The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 381 Believe that the Lord will praise us!

Chapter 381 I believe the Lord will praise us! (three more)
Looking at the sloping water, Ling Huohuo did not continue to hesitate, and if he waited for Dr. Nan Bo, he would really be waiting for death.


Under the horrified gaze of Dr. Nan Bo, Ling Huohuo broke the handcuffs on his wrists, shook his body, and landed on the sloping steeple with both feet.

"" Before Dr. Nan Bo had time to say anything, Ling Huohuo directly tore off Dr. Nan Bo's mechanical arm, and carried Dr. Nan Bo on his shoulders.

Dr. Nan Bo opened his mouth wide. This mechanical arm is specially made. Even the captain's full blow could not damage this mechanical arm. But, just now, what did I see?The mechanical arm was torn off by this "ordinary person"?

No!Is this Ling Huohuo really an ordinary person?
"Sit still!" Ling Huohuo said to Dr. Nan Bo, before Dr. Nan Bo could react, Ling Huohuo ran directly along the steeple.

"Ah!!!!!! Stop, the speed is too fast, I want to get off!"

Ling Huohuo ignored Dr. Nan Bo and continued to run, looking for a way to escape, but Ling Huohuo was not worried about his own safety.

As for Dr. Nan Bo, Ling Huohuo was planning to kill him at first, but after thinking about it, what does Dr. Nan Bo do?It's for research!High tech talents!

At this time, Ling Huohuo's subordinates have enough combat power, but they lack such high-tech talents!

Although Yabai and Fudo Mingo have no idea about technology, what they pursue is power, but Ling Huohuo, who lives in the modern society, knows the importance of technology—technology is the primary productive force!
Ordinary guns have a deterrent effect on most people below the fifth level. If special materials are used to create some special weapons, they may not be able to threaten the sixth level or above.

Moreover, Ling Huohuo has also asked [-] times. Although it is rare, there are races with extremely advanced technology, but it is very difficult to develop.

Ling Huohuo doesn't want to follow the path of technology, but with the help of technology, many things can be done with half the effort, and sometimes it can even bring unexpected surprises.

So, Ling Huohuo made a decision - to tie up Dr. Nan Bo!

As for Dr. Nan Bo's opinion... I believe that after some "wrestling", he will not have any objections.


"Babai, what's the situation around now?" Ling Huohuo asked curiously.

"The space began to fluctuate violently. Those space nodes have already left the place where they were originally attached and are converging. They may have to open the space channel and leave. As for where to go, I guess it is the place where the disappearing space here is going. Maybe It's space turbulence, or it may be another world." Babai said.

"How big is the scope of the space channel?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"It's not big. With the power of space here, it can only open a space channel with a diameter of about [-] meters at most. Just be careful."

Ling Huohuo nodded. There is a space of thousands of meters above it, but it is only a space channel with a diameter of [-] meters. He should not be so unlucky to crash into it.

As the water flow increased, Ling Huohuo had no cover, so he could only use his strength to protect himself and Dr. Nan Bo, walking through the water and preparing to leave from above.

"Be careful, something is coming up from below." Babai said suddenly.


Ling Huohuo turned his gaze down curiously, only to see a pair of giant red eyes appearing in the darkness.

"What is that? Why does it look familiar?"

"It's a dragon!" King Fudo Ming exclaimed.

"What?" Ling Huohuo was taken aback, and the power protecting him fluctuated.

Although Ling Huohuo recovered quickly, the power fluctuation just now had attracted the dragon's attention.

A pair of blood-red vertical pupils turned towards Ling Huohuo.

"Ah my..."

Then the dragon turned around and started charging towards Ling Huohuo.

"Not good!" Ling Huohuo secretly thought that something was wrong, and accelerated his ascent, but after half a minute, the dragon caught up with Ling Huohuo.

A cruel and indifferent aura appeared behind Ling Huohuo, and a huge killing intent and pressure enveloped Ling Huohuo. The power protecting Ling Huohuo and Dr. Nan Bo was instantly shattered. Ling Huohuo and Dr. Nan Bo directly Being submerged in water, Ling Huohuo felt that his blood was almost frozen. The weaker Dr. Nan Bo had no way to resist at all, so he could only drink water unconsciously...

"This power..." Ling Huohuo gritted his teeth.

"It's the ninth step!" Babai's voice sounded.

However, this was the last sound Ling Huohuo heard.

Ling Huohuo seemed to hear a roar, and his eyes went dark, and he was swallowed into the body by the dragon.

Babai could feel that those space nodes and forces were all moving closer to the dragon, and the last space channel was formed, and the dragon was pulled into the space channel with the dragon's unwilling roar, and then the space channel disappeared, only the water continued to flow down.


A huge lake would have been as calm and beautiful as ever.

However, after a tremor, a huge vortex was created in the middle of the lake, and the lake water dropped at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Puff puff.

Several figures rushed out of the lake and floated in the sky.

It was Hongshuang and other monsters.

"Where's the general?" Big Tengu asked.

Hongshuang shook her head.

"do not know."

"Wait a minute, I can feel the general still below."

The monsters waited for a while, and suddenly their expressions changed.

"The general has disappeared!"

"what's going on?"

In the perception of the monsters, the vague connection between them and the general suddenly disappeared, and the monsters rushed down immediately.

"Wait!" Hongshuang shouted with a serious face.

"Don't be nervous, the general may have some changes down there, but the general didn't give us an alarm, and even if we go down, we used to deliver food for things that even the general couldn't solve, but now the connection with the general has disappeared Now, we didn't feel the death of the general, so don't panic, calm down."

After hearing Hongshuang's words, the monsters calmed down.

Because the monsters of Hyakki Yaxing have power exchanges with the general, they will establish a trace of connection with the general, but Ling Huohuo's Hyakki Yaxing takes a short time to establish, and the connection is not strong, and there is also a distance limit of.

There are also many reasons for the sudden disappearance of the connection, it may be that the distance is out of range, or it may be blocked.

If Ling Huohuo died, they would have another feeling.

Now it can only be confirmed that Ling Huohuo is missing.

"Just wait, I believe the general will come out." Hongshuang said.

The other monsters nodded.

The general is an existence beyond the demon king, and it is not so easy to die.


In the underground tomb, in the ancestral burial place of the Huo clan.

"Be careful, don't break it." Jeffet Rose was yelling at a Magic Soldier III carrying a purple crystal.

"Stop shouting, they can't hear," Jill said.

"What do you know, it's more atmospheric."


The Magic Soldier III placed the purple crystals on its shoulders in a fixed position, and there are tens of thousands of purple crystals densely packed here, and a red figure is sealed inside, and the innermost 23 crystals are bigger than the others. The spar grew bigger.

Jeffet Rose and Jill were doing this for a while. There were too many of these red monsters. They all ran out as soon as the door was opened, and it took a long time to catch them. As for the red mist, they were dispersed by the two of them. out.

"Is that all?" Jill said.

"There might be a few there, and there's a big one that's probably gone deep," Jeffet Los said.

"Well, take it back, I believe the Lord will praise us." Finally, Jeffet Los said, Jill also nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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