The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 398 School Committee Building

Chapter 398 School Committee Building (Second Update)

"This is it." Xiao Yunyun pointed to the huge building in front of him and said.

"Is this the school committee building?" Ling Huohuo exclaimed.

At this time, Xiao Yuncheng leaned on Ling Huohuo with a happy expression on his face.

After the Qingxin Building caused a lot of commotion, Ling Huohuo took Xiao Yunyun away, leaving behind a crowd of melon-eating people with bewildered faces.

When the five flower demons saw that their general had run away with their sister, they also ran away secretly, and went back to share today's events with other monsters.

Only the management staff of Qingxin Building had a broken face. When will so many petals be cleaned up?
Only when the campus is damaged does the person involved need to appear to repair it, but after the flower petals are scattered on the ground, the handling work falls on the staff.

It's too disruptive to ask people to come back to clean up after they have just confessed their confession.

At the same time, what happened in the Qingxin Building just now spread quickly in the campus, causing quite a commotion, and was named "the most romantic confession of the year".

However, the parties Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun didn't know about it yet, and didn't care so much.

What happened today took the relationship between the two of them a step further, and finally broke through that line. Although they didn't say it clearly, they both understood it in their hearts.

Ling Huohuo tightened Xiao Yunyun's hand. At this moment, he was still very excited. The original "fantastic debut" became a "confession scene", and today's harvest was beyond Ling Huohuo's expectation.

"I went first." Ling Huohuo said.

"Well, I'll wait for you outside." Xiao Yunyun nodded.

"Okay." Ling Huohuo pinched Xiao Yunyun's nose, smiled, turned and walked into the building in front of him.

Today is also the day of Ling Huohuo's report, and he needs to meet the school committee.

I don't know much about the school committee Ling Huohuo. I only know that it is the school's management organization, which manages the school's large and small affairs.

The school committee building is the territory of the school committee, and outsiders are not allowed to enter without permission, so Xiao Yunyun had to wait outside.

Ling Huohuo walked into the school committee building.

The school committee building is magnificent and exquisite, with carvings on the walls and pillars.

Ling Huohuo couldn't recognize the specific architectural style, it felt like Greece, all of which were golden, it was almost blinding Ling Huohuo's eyes.

"Is there anything you can do?" A staff member stepped forward and asked.

"My name is Ling Huohuo, and I'm a new mentor, and I'm here to report on the job." Ling Huohuo said.

"It turned out to be Teacher Ling. The school committee has already ordered you to take you up if you come. This way please." The staff member said.

Ling Huohuo nodded. He was told to report to the school committee building before ten o'clock, and it was only 09:30 now.

The staff led the way, and Ling Huohuo followed.

On the second floor.

"This is the honor floor. The photos of each school committee are here. It also records the honor of each school committee. If you want to go to the third floor, you must go here." The staff introduced.

Ling Huohuo nodded to express his understanding, and looked curiously at both sides of the corridor.

On both sides of the corridor are photos of each school committee, and the photos of each school committee are divided.

Ling Huohuo counted, and there are ten members of each school committee, and along the way, there are at least fifty school committees, from portraits to black and white photos to color photos, spreading all the way.

Ling Huohuo rubbed his chin. Speaking of which, the history of Chaofan Academy is much longer than Ling Huohuo thought.

In the center of the corridor are many showcases, most of which are documents, but to Ling Huohuo's surprise, he saw a dead body in one of the showcases!
Isn't it about recording the glory of the school committee members?Why is this honor so heavy?

Ling Huohuo stretched out his finger.

"What happened to that corpse?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"Ah, you mean Mr. Gewu's body." The staff looked at the direction of Ling Huohuo's finger.

"Mr. Geoff?"

"That's right, Mr. Gewu is a member of the No.13 school committee. After each school committee member retreats behind the scenes, he will leave some souvenirs in the school committee building for future generations to admire. It is a coincidence that Well, Mr. Gewu happened to pass away in the year when he stepped back behind the scenes, and before he had time to prepare a souvenir to stay here, he finally brought his own body here."

Ling Huohuo has a black thread, a souvenir?Wouldn't it be good to just find one?
"Don't underestimate those souvenirs." Babai said suddenly.

This time to report, [-] followed, because it was also curious about the situation of the school committee of the Chaofan Academy.

"There are still ideas in these souvenirs, and some power is sealed inside. Although they look the same as ordinary items, once they are activated, they can definitely explode with great power."

"So that's the case." Ling Huohuo sighed in his heart, no wonder the town attaches great importance to souvenirs, it seems that these souvenirs also serve as a means of defense.

"And that corpse hasn't rotted until now. It definitely means that all the strengths of that person in life have been sealed up intact. That corpse is the most terrifying existence here. I can feel the violent power inside the corpse." Eight Bai added.

Ling Huohuo took one last look at Gewu's body and shook his head.

People in your city really know how to play.

If Gewu's body is blown up, your school committee will be interested.

Soon Ling Huohuo walked through the second floor under the leadership of the staff, and reached the stairs leading to the third floor.

"Please go up by yourself, the school committee members are meeting on it." The staff member said.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Ling Huohuo took a deep breath, tidied up his clothes, and went up to the third floor.

After going up to the third floor, Ling Huohuo's eyes lit up. Compared with the resplendent first and second floors, the third floor turned out to be blue and white as the main body, dotted with green plants.

The ground is a white stone ground with complex red lines, surrounded by green plants and small flowers, and there is a huge round table in the center of the ground.

The top is supported by ten white pillars all around. The pillars are all entwined with green vines. There are no walls. From the inside, you can see the mountains and the campus in the distance.

The top is a regular decagon, and there is a huge circular hole in the center. The inside of the hole is black, with little stars shining.

The entire third floor seems to be the back garden of the elves, and it is very large. The second floor can be used as an exhibition hall. Of course, the size of the third floor is needless to say, but there is only one table in the center.

However, it does not appear empty, but makes people feel open-minded.

At this time, there were ten people sitting around the table, as if they were discussing something.

"who is it?"

A voice came from the direction of the table, and Ling Huohuo could feel that the people there were looking at him.

Ling Huohuo showed a smile.

"The new mentor, Ling Huohuo, is here to report."

 Let’s do two updates today, and make up tomorrow, alas, I’m tired~
(End of this chapter)

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