it retreated about two centimeters after blowing for a while, and when the wind stopped, the red mist surged again come up.

Hongshuang, on the other hand, condensed an ice wall in front of the red mist.

The moment the red mist touched the ice wall, there was only a sizzling sound, and the ice wall quickly melted into water, and the water quickly evaporated into steam. The ice wall only existed for less than a second and disappeared at the end of the year.

The ground mole also stomped angrily, forming a wall of earth in front of the red mist.

Then, half a minute later, the earth wall began to crack, and it was about to break.

"Let's stay away from the red mist for now. The brigade I'm going to probably can't leave anymore. Find the general first and tell him the matter." Finally, Hongshuang said.

Everyone nodded, accelerated towards the front, and soon disappeared.

The woman in the leather jacket and her team members also ran vigorously, following behind the monsters.

Less than half a minute after everyone left, there was a bang, and a skinless, rotten fist pierced through the earthen wall.

The fist was slowly retracted, half a rotten human face appeared on the other side of the hole, a blood-red eye rolled in the eye socket without eyelids, without a trace of emotion, but hurry up, this figure has a red mist floating over it Devoured, disappeared.

The earth wall was shattered, and the red mist continued to drift forward quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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