The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 386 Do you still remember the bun girl on the roof of Zhonghai City?

Chapter 386 Do you still remember the bun girl on the roof of Zhonghai City? (two more)
At this time, in Ling Huohuo's perception, all the activities in the dragon's mouth are clear.

Dodging the thrown tongue, Ling Huohuo staggered and landed on a broken dragon tooth, tiptoed, and rushed forward again.

The dragon's mouth was only more than 200 meters away. Ling Huohuo quickly rushed under the dragon ball and raised his head. At this time, the dragon ball was directly above him, inlaid on the upper jaw of the dragon's mouth, and the dragon's tongue fell down. Pulling towards Ling Huohuo, Ling Huohuo was facing away from the tongue.

The flames erupted under his feet, and Ling Huohuo was pushed upward by the force of the explosion, just avoiding the falling tongue.

Ling Huohuo touched the dragon ball with one hand, swung his body, and stepped on the dragon's upper jaw with both feet. The strength gathered under his feet, and Ling Huohuo's kicks stuck to the dragon's upper jaw.

At this time, Ling Huohuo was standing upside down on the dragon's palate, and in front of him was the dragon ball.

Ling Huohuo opened his eyes. From his position, he could already see the outside of the dragon's mouth, as well as the figure fighting the dragon corpse outside.

A red figure more than five meters high, only about the height of a dragon corpse, seemed to be burning with flames, but through the flames, one could see that the figure inside had no skin, only flesh and blood, and the red eyes made it look unrecognizable. Living thing.

It's hard to imagine that such a figure can beat the dragon corpse on par.

"What the hell is that?" Ling Huohuo said in disbelief.

"A corpse, the flame on its body is extraordinary, it can actually burn dead energy." Babai said.

I didn't continue to pay attention to the outside, it had nothing to do with Ling Huohuo, and Ling Huohuo couldn't deal with it, so it's better not to make extra troubles.

At this position, Ling Huohuo could already feel the pressure brought by the dragon's majesty and killing intent left by the dragon corpse, it was best to take the dragon ball away quickly.

The diameter of the dragon ball is about two meters. At this time, the dragon ball is shining with blue light.

The dragon is dead, and the dragon ball cannot be operated, so the dragon ball is naturally silent, but the huge energy inside makes the dragon ball still dazzling.

Although Ling Huohuo couldn't destroy the dragon corpse, it could change the shape of the muscles around the dragon ball and make the dragon ball fall out.

Ignoring Yingyu's protest, Ling Huohuo inserted Yingyu into the gap in the muscles around the dragon ball, and injected his own strength into the gap along Yingyu's sword.

If Yingyu was used, it is very likely that Yingyu would have to break here today, why not use your own strength to stretch the surrounding muscles.

Ling Huohuo controlled his own strength to spread along the gap between the dragon ball and the muscles. With the continuous injection of power, Ling Huohuo consumed the power of dressing up, and the muscles around the dragon ball were finally stretched, and the dragon ball fell off.

Ling Huohuo entangled the dragon ball with flames, kept his posture and summoned the sealed door, and threw the dragon ball into it.

When everything was over, Ling Huohuo wiped the sweat from his brow, Dragon Ball, here we go.

Ling Huohuo didn't go back the same way, but climbed into the dragon corpse's brain along the hole just opened by the dragon ball. He still remembered that Babai said that there were still good things in the dragon corpse's brain.

Ling Huohuo regained his human form, and there should be no danger in the dragon corpse's mind.

When Ling Huohuo crawled into the brain of the dragon corpse, he found that the brain of the dragon corpse was actually empty.

But it wasn't nothing, a spot of light quietly floated in the brain of the dragon corpse.

"This is..." Ling Huohuo was taken aback, because he felt his transparent half-finished sword intent trembling.

"That's the power of space." Yabai said, "There is a space node on the dragon corpse. After merging with other space nodes, the space channel is opened, but it has not been completely consumed. This is the remaining space power, which is very pure. The power of space can be absorbed directly, and it is very likely to comprehend the attribute of space."

"Babai, do you still remember my transparent sword intent?" Ling Huohuo asked suddenly.

"Remember." Babai said, Ling Huohuo's sword intent was only two and a half, one ordinary sword intent was inspired by the "Sword Code", one fire sword intent was brought by blood, and the remaining half I don't know what attribute it is, because there is only half way, Ling Huohuo can't use it at all, the sword intent is in Ling Huohuo's soul, Babai can't see it, there are many transparent sword intents, Babai can't guess it.

All of Ling Huohuo's sword intents are obtained from external forces, not from his perception. The use of sword intents will be worse, but fortunately, he can gradually become familiar with them through continuous use, but if he wants to improve his sword intent, he can only rely on himself Got it.

And it is also easy to encounter a situation, if you comprehend it by external force, it is easy to have this kind of sword intent that you can't even figure out. Although this kind of situation exists, it rarely occurs, and this kind of situation is simply ridiculous. If you lose your teeth, you don't even know what you have practiced, so quit the group.

But it's so unfair, Ling Huohuo's cultivation depends entirely on feeling, and the operation of the kung fu is to practice, and then practice the sword intent that others may not be able to comprehend in a lifetime.

Babai has lamented more than once that Ling Huohuo, the successor of the sword god, is really too shameful.

"The sword intent has been trembling after seeing the power of space..." Ling Huohuo said.


There are two ways to complete the semi-finished sword intent, one is to deepen comprehension, and the other is to use the pure power of the same attribute to guide, the second method is the easiest, and it is also the method that many people want to use, but It is not so easy to encounter pure power of the same attribute. Even if you encounter it, you must have a semi-complete sword intent of the same attribute as the foundation. If it is a complete sword intent, pure power is useless.

For a moment, Babai suddenly felt that Ling Huohuo might also be some kind of child of luck.

Babai endured his heart and explained to Ling Huohuo.

"Then, my half-finished sword intent is space sword intent?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"Yeah." Babai snorted with his nose, he didn't want to speak, he was afraid he couldn't help it, the sword intent of space is a very advanced sword intent, and it is also difficult to comprehend, after comprehension, the strength will be doubled directly, but Ling Huohuo is the comprehension Yes, when did it happen?Originally, I always wanted to make Ling Huohuo stronger, but now an opportunity to make Ling Huohuo stronger appeared in front of Ling Huohuo, why couldn't I be happy?

"By the way... when did I come into contact with the power of space?" Ling Huohuo rubbed his chin, confused.


I'm worried, old man.

Babai also wanted to ask, but when he carefully recalled what happened to Ling Huohuo, he suddenly realized that there really seemed to be such a time...

Remember the girl with a bun head on the roof of Zhonghai City?
The girl with the bun head is of the space attribute, and Ling Huohuo also awakened her blood at that time, and then directly comprehended the sword intent of fire. I still remember that there was a blue butterfly connecting Ling Huohuo and the girl with the bun head If this is the case, it is not a problem to comprehend the sword intent of the half-space attribute at the same time!
For a moment, Babai felt uneasy, because it had already been pierced.

If it estimated that there is nothing wrong with it, Ling Huohuo's blood must have been mixed with the space attribute blood of the girl with buns, but it was too little to awaken it. If Ling Huohuo absorbed this group of space power, the benefits he could get would be absolute. Bigger than expected!
Even... Intuitively awakening the power of space!

"Are you still absorbing it?" Babai said, directly interrupting Ling Huohuo's memory, and Ling Huohuo still had no clue after recalling for so long.

"Of course I absorbed it." Ling Huohuo nodded, feeling the power of the Sword Intent of Overfire, he was looking forward to the Sword Intent of Space.

"Then go and go back quickly, people will be suspicious after a long time." Babai said.

"Oh." Ling Huohuo nodded hastily, and ran towards the space force.

(End of this chapter)

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