Chapter 380 Escape (Part [-])
Although the team leader and the others also took action, there were still loopholes. Many team members were caught by monsters, and then their blood and vitality were devoured.

And with the continuous devouring, some monsters mutated again, and wings grew behind them.

There was chaos.

Looking at the chaos below, Dr. Nan Bo retracted his outstretched foot.

How to go down?I'm afraid I will die!

"Don't you have any flying equipment?" Ling Huohuo asked.

Dr. Nanbo shook his head.

"No, but I can study and make a portable flying device when I go back this time."


As if attracted by the chaos, Ling Huohuo felt that Hong Wu's speed was a little faster.

Looking at the chaotic surroundings, the three of Hu Han looked at each other and nodded.

If you don't leave at this time, how long!

Running with the big army has a bigger target, and it may not be able to be well protected, and even if you escape, it will eventually fall into the hands of those people, and you can only find a way to sneak away by yourself.

So the three quietly leaned towards the back of the team, turned around... and slipped away.

But before the three of them could take a few steps, they were pulled into a nearby house by a hand.


"Don't shout, it's me!" Ling Tian's voice sounded.

"Ling Tian!" Yang Ling'er said.

"Young master!" Hu Han said.

"So you're not dead!" Wang Changfeng said.

Ling Tian had black lines all over his head.

"Don't talk yet, listen to me, this place is not safe anymore, we must leave here as soon as possible." Ling Tian said quickly.

"But, Ling Huohuo..." Yang Linger said suddenly.

"Don't worry, the old man with him should have a high status. If the old man doesn't have an accident, he will be fine." Ling Tian said.

"But how do we run?" Hu Han said.

"That's right, there's a scuffle outside, and there's that weird red fog behind, so I can't run away," Wang Changfeng said.

"No, let's go up!" Ling Tian pointed his finger, showing a weird smile.

At this time, a strong wind blew out from the red mist, and the whole city began to shake violently.


Cracks began to appear in the city, and after the underground left, everyone could see the situation below clearly. There was still the deep hole below, but at this time there was a strong wind blowing out, and there were bursts of roars.

As the strong wind continued to blow out, the city actually began to rise, and the top water surface also began to set off violent waves.

Seeing the approaching red mist, the gradually stronger monsters, and the shaking city, the captain gritted his teeth.

"Take your stuff and retreat quickly!"

And the four bodyguards also looked at each other. They are the bodyguards of Dr. Nanbo, and Dr. Nanbo must come out.

"Doctor, jump down quickly." A bodyguard shouted to the top.

But Dr. Nanbo shook his head.

"What are you doing jumping off? Looking for death?"

"Old man, if you don't dance, you won't have time." Ling Huohuo said, he didn't expect the old man to be so cowardly.


The ground shattered and disappeared, and the steeple had already begun to tilt.

"Rather than being bitten to death by a monster, I would rather fall to my death." Dr. Nan Bo said.


He raised his head and looked at the approaching water surface. If Ling Huohuo remembers correctly, the water surface is held up by a layer of space power. If these space forces are activated, he doesn't know where he and others will be teleported, or Yes... directly torn apart by the power of space.

No, you can't listen to this old man!
"Old man, let me ask you one last time, will you run or not?"

Dr. Nan Bo shook his head. When Ling Huohuo was thinking just now, he had given his bodyguards an order to retreat. Although he was not a good person, his five bodyguards had protected him for many years, so he was still quite affectionate. Yes, although one bodyguard was missing, he couldn't let these four bodyguards be buried with him.

Although they may be punished for being unfavorable in protection, they still have a chance to stand out in the future with their four fourth-tier strengths.

Dr. Nan Bo felt that it was rare for him to be kind for so many years, and he felt that his whole soul had been sublimated... Well, in fact, he felt that he was dying and had nothing to do.

Although he wanted to live, no matter how he analyzed it, he couldn't live. First of all, even if he went down and was caught by the bodyguards, he might not be able to escape from the hands of those monsters. At the current crash speed, it is too late to jump to the other side of the platform.

So, cultural people just think a lot. If it's another person, it doesn't matter whether he can run or not, let's jump down first and then talk.

Sure enough, the moment the team leader brought his people and four bodyguards to the platform, the whole city collapsed completely. If Dr. Nan Bo jumped down before running, they might have fallen down.

From this point of view, Dr. Nan Bo's mathematics is still good.

Taking a last look at the crumbling city, the captain led his team members to evacuate.

At this time, there were only about 20 people left in the entire team, but the armor and holy objects were still there, and the team of women in leather clothes disappeared at some point.


"How are the spells attached?" Ling Tian asked.

At this time, the room they were in had been covered with various defensive charms.

"It's ready."


Ling Tian nodded.

The room they were in had been separated from the surrounding ground, and at this moment, the space power at the top began to shatter, and the water above began to flow in.

"Now, activate the water talisman!" Ling Tian shouted.

Their plan is that in the chaos, the force holding the water above will probably disappear, and the water will flow down, because they have just observed that with the strong wind blowing upwards, the water began to fluctuate violently, which proves that the chaos here is possible affect the above.

Sure enough, the mysterious force supporting the water disappeared, and the water flowed down. At this time, the next step can be performed—activating the water amulet!

The water travel talisman, like the ground travel talisman, is a spell for walking through water.

Different from the ground talisman, the water talisman has a time limit and can only be used for 1 minute.

And taking advantage of the period just now, the four of them also exploded with potential, and temporarily drew most of the remaining materials into water-line talismans, and the rest drew various defensive talismans.

Although the house is strong, there are still windows and doors that need to be blocked with those defensive charms.

The Water Walking Talisman can make people submerged in the water ignore the water flow and walk through it. It is a good spell. It has no distance limit, but it can only last for 1 minute, and with the speed of several people, it can be done in 1 minute at most. Advance 300 meters, and the water talisman does not provide breathing!

Fortunately, they all carried a small oxygen cylinder and diving goggles, which were specially prepared for underwater activities, but they could only last for half an hour.

The house survived the impact of the water flowing down. If there is no house, they can only bear the first wave of shock. Although there is a water talisman, it will still cause an impact. The water talisman is only after the body is fully immersed in water. It took effect, but they were not submerged in the water at the beginning, and they would definitely be impacted.

After the water flowed down, the house where the four people were located also began to shatter, and finally, in the eyes of the four people, the house shattered like a mirror, turned into a little golden light, and disappeared.

The three of Hu Han were a little surprised, they were still very curious about the house that suddenly appeared and disappeared in this way.

Only Ling Tian knew that this was the collapse of space projections, and those projections turned into space power again.

Without further hesitation, after the house disappeared, they began to dive and walk through the water.

And not long after they left, a huge monster was sneaking upwards quickly in the deep hole that was being filled with water.

(End of this chapter)

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