The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 400 Surprises are everywhere in life

Chapter 400 Surprises are everywhere in life (Part [-])

The first woman is wearing a doctor's clothes, with the air of a mature woman. Although she is sitting, it can be seen that the woman's figure is protruding forward and backward, knocking on Erlang's legs, and the white coat is evoked seductively. From time to time, the woman Blinking at Ling Huohuo, he seemed to have a very lively personality, and his strength was at the fifth level.

The next one is a girl in a silver-white school uniform, with a short skirt on her lower body, a pair of long legs wrapped in black stockings, a head of curly golden hair, and Ling Huohuo couldn't help but take a deep look at the towering chest. At a glance, but what is more attractive is the temperament of the girl, a queen-like temperament, which is also the fifth level.

Further down, there is a very fashionable woman, wearing sunglasses, showing a pointed chin, the corners of her mouth are slightly raised, and her strength is actually at the sixth level.

The last one is a woman who has not woken up, with a sickly pale face, thick dark circles under the eyes, nodding her head from time to time, wearing a white robe, but it looks like it hasn't been washed for a while, and her hair is messy Yes, however, with the countless eyes of Ling Huo Huo (monster), it can be seen that if she dresses up well, she is still a beauty, and her strength... Tier [-]? !

At this time, the four women also looked at Ling Huohuo.

"This is Avril Lavigne, the director of the academy hospital."

"Hello." Ling Huohuo took the initiative to say hello.

"Hello, you can come to me if you get hurt in the future." Avril Lavigne said with a smile.

"This one is the president of the school's student union, Megan Fox."

"Hello." Ling Huohuo nodded with a smile.

"Hello, tutor." Megan Fox stood up, bowed slightly to Ling Huohuo, and said with a smile.

Ling Huohuo nodded. Although he is a school committee member, he has put himself in the position of a student. Whether it is sincere or not, it can really give people a good impression.

"Megan, I remember that you also practice swordsmanship. This Instructor Ling also specializes in swordsmanship. If you are interested, you can consider Instructor Ling's class when choosing courses in half a month." Joseph smiled. said.

"Okay, I'll think about it," Megan said.

"This is Andrea, the head of the intelligence department." Joseph continued to introduce.


"Hello." Andrea just nodded politely, decently and gracefully, and didn't say anything else.

"Okay, the last one is a representative from the research department, Lilith."


"You...well..." the woman said weakly, looking like she was about to fall.

Ling Huohuo twitched the corner of his mouth, is it really all right?
"Don't look at Lilith like this, she is the only person in the research department who doesn't sleep during meetings, she's amazing." Owen said with a smile, with an expression of "Lilith is awesome".

"I'm...very...formidable...of..." Lilith also raised her thin arms and made a strong gesture.

The others clapped their hands and looked at Lilith as if you were awesome and powerful. it okay?
It's hard to imagine what kind of work tortured a Tier [-] person like this.

And the research department is one of the five major associations, why do you think it's not good!
"Okay, we've already made arrangements for your affairs, now let me talk about your work." Joseph said seriously.

Ling Huohuo nodded and stood up straight.

"The first is the daily work. You should have received it before. There are five grades in the school. You are in charge of the first grade. You have three classes every week. You usually stay in the office on duty. I won't say more about the specific work. As long as it is reasonable , the academy will not interfere too much."

"Yeah." Ling Huohuo nodded, he already knew this.

"Then there are other arrangements. Let's talk about elective courses first. After half a month, students will start to choose elective courses. As a new tutor, you need to set at least one elective course. The requirements for elective courses are listed in the work manual. , Not much to say, and the function of elective courses is to let students get familiar with you on the one hand, and to test your ability on the other hand, you should understand what I mean." Joseph said.

"Understood." Ling Huohuo nodded.

Ling Huohuo was directly assigned to the position of tutor because of his strength, but it does not mean that Chaofan Academy is only strength-oriented. In order to be responsible to students, it is also necessary to test them, and the content of the test is the usual lectures and elective courses.

If Ling Huohuo does a good job, get promoted and raise his salary, and marry Bai Fumei... Ah, Xiao Yunyun is already Bai Fumei, anyway, these are not problems.

If Ling Huohuo does not do well, although he will not be kicked out of Chaofan Academy, he may be transferred to other departments, but as far as Ling Huohuo knows, tutoring is one of the few jobs with the best salary, and he can get in touch with The resource is also the one with the most, and the work is still tiring.

Ling Huohuo absolutely wanted to keep his tutor job.

"And then, as a mentor, you have the obligation to protect the academy and obey the school's arrangements. That's about it. Do you have any objections?" Joseph narrowed his eyes and looked at Ling Huohuo, and the others also looked at Ling Huohuo.

Although these words are just a formality, it is not guaranteed that there will be iron-headed children who do not follow the routine, smile on their faces, and say "yes" in their hearts. Surprises are everywhere in life, and they have to guard against them.

These requirements are clearly stipulated, and it should be impossible, even impossible in this life.

"No." Ling Huohuo said with a smile.

He could feel that if he nodded and said yes, Joseph would definitely explode and throw him down from the third floor. There were no walls around.

Joseph and the others smiled and nodded secretly. It seems that Ling Huohuo is indeed a normal person.

Extraordinary Academy has a large number of people, there are all kinds of people, and they are not ordinary people. Naturally, there will be more weird ones. The school has not been easy to manage in the past two years. It is a trouble to recruit a weird one. They are also a headache. Come to normal Talent is what they expect.

"Mr. Ling, the Transcendent Academy welcomes you." Joseph said relaxedly.


Ling Huohuo walked out of the school building, feeling inexplicably relaxed.

And Xiao Yunyun, who was waiting outside, also saw Ling Huohuo coming out, and came up to meet him.

"How is it?" Xiao Yunyun asked.

"It's done!" Ling Huohuo gave a thumbs up.

"Awesome." Xiao Yunyun also laughed.

"Come on, reward one." Ling Huohuo moved his face closer.

Xiao Yunyun's face turned red, he was indeed moved by Ling Huohuo before, and he did those things in agitation, but now he calms down and feels embarrassed.

"Why didn't I find you so skinny before?"

"That was the past, isn't it different now?" Ling Huohuo said with a grin.

"Okay, come with me first, I'll take you to dinner." Xiao Yunyun turned around.

"What about the reward?"

"Reward you big-headed ghost!" After speaking, Xiao Yunyun quickened his pace.


"What are you laughing at? I'm so annoying! Hmph!"

 That's it for today, I wish you all a happy new year, good health and good luck in everything!If I don’t sleep tonight, I will continue to code. If I sleep, I will make up the two chapters of these two days tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. There are too many things to do during the Chinese New Year. Thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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