The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 390 Inheriting the Family Business

Chapter 390 Inheriting the Family Business (Third Watch)

Ling Tian and Ling Huohuo stood in front of a villa, a little dazed.

It has been a week since the end of the matter, and the two people who were staying at home were called to the capital by a phone call from Hu Han, because-Ling's father and Ling's mother are back.

This villa is said to be owned by Ling's father and Ling's mother, and it occupies a very large area. According to Wang Changfeng, it also has a swimming pool, a gym, an orchard, and even a golf course behind it. This is already a manor!

Seeing more than a dozen luxury cars and a small helicopter parked in the yard, and the servants watering the lawn in the distance, Ling Tian and Ling Huohuo couldn't react for a while.

Could it be... In fact, my parents are rich?Are we still the invisible rich second generation?

Wang Changfeng parked the sports car and walked into the villa with Ling Tian and Ling Huohuo.

Looking at the luxurious decoration, Ling Huohuo suddenly felt that he couldn't keep his eyes open.

And soon, Ling Huohuo also saw his parents, Hu Han and Yang Linger in a restaurant.

The appearance of Ling's father and Ling's mother hasn't changed much, but Ling Huohuo always feels that the two of them have become much younger. One has yellow hair and the other has golden hair. I don't know when they became so fashionable.

But Ling Tian was taken aback after seeing the appearance of the two of them clearly, his eyes moved, a little serious, and finally returned to normal, showing a smile.

At this time, Ling's father and Ling's mother were leaning on the chairs enjoying themselves, Hu Han was massaging Ling's father's shoulders, and Yang Ling'er squatted on the ground to massage Ling's mother's legs.

Seeing Ling Huohuo and Ling Tian's arrival, Father Ling and Mother Ling smiled.

"You guys are here, sit down wherever you want."

Ling Tian and Ling Huohuo looked at each other, nodded, and sat on two chairs on the other side of the dining table.

"Okay, Ling'er, sit down too." Mother Ling waved her hand.

"Okay, Master." Yang Linger stood up and sat on the side. Hu Han also found a chair and sat beside Yang Linger.

"That..." Ling Tian and Ling Huohuo pointed at the surroundings, not knowing what to say, looking around they always felt uneasy.

"Ah, this manor was left by your grandfather and the others back then. Use whatever you want. The places you can see from here are all our places. Just do whatever you want." Father Ling said with a smile.

Ling Tian and Ling Huohuo were taken aback for a moment, this was the first time they heard Father Ling talk about their grandfather, could my grandfather be so rich.

"Oh, don't be like a bumpkin. What's the matter with your family? Our family has more than 20 such manors in China, and there are many abroad." Mother Ling said casually, picked up a piece of watermelon and ate it.

After hearing Ling's mother's words, Ling Huohuo almost knelt down to her, more than 20 seats?Abroad?What the hell does my grandpa do?Robbing a bank?

"Okay, in fact, we only found out recently that this time we went out to your grandfather, and then he gave us the keys to these houses and asked us to take care of them." Father Ling explained with a smile.

But Ling Huohuo and Ling Tian still couldn't change their minds, and they always felt that this matter was too mysterious. Are they writing novels?

"Then... what exactly does my grandfather do? Our family doesn't have any business, right? Are we the heirs of a big group? Or are we descendants of a hidden family?" Ling Huohuo asked hastily.

"You're thinking too much, haven't you woken up?" Mother Ling said angrily.

"Our family used to have a conglomerate, but later it was too troublesome to operate, so we sold it and replaced it with real estate." Father Ling continued.

Ma... Trouble?Sold it?How lazy is that?Is this a new level of laziness?
"Then can we go and see our grandfather?" Ling Tian asked.

"No!" Father Ling and Mother Ling shook their heads together and said.

"Why?" Ling Huohuo asked hastily.

"You can meet when it's time for you to meet. Okay, let's not talk about this, let's talk about the business that called you here today." Father Ling said, regaining his seriousness.

Ling Huohuo and Ling Tian sat up straight. Could it be that they want us to inherit the family business and become second-generation ancestors?Thinking about it... I was a little excited.

"Ahem, this time I'm here to choose someone between the two of you to inherit the family business." Father Ling said.


But why choose one?The two were a little strange, and what about Ling Miao?Isn't he his own?

"What about Ling Miao?" Ling Tian asked Ling Miao very loyally.

"He is studying abroad and has his own way to go, so we don't consider him." Mother Ling said.

Ling Huohuo smiled, reading?What book do you read?The family property is gone without you.Tut tut.

Ling Huohuo felt that if he inherited such a large family business, he would be very happy, and why would he go to the Transcendent Academy, even if he spends money, he can still reach the ninth rank!

And Ling Tian thought that if what Ling's father and Ling's mother said was true, with so many resources, his Demon King Army could expand again.And my own home is definitely not that ordinary. With the support of my family, it is easier to do things.

Thinking about it, Ling Huohuo and Ling Tian could not help but sit up straight.

"We have learned about this matter through Xiaohan and the others, and the result is not satisfactory." Father Ling said.

Ling Huohuo and Ling Tian's hearts tightened.

"But there are still things that satisfy us, so we finally decided that the one who will inherit the family business is..."

Ling Huohuo and Ling Tian were a little nervous.

"Ling Tian!" Father Ling said.

Ling Tian clenched his fists and smiled. With such a huge amount of funds and power support, conquering the world is just around the corner!
But Ling Huohuo seemed to be discouraged.

The three of Hu Han clapped their hands beside them with calm faces.

"Do you agree?" Mother Ling asked Ling Tian.

Ling Tian nodded without hesitation, Ling Huohuo looked sad.

"Okay, now that we have agreed, Ling Tian, ​​you should clean up first, and leave with us tomorrow." Father Ling said.

"Go? Where are you going? When will you be back?" Ling Tian asked.

"Go to fight. We found another ancient tomb in the northwest two days ago. It may belong to Qin Shihuang. Now everything is ready, and it is up to you. If everything goes well, we will be back in more than a month." Mother Ling Said.

Ling Tian suddenly had a bad premonition, and Ling Huohuo also sat up, what's the matter?Why is there something wrong with the style of painting!
"Wait, what you just said about inheriting the family business..." Ling Tian asked hesitantly.

"Of course it's a tomb robbery." Ling's mother said as a matter of course.

Ling Tian's expression froze, this is not what I want to inherit the family business!

Looking at the three of Hu Han, the three of them smiled and nodded neatly, obviously they knew it a long time ago.

Give you a favor?Impossible!

"Let me tell you, our Ling family is an ancestral tomb-robbing family, and tomb-robbing is a university subject. I heard from Hu Han and the others that your talent is very good, so we chose you. Don't worry, our Ling family's ability is ours. I will teach you exactly what I want." Father Ling said.

"Can you regret it now?" Ling Tian asked in a low voice.

"What? Are you going to regret it?" Mother Ling got up and put a hand on Ling Tian's shoulder, causing Ling Tian to shake his head quickly in fright.

"It's fine if you don't have one." Mother Ling withdrew her hand.

"I want to talk about these manors..." Ling Tian continued to ask.

"Ah, when we are not at home, of course we leave it to Ling Huohuo to take care of it, and he can do this. This is the key to all the manors." Ling mother said and threw a small bag to Ling Huohuo .

with packaging?How much is this?
Although he got these manors as he wished, but for some reason, Ling Huohuo couldn't be happy, what is it that he can do this?I'm very strong, okay, but for the sake of the key, Ling Huohuo didn't say anything.

"We have already done the main things for you. There are cash and bank cards in the safe in the bedroom. These manors have been hired to take care of them. You just need to pay them wages on schedule. And if something happens to the manor, you need to You go there." Mother Ling said.

Ling Huohuo nodded.

"Okay, that's it, the meeting is over." After finishing speaking, Ling's father and Ling's mother left the restaurant, Hu Han and the others followed behind them, and patted Ling Tian's shoulder when they passed Ling Tian.

Ling Tian and Ling Huohuo sat on the chairs silently.

Ling Tian looked at the bag in Ling Huohuo's arms, and Ling Huohuo tightened it involuntarily.

After being silent for a while, Ling Tian took out his cell phone and made a call.

"Hello? Yinman? I'm not going back today...why?" Ling Tian sighed, "Because...I want to inherit the family business."

 This is the first time I recommend a book, laughing~ I recommend a friend’s novel, historical genre, "I am Liu Bei in the Three Kingdoms of Delusion". If you like it, you can help me to collect it. The new book needs support, thank you everyone!


(End of this chapter)

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