The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 396 Ling Huohuo's Housing Construction

Chapter 396 Ling Huohuo's Housing Construction ([-]rd)
It has been two days since I came to Chaofan Academy. During these two days, Ling Huohuo didn't do anything else. Instead, he visited the campus under Liu Nian's leadership and took care of his own accommodation.

The Extraordinary Academy gave Ling Huohuo a large piece of land under his name, which can be decorated at will. The materials can be purchased in the store of the Extraordinary Academy, and there is a [-]% discount for new tutors.

Points are needed to buy things in the Extraordinary Academy, but some ordinary things can be bought with dollars or gold.

The initial credits given to Ling Huohuo by Transcendent Academy was [-], but Liu Nian said that the students' initial credits were only [-], which was just enough to cover food and clothing, and Ling Huohuo's [-] points were not a small share.

As for Ling Huohuo's monthly salary as a tutor, in addition to some resources, the points are [-] per month, and research rewards and task rewards are calculated separately.

Ling Huohuo bought a lot of high-end materials with points, and some ordinary materials with US dollars, and even took out some materials from his own collection.

Ling Huohuo can't build a house, but Ling Huohuo's monsters can. The house in the small world is built by themselves, which is very beautiful.

In two days, the monsters built a complex of buildings on the land allocated to Ling Huohuo by the Extraordinary Academy, yes, it was a complex of buildings.

Because the monsters found that there was enough space, they moved out of their houses in the small world by the way, and saved a lot of material money for Ling Huohuo, and with the guards of the monsters, it was safer here. Huohuo's land has become a real "Monster Paradise".

And Ling Huohuo also applied for identity certificates for all his monsters according to the procedure. After all, they also need ID certificates to come out for activities, and the Extraordinary Academy is not an ordinary place, and monsters cannot be allowed to do whatever they want. At the same time, by the way, Dr. Nanbo The group of people was also released. After all, research also requires electricity and the Internet.

However, when the office of Chaofan Academy watched Ling Huohuo walk into the office with more than 800 application forms, the person in charge of the office almost knelt down to Ling Huohuo.

Although there are also people who bring their men down, no one has ever been able to compare with the men brought by Ling Huohuo in terms of quality or quantity. Are you sure you didn't come to attack Chaofan Academy?
This matter was also directly reported to the senior management of the Chaofan Academy by the person in charge of the office, which made the senior management pay more attention to Ling Huohuo.

It is also the first time they have seen this kind of person who has brought so many people to the Extraordinary Academy, as well as a scientific research team. Outside these people can form an organization. Have all the powers been brought?

Do you use the Extraordinary Academy as the headquarters of your forces?Indeed, on Earth, there should be no place in the world where building the headquarters is safer than building it inside the Transcendent Academy, which makes the leaders of the Transcendent Academy dumbfounded.

But Transcendence Academy is a very tolerant academy. It is okay for people with a supervisor or higher position to bring people here. Ling Huohuo's matter is in line with the rules, and they are not good at saying anything.

The place where Ling Huohuo lives is in the middle, a Tang Dynasty-style building, magnificent and grand in scale, and the location of the monsters is also very particular. With the houses of the monsters as the node, the monsters unconsciously released by the monsters Qi formed a formation, without the leadership or permission of someone familiar, outsiders could not get out if they broke in, and they would even be trapped here to death.

Dr. Nan Bo and the others also dug up an underground base for research


Ling Huohuo got up from the bed and rubbed his eyes. The house is still very modern, with internet, electricity, and running water. After all, Ling Huohuo, who is familiar with modern life, might not be able to adapt to living in an ancient house. .

The reason why I got up so early today is because today is the day of Ling Huohuo's report, and I need to meet with the senior management of Chaofan Academy. At the same time, Ling Huohuo also has to meet someone—Xiao Yunyun.

Xiao Yunyun has already come to Chaofan Academy, and his performance is considered good. With the help of Ye Jilang, his strength is also in the first rank among freshmen. When Ling Huohuo first arrived at Chaofan Academy, Xiao Yunyun was making a breakthrough and practicing in retreat , Today is the day she leaves customs.

Ling Huohuo tidied herself up and went out in her clothes, wearing the clothes of her mentor, thinking that Xiao Yunyun would be surprised if she saw that she became a mentor.

The place where Xiao Yunyun retreats is specially used for students to retreat. The Qingxin Tower has a good sound insulation effect. In order to prevent students from being distracted, there is a network shield inside. Mobile phones and computers are directly confiscated, and there is a special room and board management The personnel, and even the medical team, can rescue in time if something happens to someone who breaks through.

Breakthroughs are risky, and retreat requires caution.

However, to Ling Huohuo's surprise, there were several people waiting outside the Qingxin Pagoda at this time, and some even held flowers, which gave Ling Huohuo a flash of inspiration and knocked on his hand.

Ling Huohuo took out her phone.

"Hello? Hongshuang? Tell the flower demon to come... what kind of flower demon? Hmm... let's all come here, and we'll talk about it later."

Soon, a few women with revealing or innocent clothes walked over with their waists twisted.

They attracted the attention of the surrounding students along the way, especially the boys. On the one hand, they were not wearing school uniforms. Fortunately, they wore ID bracelets on their hands, which proved that they were allowed to move freely on campus, so no one stopped them On the other hand, it is because each of them seems to be able to take away the souls of the people around them.

Seeing the unbearable people around them, several flower demons covered their mouths and laughed, the female fairies are not just talking.

Only some people looked at the flower demons with serious eyes, because they found that these women were all of the fourth rank!

There is no strength requirement for the admissions of Chaofan Academy. Among the students, the mainstream is the third level, and the first and second level are not absent. The fourth level is relatively rare, and the fifth level is even rarer.

Under the watchful eyes of the people around, several flower demons walked up to Ling Huohuo and saluted.


"Yeah." Ling Huohuo nodded.

Ling Huohuo looked at these flower demons for a while, and Ling Huohuo was already resistant to their beauty, he was just observing what kind of flower demons they were.

It is not easy to cultivate monsters, especially from dead things, followed by plants.

If there is no accident, it takes time for a plant to cultivate into a monster.

Even the number of monsters cultivated by Ling Huohuo's plants is not so many.

There are five flower demons in total, one Chiyan Rose demon, one Sky Crystal Lily flower demon, one weak water floating lotus demon, one Mandala flower demon, and the last one is Bingshan Snow Lotus demon.

The monsters that can be sealed in the small world are not simple. Naturally, they are not ordinary flower demons, but alien species, and their strength is naturally far from ordinary flower demons.

"Come on, come here, I'll tell you what I think, so... so..."

(End of this chapter)

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