The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 408 Never seen such a brazen person

Chapter 408 I've Never Seen Such a Brazen Person

Three days later, the list of new elective courses was announced.

Ling Huohuo's swordsmanship course also aroused discussion.

The students were very curious about Ling Huohuo, the new instructor, while the instructors looked like they were watching a joke. No matter what the result was, it was an interesting "big show".

There is only one week to register for elective courses. During this period, students can change the registered courses at will, but after one week, they will not be allowed to change elective courses.

Students can only apply for one tutor for each elective course, but they can apply for multiple elective courses. As long as the time can be staggered and they have the energy to study, they can apply for multiple elective courses.

No matter what power they are practicing, many people will choose at least one weapon course, and swordsmanship is one of the most popular weapon courses. The total number of people who choose swordsmanship will exceed a thousand every year, and the total number of people in five grades combined There are only more than 2000 people.

In addition to students, there are many graduates living in Chaofan Academy. Compared with students, there are more graduates. They are all in another area, and they usually join a certain club to practice. This elective course has nothing to do with them.

On the first day of class selection, Jian Shengdao signed up immediately, followed by more than a dozen students from classes [-], [-] and [-]. I don't know, but they have seen Ling Huohuo's strength with their own eyes, and it is better to believe what they see than to hear it.

In the next two days, four or five more enrolled in Ling Huohuo's courses.

In three days, Ling Huohuo received a total of 17 applications, while the other three tutors had more than 200 applications for their elective courses.

However, Ling Huohuo only received 20 students in the five grades, which is extremely pitiful, and the minimum standard for the number of elective courses is 20 students. In the end, Ling Huohuo pulled Ling Miao and the others to gather [-] students. , has just reached the standard line of being able to receive resources.

The resources allocated by Chaofan Academy to different tutors and courses are different. They need to go through professional evaluation and provide resources according to the needs of students. They are fixed every year and will not be allocated more just because there are more tutors offering courses.

These resources are then divided among all instructors running such courses according to the number of students enrolled.

As the 20 people on the passing line, the resources they can receive are naturally pitiful, but it still lowers the resources obtained by the other three mentors this year.

Although it is just an insignificant amount, this is not good news.

If Ling Huohuo successfully established his own elective courses in the first year and just let it go, by the time Ling Huohuo gets a firm foothold in the second year, more students will be recruited, more resources will be allocated, and more time will be allocated. Over time, it will successfully lower the "resource GDP" of other tutors.

Hearing that Ling Huohuo had established an elective course in swordsmanship, the other three tutors felt a little insomnia.

It would be easier if Ling Huohuo's strength was weaker, but Ling Huohuo is said to be at the sixth level, and they either sent someone or personally observed Ling Huohuo secretly, and found that they couldn't see through Ling Huohuo's strength , making them feel a little panicked.

Although the number of students who signed up for their own course was in an absolute advantage, they still felt a stomach ache when they saw Ling Huohuo gathered twenty students.

Ling Huohuo's courses are not pornographic, they can't sleep well.


Today is the fourth day of registration for elective courses, and Ling Huohuo still hasn't waited for the actions or challenges of the other three tutors.

However, I have seen a lot of student competition among other instructors.

Those who fight in the ring, those who perform boulder-breaking performances, those who raise welfare with tears, etc., etc., a certain wrestling club even took out a treasured "philosophy book".

However, the actions of the other three swordsmanship instructors still remained unchanged.

Could it be that they just gave up?
Of course not!
Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun agreed that there was no movement for such a long time, they must have held back some big move.

Therefore, Ling Huohuo was more careful during this time.

Ling Huohuo had just finished class and was going home for dinner.

After confirming the elective courses, Ling Huohuo specially held a meeting with the monsters.

The monsters who are proficient in various insidious methods combined with the information of the three mentors that Xiao Yunyun inquired, analyzed the various methods they might use. After some discussion, Ling Huohuo felt that he should go home as soon as he got off work. Well, I dare not even eat outside for fear of being drugged.

The discussion that night directly refreshed Ling Huohuo's understanding of his monsters. There is no bottom line, only lower, and there is no most despicable, only more despicable.

What's wrong?How come all the "babies" who look good at ordinary times are black when they are cut?

And in the end, if it wasn't for Ling Huohuo's obstruction, the excited monsters would have acted first and used these possible methods on the other three mentors one step ahead.

Think about it, if it really happened, the picture would be wonderful.

And Ling Huohuo went home after get off work not only to prevent being thugs, but also to go back and watch the monsters and prevent them from going out to thugs.

However, when he returned home today, Ling Huohuo obviously felt that something was wrong with the surrounding atmosphere.

Nonsense, there are two groups of people at war standing in front of them, it's weird to be right.

At this time, two people who were obviously leaders were talking.

"I've heard about your name for a long time, and I'm lucky to meet you today. You know the destiny and the current affairs, so why would you invite an unknown teacher to violate our borders?"

"I was ordered to hunt down thieves, so what does it mean to be nameless?"

"The number of days has changed, and the artifacts are easier to buy, and they belong to virtuous people. This is a natural principle."


Ling Huohuo listened with a dazed expression, did he time travel again?
And there were many people around Ling Huohuo, who seemed to be watching the fun. Ling Huohuo approached two people who seemed to be friends who were chatting, and seemed to hear them discussing some tofu brains.

"You two, what's the situation?" Ling Huohuo asked.

The two noticed Ling Huohuo, and replied with a smile: "Ah, Lion Club and Sanshi are making an appointment, this time it's a battle of thousands of people." One person said excitedly.

Lions and III?Ling Huohuo has long heard that these two organizations do not deal with each other, and they often make appointments. This is the first time I have seen them make an appointment.

"Then what do they mean by what they said?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"This..." Another person said slowly, "One of those two people is the vice president of the Lions Club, and the other is the second commander of the third generation. There was a quarrel because of the plot, so there was this appointment."


Ling Huohuo didn't know how to complain anymore, and there were new changes on the field at this time.

"Isn't it beautiful?"

"Vulgar language!"

"What else can I do?"

"Rapping here?"

"Village man! Village man!"

"Shut up, shameless old thief!"

"A dog with a broken spine, barking wildly."

"I've never seen such a brazen person!"

"I... I... do it!"

With the appearance of the word "hands-on", the two groups of people took steps in an instant.


Under Ling Huohuo's bewildered gaze, one of the two people beside him took out a dagger and inserted it into the stomach of the other.

Are these two not friends?
"Stupid, I'm a member of the Lions Club hidden among the onlookers, but I know you're a member of the third generation." With that said, the man took out a badge and put it on his body.



Sanshi's men also took out a dagger and stuck it in the stomach of a member of the Lions Club hidden in the crowd of onlookers.

"Ahem." The man of the third generation spat blood, "Actually, I knew it a long time ago, but I didn't expect that you would strike first. He deserves to be called the 'left-handed unicorn', and his hand speed is fast."

"Cough cough, each other, cough cough, as expected of 'Brother Lan Xiaochun', I didn't expect to be able to fight back in this state, but can you hold on?" asked the left-handed unicorn.

"I can't stand it anymore, what about you?" Lan Xiaochun vomited blood.

"Me... too..." the left-handed Qilin gritted his teeth and said.

Usually, the two fell to the ground together.

Ling Huohuo wiped the blood off his face.

what just happened?
"Left-handed unicorn!"

"Brother Blue Spring!"

Two wailing sounds came from a distance, and Ling Huohuo raised his head, suddenly having a bad premonition.

 I have completed the two chapters that I owed, and the third update will start tomorrow, and the other book will also start to be updated, my back hurts~
(End of this chapter)

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