Chapter 385 Do you want it? (one more)
Ling Huohuo and the others crossed the entrance of the cave and continued to move forward. Shouwu walked at the end, wiping the red line on his face with a handkerchief to fade the red mark on his face.

Since this is the other world, Ling Huohuo and the others are not so worried.

As it continued to move forward, the movement of the dragon corpse became louder and louder, and the roar became louder.

Soon, everyone arrived at the dragon head.

In front of it is the mouth of the dragon.

"Looks like it's nothing, get ready to go back." Ling Huohuo took out the special pair of glasses.

"Wait." Yabai said suddenly.

"What's wrong?" Ling Huohuo was taken aback.

"There's something in the dragon's head," Yabai said.

"But I can't get in either." Ling Huohuo said helplessly, "Besides..."

Going forward is the mouth of the dragon, which is too dangerous.

"There are also good things in the dragon's mouth." Babai continued: "Every dragon has its own dragon ball, which is the most precious thing of the dragon. It not only contains the power of the dragon, but even before the dragon dies, it will put itself The inheritance of the dragon is injected into the dragon ball, and the position of the dragon ball is inlaid on the upper jaw of the dragon's mouth, and your blood is also likely to be related to the dragon, a ninth-level dragon's inheritance, do you want it?"

Ling Huohuo hesitated. Who doesn't want the inheritance of the ninth level, but it's too dangerous. If you accidentally fall out, you will have to face the red monster and the dragon corpse, and the tongue of the dragon corpse is still there. , Flying back and forth looks very powerful, I always feel that making trouble in the mouth of the dragon corpse has a meaning of death.

"Will you take action if I am in danger?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"will not!"


"This is something you are greedy for. It has nothing to do with me. According to the rules, I can't make a move. If you keep doing this to your death, you always want to rely on others, and your future growth will be limited."

"Then what did you say!" Ling Huohuo collapsed.

"Just to remind you, there are good things there, you decide whether you want it or not." Babai said innocently.

In fact, Babai thinks that Ling Huohuo is completely overwhelmed. He is making trouble in the dragon's mouth. There is no serious danger if he is careful, and it is impossible for the dragon to put his claws into his mouth to catch him. After all, the dragon's claws are not enough. By the way, now is the time to test Ling Huohuo's courage, starve the timid to death, and support the bold to death.

If Ling Huohuo can really get the Dragon Ball, the special blood power is related to the dragon. With the support of the Dragon Ball, the speed of cultivation will be very fast. , but the improvement of blood power will also enhance Ling Huohuo's talent, allowing Ling Huohuo to practice "Sword Code" more quickly.

At this time, Ling Huohuo's heart is the same as a cat's scratching. The ninth level is the limit of the universe. Although I don't know the specific difference between the inner and outer universes. Literally, reaching Yuwai beyond the ninth level is awesome.

And the dragon ball of the ninth-order dragon may even have the inheritance of the dragon, who wouldn't want it?

Ling Huohuo carefully observed the dragon's mouth, and found that, sure enough, there was a blue light on the dragon's upper jaw, but the distance was very far, almost reaching the edge of the dragon's mouth.

"Why is the dragon ball in the dragon's mouth!" Ling Huohuo couldn't help complaining.

"The dragon's mouth holds the pearl, where is the dragon's pearl if it's not in the dragon's mouth?" Babai said.

"By the way, Dragon Ball won't be polluted by dead energy." Ling Huohuo said suspiciously.

"Impossible. Dragon Balls are born with the ability to exorcise evil spirits. Death Qi and curses cannot be attached to Dragon Balls." Babai said.


It's really not given a chance.

I really want it.

After thinking about it for a while, Ling Huohuo summoned the sealed door and arranged all the monsters into the small world.

Fight first, and leave this world as soon as possible if something happens.

Touching the glasses in his arms, Ling Huohuo felt relieved a lot.

"Decided?" Yabai asked.

"What do you think?" Ling Huohuo said angrily.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Huohuo turned into a monster again. Every time he turned into a monster, Ling Huohuo found that he would calm down a lot, and he had to keep calm when doing dangerous things.

Babai nodded secretly, a very wise move.

The posture of the monster is Ling Huohuo's strongest posture at this time, and the reason why Ling Huohuo can keep calm is because Ling Huohuo's human nature has been suppressed to the lowest level, and he has a higher tolerance for danger. In addition to his physical strength, Ling Huohuo's cultivation of mental state is not enough, and it is also Ling Huohuo's weakest aspect, but fortunately, the monster's posture makes up for it.

The genetic character brought in by the blood is ruthless, and only follows his ideas. It seems that Ling Huohuo's ancestors are not kind people.

Babai shook his head, regardless of whether his ancestors were kind or not, now it is Ling Huohuo, and the growth of Ling Huohuo's state of mind can only depend on himself.

The demonic aura filled the air, and Ling Huohuo directly released his own demonic aura, filling the dragon's entire mouth.

Usually communicating with other monsters, Ling Huohuo's grasp of the monster's power is getting better and better, and there are more and more. This is a means of perceiving the surroundings based on the monster aura.

The range of visual perception is limited, even if the distance perceived by one's own perception is related to mental power, the stronger the mental power, the farther the perceived distance is, Ling Huohuo is not a person with strong mental power, the distance perceived by mental power is limited, And it takes energy.

However, the perception of monster energy makes up for these shortcomings very well. The monster energy released by monsters is still connected with the body in a short period of time, and the situation within the range of monster energy can be fed back to the body. Everything within the range of air pervading is clearly understood, and one step ahead of time to deal with it.

The disadvantage is that there is a time limit. After a long time, the connection between the evil spirit and the main body will be broken, and the information that can be fed back is generally only two aspects of shape and movement, but it is just suitable for this situation.

In order to make up for his own shortcomings in perception, Ling Huohuo specially learned this ability. Although any monster can be sensed by monsters, but if he wants to perceive more carefully and timely, and expand the range of perception, he can only practice it.

Fortunately, as big monsters who have lived for hundreds of years, the monsters under Ling Huohuo have their own training methods and insights into the perception of monster energy. The situation in the entire dragon's mouth is more than sufficient.

As the demonic aura diffused, outside, the dragon's mouth that had only flowed out the dead air began to flow out the demonic aura, and the purple-red demonic aura was unique to Ling Huohuo.

Holding Yingyu, Ling Huohuo closed a pair of golden vertical pupils, stepped forward, and rushed into the dragon's mouth...

(End of this chapter)

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