The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 389 The power of sacred objects and armor

Chapter 389 The power of holy objects and armor (two more)
Then there are the captives.

A team of women in leather clothes plus the four fourth-tier people.

Ling Huohuo didn't kill them, because Babai suggested that Ling Huohuo take some humans as his subordinates, because monsters are not omnipotent, and the mainstream creatures in this world are still humans.

Moreover, these people are not low in strength and have rich combat experience, so they don't need to be trained from scratch. Although they have not done professional training, they only need special training in some aspects.

The team of women in leather clothes gave in and agreed to join Ling Huohuo. It doesn't matter if they are sincere or not, anyway, they can't make any waves.

As for the remaining four fourth-level people, Ling Huohuo was surprised that three of them turned out to be the captain of the former No. [-] team, and the one who flew up by his own strength was the bodyguard of Dr. Nan Bo.

Looking at the knife on their necks, the four of them did not choose to be loyal to the Black Moon Organization, but agreed to join Ling Huohuo's forces.

Seeing the big fourth-order monsters all over the mountains and plains, they were scared, thinking that if they didn't agree, this knife could really be cut down, and there would never be a plot like "three visits to the thatched cottage".

And the man suspected of being from the Wind Clan, Ling Huohuo and Fudo Mingwang went to ask after Fudo Mingwang woke up.

The man's name is Feng Yu, and he doesn't know if he belongs to the Wind Clan. He is an orphan. He only knows that he can control the power of the wind since he was a child. At the beginning of his cultivation, he was groping for himself. Later, he joined the Black Moon Organization and became the captain's subordinate. After that, I systematically learned some skills and techniques.

Fudo Mingwang checked and found four spirit bodies sealed in Feng Yu's body, which seemed to be the guardians of the Feng Clan back then.

Well, Feng Yu is from the Wind Clan and didn't run away.

However, these guardians were all asleep and did not wake up. Otherwise, as soon as the four sixth-level guardian spirits came out, it would be Feng Yu who pushed Ling Huohuo and the others horizontally today.

However, combining Feng Yu's identity as an orphan and the sealed guardian, it seems that something happened to the Feng Clan back then.

The four clans of Earth, Fire, Fengshui are connected with each other, Fudo Ming Wang looked at Feng Yu as if he was looking at his own descendants, he was so happy to finally find a descendant, he pulled Feng Yu aside and began to tell Feng Yu Feng Yu was stunned to hear the mission and glory of Earth Fire Feng Shui back then.

After everything was handled almost, Ling Huohuo took out the holy object and armor. After some inspections, there was no problem. Ling Huohuo finally decided to test the power of the armor.

As a result, people and demons in the small world surrounded him, and Fudo Mingo was also very curious about the power of the sacred objects guarded by the four clans.

Ling Huohuo took a step forward, and as he approached, the light on the holy object became brighter and brighter. Finally, Ling Huohuo put the holy object on the chest of the armor, and the holy object and the armor released light together, and then...

"and then?"

Seeing that there was no change, Ling Huohuo and the others were a little dazed as the holy objects and armors that still released the light of the human being were still there.

nothing happened?Could it be said that the role of holy objects is to emit light?Just kidding!

"Input your strength, and then drip your blood." Babai couldn't help but said.

"Only by letting the armor recognize you as the master can you truly unlock the power of the holy object."

"Oh." Ling Huohuo nodded, bit his finger, dripped two drops of blood on the sacred object and armor, and then input his own strength.

When Ling Huohuo's power just entered the armor, the sacred object also released its power into the armor, merged with Ling Huohuo's power, and then entered Ling Huohuo's body.

The light became stronger and stronger, and finally, the light directly covered Ling Huohuo and the armor, making the surrounding people and monsters unable to open their eyes, and could only hear the sound of metal.

When the light dissipated, the people and monsters around looked at the position where Ling Huohuo was just now.

At this time, Ling Huohuo and Armor are no longer what they were just now.

A figure stood there.

The armor was worn on Ling Huohuo's body, the silver armor was covered with patterns of flames, and the holy object was gone.

The armor was right on Ling Huohuo's body at this time, and it should have changed in size according to Ling Huohuo's figure.

The weapon of Niu Jiajia is very simple, only a big sword, which is carried behind his back.

The entire armor looked extremely heavy at this time, as if there was still a heat wave rolling.

There are two horn-like things on the head of the armor, and a mark of a bull's head on the chest, surrounded by flame patterns.

"Eh..." Ling Huohuo moved a little, and with a thought, the helmet disappeared, revealing Ling Huohuo's head.

"General, how about this armor?" Ling Yu'er asked.

"Well, it feels pretty good, I'll show you something amazing, change!"

With a light heck, the armor detached from Ling Huohuo's body, and began to reorganize in the air, and finally turned into a silver cow with flame patterns that looked full of strength, and roared to the sky, judging by the posture and true strength. The cow is about the same.

Although Ling Huohuo knew about this ability, he couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth, and suddenly felt that this function was the same as the toys he played with when he was a child.

The other people and monsters exclaimed and clapped their hands.


"it is good!"

"another one!"


Dr. Nan Bo took a bunch of instruments and started to check.

"What power is there?" Babai floated to Ling Huohuo's side and asked.

"The armor incorporates the power of my fire, and the attack can be attached to the fire attack, and the power brought by the holy object has greatly increased my strength. I think that after wearing the armor, my strength can reach the seventh level, and it seems that there is still a rise At the same time, the defense of the armor is also very strong. As long as my physical strength is not used up, the armor will not disappear or be broken, but the armor will consume my physical strength when it is attacked, and it can also become an iron bull to fight by itself. The power input into the armor is not completely consumed, so it can always maintain the appearance of a cow. The strength of a cow is one level lower than mine. The only downside is that the style of the armor is too ugly. I don’t know who designed it back then..."

Eight hundred and one black thread, you can use it if you have something, and you can choose whether it looks good or not.

However, Babai also thought about these functions mentioned by Ling Huohuo, and looked at Tieniu.

"This armor and sacred object are not simple."

Without external force, simply increase the strength, and the indestructible ability has risen to the level of law before the physical strength is exhausted. Could it be said that the power of law is sealed in the sacred object?But the power of the armor is extremely restrained, and the power level of the armor cannot be felt at all!This is definitely no ordinary armor.

Ling Huohuo picked up another treasure, and Babai sighed.

"Feel the power of the armor well, use it more, maybe you can comprehend the sword intent of power." Babai said to Ling Huohuo, if there is really the power of law in the armor, and the power of law surrounds the body, comprehend Using the sword intent related to the law will definitely get twice the result with half the effort.

"Oh." Ling Huohuo nodded, although he didn't know how to stay away, but it sounded very powerful.

Then, Ling Huohuo put on the armor again.

"Come on, try the power of the armor with me!" Ling Huohuo said with a smile to the surrounding monsters.

(End of this chapter)

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