The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 415: Rabbit's "Quarrel"

Chapter 415 The Rabbit's "Quarrel" (Part [-])
"Who are you? What does this mean?" Ling Miao frowned and looked at the group of people surrounding her.

Today, I wanted to exercise my body, so I came to the training ground, but what he didn't expect was that just after he came to the training ground, a group of people surrounded the training ground and surrounded himself in the middle.

Ling Miao looked around without leaving a trace, and if she wanted to escape, she had to force her way in.

"You're pretending to be confused with me, aren't you? You didn't think about today when you beat us III?" Someone shouted.

"That's right!"

"that is!"

"Don't try to run today!"

Looking at the person yelling at him, Ling Miao was at a loss.

III?He has heard of it, but there is no intersection!

Ling Miao looked at the three people in front of her. These three people had not spoken and were surrounded in the middle. They should be the leaders.

The one in the middle is a tall beauty with long brown hair. There is a long hair on the top of her head that is constantly shaking. She is wearing a knight outfit, but her bumpy figure can still be seen, and her strength is at the sixth level.

On her left is a man with a fierce face, level six, and on the right is a man who looks like "Aotian", with level five strength.

"Quiet!" said the man with a fierce face, and the people around him quickly quieted down. It seemed that the man had great prestige among this group of people.

The woman in the middle looked at Ling Miao with a frown.

"Are you sure it's this person who overthrew you?" the woman asked, looking at the fierce-looking man beside her.

"That's right, I found it based on the screenshots of the video. Commander, please see if they are exactly the same." A man next to the three of them handed the woman a photo.

The woman looked at the photo, then at Ling Miao, and finally compared the photo with Ling Miao.

The face in the photo is exactly the same as Ling Miao.

The woman nodded.

"Well, that's right, it's him." The woman said, but her eyebrows frowned more and more deeply.

She could tell that Ling Miao was of the fifth rank, but... just such a fifth rank who overthrew her five hundred younger brothers and added a second commander?Just kidding!

I'm afraid there are fake younger brothers?

Could it be that this "Ling Huohuo" is extremely talented?Being able to be a mentor, it seems that you really have two brushes.

"Great commander, that's right, it's him. The fifth level may not be his real strength. At that time, he could defeat a fifth-level member with one move, and a sixth-level spirit body subordinate, and hundreds of fourth-level monsters. , The strength shown at that time was very strong." The fierce man said with some embarrassment, after all, he was the one who was beaten away at that time.

"..." Hearing the man's words, Ling Miao suddenly thought of something, Ling Huohuo's figure appeared in his mind, and the corners of his mouth twitched involuntarily.

Ling Miao took a deep breath.

"Actually, I'm Ling Huohuo's younger brother. My name is Ling Miao. I don't know anything about what Ling Huohuo has done." Ling Miao explained.

"Hahaha..." Suddenly, laughter came from a distance.

And the crowd behind Ling Miao also parted, looking at the person vigilantly.

The three figures stood in the middle of the crowd with a few subordinates.

"It's really interesting. Just now a person who claimed to be Ling Huohuo's younger brother Ling Miao told me that Ling Huohuo is here, and as far as I know, Ling Huohuo seems to have a very superb means of hiding his strength. There is nothing impossible." The leading woman said.

The woman has blond hair, is wearing a gorgeous long dress, and has fair skin. Her appearance is not weaker than that of the woman in knight attire. The only thing she has in common is that she also has a golden hair on her head.

On her left is a man of the sixth rank, who looks very elegant.

On the right is also a fifth-rank man with blond hair, as if he was a nobleman.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Ling Miao felt that when the blonde woman arrived, the dull hairs on her and the brown-haired woman's heads were shaking, as if they were targeting each other.

Whether it's the feeling or the configuration around her, Ling Miao feels that the two women are inexplicably similar.

"Elizabeth, what are you doing here?" the brown-haired girl said with an unkind expression.

"You Charlotte can come, why can't I, Elizabeth? Besides, the members of my Lions Club have also been taken care of by Ling Huohuo." Elizabeth said with a smile, looking at Charlotte without showing any weakness.

lions club...

Ling Miao covered her face. The Lions Club is no less powerful than Sanshi. How could Ling Huohuo provoke these two clubs at the same time?And...why was he the one who lay down the gun!I am also very desperate!
"How about handing Ling Huohuo to me?" Elizabeth said with a smile.

"Don't even think about it!" Charlotte said without hesitation.

"What, you want to make trouble?" Elizabeth said with a cold face, stepped forward and said.

"Are you afraid of you? If not, I'll see you in the duel!" Charlotte said with her neck up. She also took a step forward, puffed up her chest, and the two big rabbits shook.

Ling Miao raised his eyebrows. He could tell that the relationship between the two women was not good. The Lions Club and Sanshi were hostile. It was said that the leaders of the two clubs were at the same level. Now it seems that the relationship between the two is worse than imagined many.

"I think you are toasting and not eating fine wine!" Elizabeth approached Charlotte again.

"Then try it! Come here!" Charlotte stepped forward.

"Come here!" Elizabeth stepped forward.

"Come here!" Charlotte stepped forward.


The distance between Elizabeth and Charlotte is getting closer and closer, and finally they stick together, and the two little rabbits are the first to touch each other.

Rabbit Elizabeth: What are you worried about?

Charlotte Rabbit: What are you doing!

Rabbit Elizabeth: Try another look!
Charlotte Rabbit: Just try it!

In this way, the two rabbits kept deforming in the constant quarrel and squeeze.

Ling Miao sighed, and put his hand into his pocket. Although he didn't wear a student uniform today, fortunately he had his ID card on it.

"Cough cough." Ling Miao coughed dryly.

"This is my ID card. It can prove that I am not Ling Huohuo." Ling Miao handed out her ID card.

The vice president of the Lions Club and the second leader of the third generation frowned and waved their hands. Each of the two parties walked out to Ling Miao and checked Ling Miao's ID card. Soon, the two turned back to the vice president and The second commander nodded.

The second commander of the third generation looked at Ling Huohuo's photo again, but he still couldn't see any difference between him and Ling Miao. He didn't expect that there were people who looked so similar in this world, even with the same hairstyle.

But the vice president of the Lions Club frowned. If this is Ling Miao, then Ling Huohuo...isn't he the one who gave them the news?
Did you get tricked?

The vice president's complexion was not very good, and he always felt a kind of heartache. He secretly scolded Ling Huohuo for having a problem with his character, not only lying, but also cheating on his younger brother. The elder brother is definitely his misfortune.

The vice president of the Lions Club gave Ling Miao a sympathetic look.

Ling Miao took back her ID card.

"Then can I leave?" Ling Miao asked.

The vice president of the Lions Club and the second leader of the third generation felt that they were looking for Ling Huohuo. Ling Miao, who had been trapped by Ling Huohuo, was miserable enough. Just as he was about to nod in agreement, he was interrupted by two voices.

"I disagree!"

"Wait a moment!"

Elizabeth and Charlotte stopped arguing and looked back at Ling Miao.

Ling Miao suddenly had a bad feeling.

 The bug of Guo Xiaoyu's level has been fixed yesterday

(End of this chapter)

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