The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 402 Ling Huohuo: Our Story Begins 2 Years Ago

Chapter 402 Ling Huohuo: Our Story Begins 20 Years Ago (Part [-])
A loud noise attracted the attention of the students.

The sound came from the center of the outdoor actual battlefield, and a burst of dust was lifted, making it impossible to see the situation inside.

When the smoke cleared, a figure appeared in front of the students, with tall bulging muscles, a body full of scars, and a rough face.

"Didn't it fall from the sky?" A student looked up at the sky.

"Who is he?"

"Wait, with this appearance, he is a wild beast!" exclaimed.

"It is said that wild beasts never leave the door, it should be... jumped in."


"Hahaha..." The brawny man let out a loud laugh.

"My name is Bell, the man known as the wild beast, from the third class, come to my place to gather!" Bell shouted.

The students in class three swallowed their saliva, and finally walked in Bell's direction.

"Class nine come to my place to gather." A cold voice came, and everyone looked towards the entrance.

I saw a cold but extremely beautiful woman standing at the door.

"Hiss!" Everyone gasped, for some reason, they felt chills when they saw this woman.

"She is the Ice Queen!" Someone exclaimed.

"People from Class Nine come to my side to gather." After finishing speaking, the woman left coldly without saying a word.

The students in Class [-] and Class [-] organized their teams under the leadership of the Beast and the Ice Queen respectively, and the domineering appearance of the two instructors also made everyone present unable to recover for a long time.

"Tell me, how will our mentor appear?" Someone asked his companion.

"Who knows."

At this time, Ling Huohuo also came outside the actual battlefield, and saw that there were teams on the right and in the middle of the actual battlefield, and a group of students standing randomly on the left.

"The rest should be my students."

Sure enough, Ling Huohuo saw Xiao Yunyun and several familiar figures in the crowd.

Ling Huohuo found the entrance, walked into the actual battlefield, and immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Wild Beast and Ice Queen frowned.

They had heard about Ling Huohuo, but hadn't seen it, but at this time Ling Huohuo walked in wearing a tutor uniform, which made them both feel a little inappropriate.

Because it is a combat class, the instructor has to go off in person, so the instructors of the combat class always wear combat uniforms during class, and the general combat uniforms are custom-made, just the two of them.

The beast is wearing a camouflage vest, while the ice queen is wearing a blue tights.

Even if you don't prepare, there is a unified battle uniform provided for free.

And it was the first time I saw him wearing a tutor uniform.

Sensing the gazes of the mad beast and the ice queen, Ling Huohuo looked at the two of them and nodded. Both the mad beast and the ice queen were fifth rank.

As for the students, when they saw Ling Huohuo's appearance, they all opened their mouths and twisted their necks to look in the general direction, specifically Ling Miao's direction.

Because Ling Huohuo's face is so recognizable.

"Second brother?"

"Ling Huo Huo?"

"Two Ling Miao?"

Everyone exclaimed, there was some commotion, and many students looked at Ling Huohuo and then at Ling Miao, and found that the two of them had no difference except their clothes, even their hairstyles. What's going on?
Go to the front of the class.

"Ahem, class one, gather and line up."

The students in Class [-] lined up in a daze, with doubts on their faces.

Ling Miao looked spoiled.

"Why? How is it possible? What's the situation? Did I not wake up? Who am I? Where am I? What happened?..."

Xiao Yunyun twitched the corners of his mouth. Sure enough, although Ling Miao looked worried, why did he just want to laugh?

The fixed number of people in a class is 30 people. At this time, 30 people stand in six rows with five people in each row.

Ling Miao, Yin Ya, Xia Ri, Xiao Yunyun and a student stood in the first row.

Andy and Xi Yan stood in the second row.

At this moment, Andy and Xiyan looked at Ling Huohuo and Ling Miao, and suddenly thought of something.

"Could it be that... on the plane..." Xiyan squinted her eyes and looked at Ling Huohuo, and found that Ling Huohuo stayed on her and Andy's body for a moment, and immediately realized that it was indeed this person who was on the plane that day!

"No way..." Andy opened his mouth, on the plane that day... did he find the wrong person?For a moment Andy didn't know how to face Ling Huohuo, seeing Ling Huohuo looking over, he hurriedly lowered his head.

And Ling Miao also reflected, regained his composure, and stared at Ling Huohuo without blinking. Now he really wants to know what happened to Ling Huohuo?I always feel that the person in front of me may be a fake second brother.

But Ling Miao still felt the feeling of blood connection in Ling Huohuo, which proved that this might really be his second brother.

"Yeah." Ling Huohuo nodded in satisfaction.

Just now he roughly took a look at the students in Class [-]. Besides Ling Miao, Yin Ya and Xiao Yunyun, there was another fifth-rank student in the class, that strange boy standing in the first row. The boy's eyes were very sharp, and Ling Huohuo It can be felt that this person is using a sword, because... his sword has been held in his arms.

Ling Huohuo could tell that he liked swords very much, because so far, he had only glanced at himself, and the rest of the time he focused on the sword in his own hand.

There are a total of five people in the fourth rank, including Andy and Xi Yan.

There are twelve people remaining in the third rank.

There are eight people in the second stage.

There is one person in the first order.

The strength gap is very different.

"Let me introduce myself first." Ling Huohuo said, the students in the first class all pricked up their ears, and the students in the other two classes couldn't help moving their bodies to this side. The identity of the person with the exact same appearance is very curious.

Crazy Beast and the Ice Queen also looked in Ling Huohuo's direction. They knew that Ling Miao, although Ling Miao was a student, was not weaker than ordinary mentors, but lacked systematic training experience, and Ling Huohuo, they had just discovered , They couldn't see through Ling Huohuo's strength!
Therefore, the two are more curious about the relationship between Ling Huohuo and Ling Miao.

"My name is Ling Huohuo. I will be your practical instructor from today. I hope to spend a happy and interesting campus time with you." Ling Huohuo organized the language and said.


The students have black lines, do you think this is an ordinary school?Can't you say something about what we're looking forward to?For example, the relationship between you and Ling Miaozhi.

But...don't you say we won't ask?
"Mentor, what is your relationship with Ling Miao?" Xi Yan asked, raising her hand.

"Ah, Ling Miao." Ling Huohuo looked at Ling Miao with a smile, and looked towards the sky with a vicissitudes of life, "Our story begins 20 years ago..."

"He is my twin brother, my second brother, Ling Huohuo." Ling Miao interjected.

"Tsk." Ling Huohuo clicked his tongue, a little upset.

twin brothers?It made sense that they looked exactly the same, and the others nodded.

"Actually, I also really want to know why you are here, second brother?" Ling Miao said, staring at Ling Huohuo.

After observing for such a period of time, although Ling Huohuo still looked so unreliable, he felt a strange sense of crisis in Ling Huohuo, and there was also an ominous aura (monstrous aura).

However, he couldn't see Ling Huohuo's strength. No matter how he looked at it, Ling Huohuo was an ordinary person.

"Well, it's a long story..." Ling Huohuo let it go.

"Let's make a long story short." Ling Miao spoke again. Ever since he saw Ling Huohuo, he felt that his mentality had collapsed. The same feeling, although he tried his best to restrain himself, he felt that his patience was about to be exhausted.

Being interrupted again, Ling Huohuo opened his mouth, saying that he is your brother, can you save me some face?
"Well, that's how I came here, um, that's how it is." Ling Huohuo nodded, as if he believed it himself.


The students in Class [-] and the eavesdroppers around were all confused. Ling Huohuo just... said something?

(End of this chapter)

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