The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 409 Ling Huohuo: Come here!

Chapter 409 Ling Huohuo: Come here! (one more)
Ask, your friend fell into a pool of blood with a knife stuck in his stomach, and there was a man covered in his friend's blood standing next to him, what was your first reaction?
Of course it was my friend who was stabbed by this person.

Although there is another person on the scene after a short reaction, but now they are in a melee, and there is no time to think about it.

Looking at the few people around who were staring at him with red eyes, Ling Huohuo shrank his neck.

"Calm down, it was the two of them who stabbed each other. It has nothing to do with me. If you don't believe me, look at the... people on the ground?"

At this time, there was only a pool of blood under Ling Huohuo's feet, and the two people lying dead had disappeared.

"what's the situation?"

When Ling Huohuo turned his head, he saw four people in white coats carrying another person's body away, as if they felt Ling Huohuo's gaze, they turned their heads and smiled at Ling Huohuo.

Then, two more people in white coats appeared beside Ling Huohuo strangely.

"Don't worry, mentor, based on my experience, I will definitely save you the first time you fall."

"Yes, yes, trust us, we are professionals."

Ling Huohuo: "..."

In Chaofan Academy, this kind of melee among clubs often happens, and in the melee, people who are red-eyed are killed without seriousness.

In order to protect students and prevent death from happening, timely treatment is necessary, so the department "Battlefield Doctor" was born.

Being able to rescue the injured and fallen person at the first time, do some simple treatment, and send them to the hospital in time, so that at least the life of the rescued person can be saved, and similarly, the rescued person is not qualified to continue fighting .

Because they need to take advantage of the chaos to save people, the doctors in the field are extremely skilled. It’s not just a matter of bragging about saving a small soldier in a crowd of thousands, and they have also practiced the means of self-surrender. The society beats them, and we save us. Never interfere with each other.

And they have developed a pair of sharp eyes, able to judge when and where they should be. For example, now, Ling Huohuo, who is absolutely surrounded by them, should soon fall down.

Moreover, he was still surrounded by two groups of Lions Club and Sanshi. Although he didn't know why this mentor provoked the two clubs at the same time, he definitely couldn't get any benefits.

Because the two sides in the war are not students, but graduates, who have experienced many tasks, and it is not 01:30 who is stronger than the students.

At this time, Ling Huohuo has the heart to kill these field doctors, and the evidence is gone. What should I do now?
There were five people surrounding Ling Huohuo, all wearing their own combat uniforms, with the logos of the Lions Club and III pinned on their chests respectively, and their strengths were two at the fifth level and three at the fourth level.

"Wait, shouldn't you Lions and Sanshi fight first? Are you sure you want to deal with me first?"

The two groups looked at each other, then looked at Ling Huohuo.

"We think it's better to deal with you first."

After finishing speaking, the five rushed towards Ling Huohuo.

"Don't come here, I will fight back if I come here again!"

Ling Huohuo will not get involved in the battle between the Lion Club and the third generation, once involved, it will be difficult to get out.

Is it the one who cut the Lions Club or the one who cut the third world?

Knock down three here, knock down two over there, isn't this unevenness causing trouble?

Even if one more person is brought in to make up six people, three on each side will be cut off, is it possible?play?Don't the Lions Club and Sanshi don't want to lose face?

Once an unfamiliar third party intervenes in the battle between Lions Club and III, it will inevitably attract attacks from both Lions Club and III. Therefore, even if they are onlookers, other people will stay far away for fear of being accidentally injured.

But who would have thought that you Lions Club and Sanshi would still play tricks like stuffing undercover agents among the spectators? You must have watched too much Infernal Affairs.

Looking at the five people rushing over, Ling Huohuo felt that today's matter was unclear, so let's do it.

Sure enough, the truth is "just" out.

After five beeps, Ling Huohuo waved to the two dazed doctors behind him.

"Take it away."

Hitting the sixth level against the fifth level is like punching a child.

"Oh... oh." The two doctors nodded, and quickly ran away carrying five people. They were not seriously injured, and it was impossible to carry them. There were only two doctors, so it was good if they didn't drag them away.

And Ling Huohuo's actions just now attracted the attention of the people around him, Lion Club and Sanshi.


Once again, someone with red eyes rushed towards Ling Huohuo with a weapon in hand.

Ling Huohuo rubbed his hair, feeling a little headache.

He drew out a long sword with sheath casually, did not pull out the long sword, but just held it in his hand, bowed and charged forward.

A trick directly split on a person's belly, threw his wrist, and threw the members of the Lion Club who was almost beaten out of the stomach to the sky, then fell behind Ling Huohuo, inlaid in the ground, dizzy past.

puff!puff!puff! ...

More than a dozen people just went up to the sky and then fell down and embedded into the ground, and passed out.

And the two doctors who had just transported five people came back here and saw the scene just now, opened their mouths, and took out the pager.

"The enemy army is very ferocious, please ask for human support."

"Headquarters received!"


Ling Huohuo's movement just now made more people notice him.

Lion Club and Sanshi stopped their hands for a while and looked at Ling Huohuo, and the crowd also looked at Ling Huohuo, the third party who suddenly inserted... how do you say this is a bit weird?
"It's a mentor." The onlookers said.

"What's wrong with the mentor, all the graduates who participated in the scuffle this time are no worse than the mentor."

"I'm so impulsive, I dare to intervene in a group battle with thousands of people, I'm afraid I'm an iron boy."

"Do you know that mentor?"

"I don't know, little tutor."

"Probably new here."

"Ah, wait, I remembered, he is indeed a newcomer this year. I saw his employment letter when I went to the personnel department to do business two days ago."

"That's no problem, the newcomer may not know what's going on with Lions and III."

"Bless yourself."

Ling Huohuo just looked at the two groups.

"Do you believe me when I say it was an accident?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"Fart!" roared the vice president of the Lions club.


It seems that there is no reconciliation, so...

Ling Huohuo tightened the long sword in his hand, raised his head, looked at the opposite side, and shouted: "Come here!"

"Is he crazy, he is provoking Lions Club and III at the same time!" The onlookers were in an uproar.

"Very good." The vice president of the Lions Club gritted his teeth and said.

"Hehehe..." The second commander of the third generation sneered.

"Give it to me!"

The vice president of the Lions Club and the second leader of the third generation waved their hands in the direction of Ling Huohuo, and the members behind them rushed towards Ling Huohuo with their weapons.

At this time, a piece of music sounded in the field.

"That's called justice, that's invincible..."

Wait, what's the situation with this BGM?
(End of this chapter)

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