Chapter 401 Two Sinful Brothers (Part [-])
a day later.

At this time, Ling Huohuo was wearing his tutor uniform, sitting in the office and looking at the teacher's manual.

Ling Huohuo's working hours are from nine in the morning to three in the afternoon.

Chaofan Academy carefully arranged a separate office for Ling Huohuo, with a size of [-] square meters, but there is nothing in the office except basic equipment, and it needs to be renovated by itself. At this time, the "Monster Decoration Team" will do their part. Standing up, after some decoration, the office changed a lot.

Human heads, dripping wax, leather whips hanging on the wall, dim lighting, rock-like wallpaper, eerie atmosphere, well, this is very monster style.

And Ling Huohuo didn't know if it was because of being demonized, but he didn't feel any discomfort when he saw these.

Sitting comfortably in his tiger chair, Ling Huohuo looked at the time.

"Oh, let's go to class."

Ling Huohuo put down the manual, picked up the student manual on the table, got up and walked out of the office.

As an actual combat instructor, Ling Huohuo has two classes, one is the outdoor actual battlefield, and the other is the indoor training room, and Ling Huohuo is in charge of the key of the indoor training room, so he can come in and out freely.

In order to facilitate the class, Ling Huohuo's office is not far from the outdoor actual battlefield and the indoor training room.

Ling Huohuo's first class was on an outdoor actual battlefield.

The outdoor actual battlefield is generally a place for fighting. Students show their strengths. Instructors need to guide students on problems to ensure their safety. The indoor training room is a place for instructors to teach combat skills.

Instructors usually give practical lessons to students outdoors for the first time, which will help the instructor understand the students' strengths and problems, and facilitate subsequent teaching.

Moreover, in the outdoor actual battlefield, multiple classes are taught together, and each class has its own instructor to guide, while in the indoor training room, a class is taught alone.

Ling Huohuo is still looking forward to today's class. When chatting with Xiao Yunyun yesterday, he already knew the general situation of Chaofan Academy. Also, Xiao Yunyun and Ling Miao are in the same class, and today's first class Just in class one!

According to what Xiao Yunyun said, Ling Miao and Yin Ya were surprised for a long time that Xiao Yunyun was an extraordinary person, and her strength was not weak. Knowing nothing about Huo, Ling Huohuo got a little excited just thinking about Ling Miao's expression today.

As for Ling Miao's overreaction... Hehe, just beat him up.

Ling Huohuo had read the student handbook a long time ago, and Ling Huohuo was surprised that Andy and Xiyan were also in his class.


Practical training ground.

Today, the three classes use the actual combat training ground together, namely class one, class three and class nine.

Because there is no instructor present, students are not allowed to fight, so the students of the three classes stood together and chatted with each other.

Moreover, it was their first practical class today. Although they have been studying for a month, in order to let the students adapt to the new environment, they only took some theoretical classes in a month, and they also had activities for half a month.

"I heard that we have a new practical instructor today, do you think it is a beautiful woman or a handsome guy?" said a student in Class [-].

"It doesn't matter if you are beautiful or handsome, as long as you have strength." Xiyan said indifferently.

"I think it would be great if it was a beautiful woman. I really envy Class Nine." Another student said.

"Hehe, there is only one Bingshan beauty, don't think about it, the other class she leads is class [-], I just hope that the new tutor is not the same type as the wild beast in class [-], otherwise today will be a fun day " said a boy next to him, hugging his chest.

Thinking of the mentor known as the wild beast, the people around him shrank their necks.

Although it was the first time to attend a practical class, they already knew the identity of their instructors, and naturally began to ask the seniors about their instructors.

However, the tutors assigned to Class [-] and Class [-] were new tutors. The school did not disclose their specific identities. This is also a school tradition.

At this time, Ling Miao was looking at several of her people with a headache.

Andy didn't know what happened, and he insisted that he hugged her on the plane two days ago, which naturally caused Yin Ya's crisis. The two of them quarreled, and the two people who had a bad relationship were now in the same situation.

But I have never been out of school before!So far, except for saving Andy, I haven't even touched Andy's hand!And no matter how he explained, the two women just didn't listen, even Xia Ri looked at him strangely recently, as if he was a scumbag.

Ling Miao sighed and rubbed the center of her eyebrows, feeling tired.

Xiao Yunyun looked at Ling Miao, who was standing beside him with a headache on his face from the corner of his eye, and shook his head, he is really a sinful man.

But Xiao Yunyun felt that Ling Miao wouldn't have a headache after a while.

And when Ling Miao saw Ling Huohuo, she didn't know what expression she would make, it was funny to think about it.

Then Xiao Yunyun suddenly thought of Ling Huohuo again, and the figures of Guo Xiaoyu, Lu Sisi and Fengchen Xiuya appeared in his mind.

An old classmate, a girl from a rich family who is rich, powerful and capable.

The setting of these three people instantly made Xiao Yunyun feel a sense of crisis.

Guo Xiaoyu is so foolish, Xiao Yunyun thinks he can be overwhelmed by IQ, Lu Sisi seems to have no interest in Ling Huohuo, although there is support from both parents, but as long as he is the first to act first, raw rice and cooked rice, both parents should I won't get entangled anymore, and then I'll deal with the relationship between myself and Ling Huohuo's parents. As for Toyotomi Xiuya...

Whether it's strength, appearance, or net worth, to be honest, Xiao Yunyun feels a little ashamed of himself.

The problem is that Toyotomi Hideya is obsessed with Ling Huohuo because of the shards of lust. As long as Ling Huohuo says a word, she can sacrifice herself at any time, and there is no good solution for the shards of lust. When Ling Huohuo breaks through to the ninth level, it is estimated that The children of two people can make soy sauce.

But now I and Ling Huohuo just took a step forward, wanting to cook raw rice and cooked rice, with Ling Huohuo's "reserved" EQ, can I just take the initiative by myself?

Ling Huohuo, what a sinful person!
Thinking of this, Xiao Yunyun suddenly became a little angry.

Ling Miao looked at Xiao Yunyun who was suddenly angry and shrank his neck. He originally wanted Xiao Yunyun to help persuade him, but now Xiao Yunyun didn't know why he was angry. Could it be a relative?It's better not to mess with it.

At this time, because of the noise of several people, many students stood around to watch the excitement.

Although Ling Miao is a freshman, since the beginning of the school, the news about Ling Miao has been one after another, and he has almost become a news figure in the school.

 happy new year~
(End of this chapter)

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