The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 397 Don't Talk About Chapters, Kiss Me

Chapter 397 Don't Talk, Kiss Me (One More)
After Ling Huohuo finished his explanation, it took about half an hour before someone came out of the Qingxin Pagoda and joined the friends who had been waiting outside.

And soon, a familiar figure appeared in Ling Huohuo's sight.

Xiao Yunyun is in a good mood today. She has successfully broken through the one-week retreat and can start the next stage of cultivation.

It was only after she came to Extraordinary Academy that she realized how many strong people there are in this world, and she was not disappointed. She also successfully found a way to continue her cultivation.

When she was bored in retreat, she counted the days, and it was almost a month, and Ling Huohuo was coming to Chaofan Academy, and I believe he would be surprised by his breakthrough.

The purpose of Xiao Yunyun's coming to the Extraordinary Academy is to find a way to break through, so friends are limited, and only a few people know about her exit today, but Xiao Yunyun didn't ask them to pick her up, she just asked Concubine Xuanxuan to pick her up .

Retreat is boring, just like ascetic monks, and in many cases, a retreat may last for more than a month, a long time alone, without contact with the outside world, some people who cannot cultivate their minds will have mild anxiety attacks, in Chaofan Academy, retreat out After that, I usually go out to celebrate with my friends, get in touch with people more, and calm my anxiety.

Moreover, many times, the student's mentor will also appear to check the student as soon as the student's retreat is over. On the one hand, it is to prevent the student from eager for quick success and quick success.

On the other hand, it is to check the mental state of the students. If the mental state is not bad, it is usually taken out to have a good time and let them relax. If the mental state is not good, they will be taken directly to the psychological counseling room, or It was sent directly to the hospital for emergency treatment.

Again, breakthroughs are risky, and retreat requires caution.

Just when Xiao Yunyun wanted to find Concubine Xuanxuan, a burst of power fluctuations revolved around her. Xiao Yunyun's strength at this time was already at the fifth level. Although she had only just broken through, she was a magician with strong mental strength and keen perception. I felt it as soon as the power fluctuation appeared.

Xiao Yunyun instantly became alert.

The use of power is allowed on the campus of the Extraordinary Academy, and you can fight anytime, anywhere.

But if you sneak attack or do something that violates school rules, the consequences will be serious.

Moreover, the damage caused during the battle must be compensated according to the price, and the academy will not reimburse it.

If you are unable to repay, the college will not violently collect debts, but will assign you a compensation task, and you will not get any rewards for the task. You cannot end this life or leave the campus until the money is fully repaid.

In order not to cause unnecessary expenses, or even carry debts, the students will not use power at will. They will go to the battle room if they want to fight, or just find a piece of wasteland, and just fill up the wasteland when they are done.

And there are some special places that are not allowed to fight and belong to non-combat zones, such as Qingxin Tower.

Xiao Yunyun didn't expect that someone would attack her as soon as she came out, and it was still in the non-combat zone of Qingxin Pagoda.

Xiao Yunyun clasped his hands instantly, ready to fight back.

However, what Xiao Yunyun didn't expect was that the attack didn't come, but a burst of fragrance floated into her nose first.

"Look at the sky." Someone exclaimed.

Countless flower petals of various colors slowly fell from the sky, covering the entire Qingxin Pagoda area. People around the Qingxin Pagoda watched this scene in amazement.

"so beautiful."

"Wow, big deal!"

"what's going on?"

"No one will confess!"

"I think it's a marriage proposal!"

Many of the students of Chaofan Academy are adults, and some are in their 30s and [-]s. Therefore, students of Chaofan Academy are allowed to get married, and Chaofan Academy has also thoughtfully set up a Kindergarten Class of Chaofan Academy, which is specially used to train the next generation.

There are many people who confess or propose marriage in Qingxin Pagoda.

"We will get married when I succeed in this breakthrough", "I will wait for you, I will marry you if you succeed in breakthrough", "If... If I succeed in breakthrough, can you be my girlfriend", etc., similar flags Standing under the Qingxin Pagoda is like flying.

The scene at this time made the people around them quickly think of the confession and marriage proposal.

"Who is the protagonist today?" Someone asked.

Soon, falling petals gave the answer.

A gust of wind blew, and the falling petals flew towards Xiao Yunyun, spinning around her, surrounding her.

"This is..." Xiao Yunyun's eyes widened, he didn't expect such a thing to happen today.

How would you respond if someone confessed to you?

At this time, Xiao Yunyun thought of Ling Huohuo's appearance in his mind, and was a little absent-minded for a while.

The girls around were looking in Xiao Yunyun's direction enviously.

They feel that if someone confesses or proposes to them with such a large amount of money, they will definitely agree.

The people nearby also heard the movement here, and they all rushed over.

A whirlwind of petals unfurls in a rapid spin.

The petals resumed their slow-falling appearance again, and everyone saw the surrounding situation clearly, and soon exclaimed.

The open space around the Qingxin Pagoda was covered with a thick carpet of petals, which buried the feet of the onlookers, and the rain of petals was still falling.

Huge flower buds slowly fell from the sky, and finally fell to the ground and bloomed slowly.

A boy wearing a black mentor suit appeared in everyone's sight, smiling.

Ling Huohuo was very satisfied with the eyes of the people around him, especially Xiao Yunyun's surprised eyes.

Hehe, I didn't expect that.

Sit down and operate normally.

Seeing Xiao Yunyun covering his mouth in surprise, Ling Huohuo nodded in satisfaction, but was suddenly taken aback, wait, why is he crying?

Xiao Yunyun recognized Ling Huohuo at a glance. Although Ling Miao and Ling Huohuo looked the same, Xiao Yunyun's feeling told her that it was Ling Huohuo.

Xiao Yunyun didn't expect that Ling Huohuo would come so soon, let alone that Ling Huohuo would appear in front of her in this way.

"Ling Huo Huo!"

Xiao Yunyun raised her legs and ran towards Ling Huohuo. Flowers of various colors emerged from the ground as she ran, and bloomed quickly, as if Xiao Yunyun stepped on flowers.

Ling Huohuo was taken aback, this script is wrong, shouldn't he be the one who restrained Xiao Yunyun, and when he walked towards her, flowers appeared on the ground?

director!Someone changed the script!

Oh, forgot, I am the director.

The people around consciously moved away from their bodies.

And the big flower under Ling Huohuo also turned into petals and gradually disappeared, Ling Huohuo fell to the ground, and then, a soft body fell into Ling Huohuo's arms, hugging Ling Huohuo tightly.

"Xiao Yunyun..."

"Don't talk, kiss me." Xiao Yunyun raised his neck and closed his eyes.

The beauty has said so, what else can Ling Huohuo do?
So he also bowed his head.

Numerous red roses bloom quickly from the center of two people.

Ling Huohuo raised his eyebrows, this scene didn't seem to be in the script.But...forget it.

Feeling the softness in his mouth, Ling Huohuo closed his eyes.

Rose petals slowly falling...

 Sigh~ Writing novels during the holidays is really easy to be affected by the festive atmosphere. I hope you like it. I wish you all a happy Valentine’s Day. It’s almost Chinese New Year. I’m busy and the update is late. Sorry, sorry~
(End of this chapter)

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