The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 399 School Committee Members

Chapter 399 School Committee Members (One More)
The school committee is composed of ten people, from various forces and departments of the college, led by a vice president.

The vice-principal, Joseph, is an Englishman of unknown age and power. He looks like a standard British gentleman with a smile on his face. One can imagine the terrible power hidden under the appearance of a gentleman.

"Eighth order!" Yabai said.

Ling Huohuo's eyes changed. This is the second eighth-rank powerhouse he has seen besides Grandpa Qian, and this is just a vice principal. So what about the strength of the principal above? Ninth rank?

Are you afraid to come out to teach without any muscle these days?Ling Huohuo complained secretly, and the gentleman's unicorn arm... tsk tsk.

"Are you Ling Huohuo? You look very energetic." Joseph looked at Ling Huohuo and said with a friendly smile, full of friendliness seemed to overflow, and Ling Huohuo's affection for him instantly increased.

"You're welcome, Mr. Vice President." Ling Huohuo smiled at him.

"Teacher Ling made a lot of noise outside just now, I hope you can pay more attention to it in the future." A man dressed as a worker suddenly said, with a somewhat unfriendly tone.

"..." How did he know?Ling Huohuo opened his mouth, he didn't know the identity of the other party, it was not easy to pick up, Ling Huohuo didn't want to offend the other party, because Babai reminded him that the strength of this man in overalls was level seven!The thief is horrible.

"Ah, let me introduce you." Joseph smiled, pointing to the man in the overalls, and said, "This is the representative of the Student Affairs Office, Waltz, you need someone from the Academic Affairs Office to clean up the things you just did outside. It is very rare to see such a scene, it is very troublesome to clean, and there are too many tasks in the school office, and there is not enough manpower, so..." Joseph spread his hands.

No wonder this person looked at him so unkindly, it turned out to be like this, adding work burden to others for no reason.

"Ah, I'm sorry, don't worry, I will notify my subordinates to deal with it later, and there are many people under my subordinates, if you are too busy in the future, you can come to me, and I will ask them to help." Ling Huohuo patted said the chest.

Waltz changed his bad expression and smiled.

"After that, I will trouble Teacher Ling. If you have anything to do in Chaofan Academy, you can come to me, and I will give you my contact information later."

If others say that, Waltz will not express anything, but Ling Huohuo is different. Waltz knows how many people Ling Huohuo has under his command and what their strengths are. If Ling Huohuo can really help, the Academic Affairs Office can help It will be much easier.

You're really welcome, Ling Huohuo twitched the corners of his mouth, but he still smiled, and the smile was even brighter.

The power of the school committee is very great. With Waltz today, it will be much more convenient in the future at Chaofan Academy, and the other party is still a seventh-level powerhouse. It is naturally better to be friendly than to be hostile.

As for the monsters, they stay still anyway.

As for how this group of school committee members knew what happened just now, does that matter?
Joseph coughed in embarrassment. Although the Extraordinary Academy does not prohibit this kind of gang formation, is it bad to make "deals" in front of the vice principal himself?

"I'll continue the introduction from the right." Joseph diverted the conversation between the two.

"This is the tutor of the third grade, Owen." Joseph pointed to the first man on his right, wearing gold-rimmed glasses and wearing a black tutor uniform.

"Hi, I'm Owen, and I'm teaching a theoretical class. Although it's different from the actual combat class, I came to commemorate a few years earlier than you. If you have any questions, you can come to me. I'm willing to help you." Owen smiled Said, nodded to Ling Huohuo.

Ling Huohuo also politely smiled back. Ling Huohuo could feel that Owen's strength was the same as his own, which was also at the sixth level.

"This is Bo Xian from the scientific research center."

Bo Xian was wearing a white coat, an ordinary-looking middle-aged man who also wore glasses, and his strength was level five.

"Some equipment for the actual combat class needs to be obtained from the scientific research center, and we will meet often." Bo Xian said with a smile.

"I will trouble you then."


"This is Waltz. I've already introduced you just now. Let's continue. The next one is Azik, the task director in charge of off-campus affairs."

Azik is a strong man with a serious face, with blond hair standing upside down, wearing a vest, revealing two thick arms, with scars on his arms and face.

"Hi, I know you, thank you for your help before." Ards said in a low voice.

"Huh?" Ling Huohuo was taken aback.

"73 is my student." Azik explained.

Ling Huohuo frowned.


"..." Azik blinked.


Several women couldn't help laughing.

"Before 73 was in danger doing a mission, you met me in Tokyo Tower." It was still Joseph who explained.


Ling Huohuo knocked on his hand.

"That poor man."


"Hahaha..." A few people with low laughs had already laughed out loud.

"Okay, let's continue the introduction. The next one is Godfather Shawshank of the Order of the Holy Light." Joseph pointed to a man wearing a priest's robe and received it.

Shawshank?What about your salvation?
"Nice to meet you, child, the original holy light shines on you." Shawshank said to Ling Huohuo with a gentle face, and then drew a cross on his chest.


"The Holy Light Society is a religious organization that is open to everyone in the Extraordinary Academy. It is the largest religious organization in the Extraordinary Academy. It was established in the first century BC, earlier than the Catholic Church, and there are real people in the Holy Light Society. Oh, there are angels." Joseph said.

Hearing the word "angel", Shawshank instantly raised his neck, with a little pride on his face, as if "Amazing, amazing..."

"Wow! That's amazing!" Ling Huohuo exclaimed cooperatively. Although he knew about angels for a long time, he had never seen them before, so he was quite curious.

Thinking of this, Ling Huohuo suddenly thought of Hua Lifu, and he didn't know how Hua Lifu was doing now. He hadn't seen him since the contract was terminated. It was strange, but he was protected by Babai and "Sword Code" , I should no longer have to worry about my soul being traded to Hualiver, and it happens that Hualiver can continue to teach Xiao Yunyun.

Thinking of this, Ling Huohuo felt his heart flutter suddenly.

Shawshank lowered his neck in satisfaction, and looked at Ling Huohuo, the meaning was obvious-boy, let's go.

"Instructor Ling is always welcome to visit the Holy Light Association, and now you will receive a full set of teaching uniforms and hardcover textbooks for free~"


Ling Huohuo suddenly hesitated to go to the Holy Light Society to visit the angels.

"Okay, let's continue with the introduction." Joseph said.

And when he looked at the next person, Ling Huohuo's eyes lit up.

Starting from the next one, the remaining four are all women, and all of them are beauties!

(End of this chapter)

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