The end of the world has nothing to do with me

第369章 2加3也不等于2啊(3更)

Chapter 369 Two Plus Three Doesn't Equal Twelve (Third Update)
The catacombs are stone buildings, which can easily cause echoes, so...


There was a sudden scream from the hole behind Ling Huohuo and the others, which made the listener feel heartbroken and cry.

Ling Huohuo, who was so frightened that he was stuck on the soil wall close to the other armor, almost didn't fall off.

"What... what's the situation?" Ling Huohuo held on to the wall tightly.

And Ling Tian, ​​who was helping Ling Huohuo to play the flashlight, also looked at the entrance of the cave, and Hu Han and Wang Changfeng suddenly thought of something.

"Yang Linger!"

The two yelled at the entrance of the cave and were about to rush into the cave. However, as soon as they entered the entrance of the cave, they flew upside down, and one foot with a boot was still kicking out.

"Who let you in?" Yang Ling'er walked in with a sullen face.

At this time Yang Ling'er had already put on the armor, holding the helmet in her hand.

Yang Ling'er's appearance at this time made the eyes of Ling Tian and Ling Huohuo brighten.

At this time, Yang Ling'er changed her previous feeling, but was heroic, as if she was a Valkyrie.

Well, good-looking people look good in anything.

"No, we are worried about you. We really don't mean to peek at you." Wang Changfeng said hastily.

As for Ling Huohuo and Ling Tian, ​​they have black threads. Your last sentence is obviously superfluous.

Sure enough, Yang Linger walked up to Wang Changfeng and Hu Han, squeezed her fists, and showed a "kind" smile.

Bang bang bang!
Hu Han who was affected was about to cry, but I was really worried about you!
"What was that voice just now?" Ling Tian turned around and asked while continuing to watch "Fighting".

"I don't know." Ling Huohuo shook his head, but frowned, the voice sounded familiar.

After a period of confusion, Yang Ling'er finally gave Wang Changfeng and Hu Han a sigh of relief.

As for the scream, the few people who couldn't figure it out could only give up, but they were still a little more careful.

Soon, Ling Huohuo also got back a set of armor, which looked like a pig after splicing it together.

But the armor is so big that no one can wear it. It looks more suitable for a fat man of three hundred catties.

And the few people didn't just go back, but continued to explore both sides along the earth wall.

These armors are obviously not a pair, and they decided to get all the armors back, maybe they can find something.

The five started exploring on both sides at the same time.

On one side are the three of Hu Han, and on the other side are Ling Huohuo and Ling Tian.

However, the underground hole is huge, and the distance between the armor and the earth wall is limited. The collection of the armor is not smooth for several people, and the quality of the armor is not light, and it takes a lot of energy to carry it. In such a dangerous place, the pressure on people is greater when moving, so the progress is not fast.

When the three of Hu Han brought back their third armor, they all collapsed on the ground, panting heavily.

"This is really not a human job." Wang Changfeng couldn't help but said.

"I don't even have the speak... anymore." Hu Han lay on the ground.

"You guys should... talk less and save some energy." Yang Linger said, she had already changed back into her clothes.


The three of Hu Han raised their heads, opened their eyes and looked around, only to see Ling Huohuo and Ling Tian throwing a pair of armor on the ground, and four pairs of armor were neatly placed on their side.

Looking at Ling Huohuo and Ling Tian again, they just wiped the sweat off their brows.

"Are these two people monsters? So they are indeed the sons of those two people!" Hu Han and the three of them thought of this at the same time.

Now, they have seven sets of armor under their feet.

"Take a rest first, let's take a look at these armors." Seeing Hu Han and the other three lying on the ground, Ling Tian said with a smile.

The three of Hu Han hurriedly nodded their heads.

Just when the five of them were about to start packing their armor, a lot of light suddenly came from a distance, which looked like the light of a flashlight, attracting the attention of the five of them.

And Ling Huohuo and Ling Tian also began to pay attention to the situation on the other side.

I saw that there was also a passage opposite Ling Huohuo and the others. At this time, a group of people appeared on the passage, holding flashlights in their hands and shining their surroundings, but they were thousands of meters away from Ling Huohuo and the others. In addition to the spectacular scene at this time, Ling Huohuo and the others were not noticed for a while.

An old man in a white coat holds a map in his hand.

"Enter from Water Source City, if you walk correctly, this is the depths of the ancient underground tomb."

"Dr. Nan Bo, this is a great discovery. Even if we didn't find the key to open the holy relic, we have made great achievements just because of the wonders here and such a large underground tomb." Another well-dressed, successful man The man who looked like said with a smile.

"What the captain said is reasonable, but it is still important to find the key to the holy object, and the closer you are, the more violent the reaction of the holy objects. Thinking about it, it is impossible to return empty-handed this time." Dr. Nan Bo said with a smile, Behind him, twelve people holding twelve silver boxes are standing, and each silver box emits a faint light.

There were only eleven of the twelve holy objects, but one of the holy objects was left in the water source city. It took them a lot of time to find the box, and they should have just arrived at the Rat Kingdom, so they arrived here so late .

"Hahaha, okay, look around to see if there are any strange places or objects." The captain ordered to the people around him.

Listening to the names of the two parties, they are people from the Black Moon Organization.

The people around will use the flashlight in their hands to search.

"Look over here, there's something on the dirt wall." A team member exclaimed, and everyone looked, only to see a pair of armor buried in the soil appearing under the light.

"I have them here too."

Looking back, on the other side, there is also a pair of armor buried not far away.

"Bring it here." The captain said.

A man behind the captain moved his body and jumped off the platform, but no one was surprised.

When the man was falling, air flow appeared around him, lifted his body, and flew towards one of the armors.

At the same time, the other man's body sank into the ground, and reappeared next to another pair of armor. The lower body was still in the soil, while the upper body was outside the soil.

The man pulled the armor and started moving towards the platform while maintaining this posture.

Soon, the two armors were brought back by the two.

And at the moment when the armor appeared on the platform, the two sacred objects that were being carried emitted a bright light.

"Which two are they?" Dr. Nan Bo asked excitedly.

"It's a dragon and a snake." The two team members replied.

"Great, it seems that we have found the key to liberating the sacred object." The captain said happily.

"Give me the night vision binoculars." The captain stretched out a hand, and someone handed over a pair of binocular-like equipment.

The captain began to look around, and soon smiled.

"There are more here, haha, sure enough, it seems that the armor should be the same as the sacred object, there are also twelve sets, let me count... counting the one just now, one, two, three... three? Oh? Why is it gone?"

The captain started counting from the side where Ling Huohuo and the others had just moved, but he only saw one pair besides the one at his feet, and hurriedly looked to the other side. I saw two pictures, two plus three, it doesn't add up to twelve, what's the situation?
"Captain, there seems to be something on the opposite side." A team member said suddenly.

The captain hastily turned the telescope to the other side and looked.

Only a few figures appeared on the opposite side.


Ling Huohuo waved to the other side.

(End of this chapter)

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