The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 416 Where is Ling Huohuo

Chapter 416 Where is Ling Huohuo (Part [-])
Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun rushed to the training ground quickly, but they looked at the watertight training ground that was besieged.

"What should we do now? Do you want to punch in?" Xiao Yunyun asked, the shadow of the flame had already appeared on his hand, and his face was a little excited.

Ling Huohuo looked at her with black lines, is it really okay to be so violent?

"Wait a minute, nothing will happen to Ling Miao, let's see the situation." Ling Huohuo said.

"Okay." Xiao Yunyun pouted.

"Then... first think about how to know what happened inside." Ling Huohuo looked at the crowd and said.


"What? Ling Miao is surrounded by people on the training ground?" Yin Ya was surprised.

She knew that Ling Miao had gone to the training ground, and she wanted to go at first, but she happened to have something to do, and when she settled the matter and wanted to go to Ling Miao, she found her first in Xia Ri, who was resting in the dormitory.

"That's right, there is a live broadcast on the Internet now." Xia Ri pointed at the phone anxiously and said, the picture of Ling Miao and the others was on the phone, and he only discovered it when he was bored browsing the campus network.

"Who is the other party?" Yin Ya asked.

"The lion club and the third emperor, the president of the lion club and the commander of the third emperor are here!" Xia Ri said.

"What? Why did they find Ling Miao?"

"It seems that they were looking for Ling Huohuo, but they found Ling Miao who looked exactly like Ling Huohuo, so..."


Is this considered to be shot while lying down?

"Hurry up and pay attention to the situation over there." After speaking, Yin Ya quickly rushed to the direction of the training ground. Flying is prohibited within the campus of Chaofan Academy, so she can only run.

"Okay! Come out, Afro Buffalo."

Xia Ri tapped the ledger on his waist, and a buffalo with an explosive head appeared beside him, and happily posed for a few cool poses.

Xia Ri rolled over on the back of the exploding buffalo.

"Thank you, go to the training ground." Xia Ri patted the buffalo's back.

The explosive-headed buffalo let out a cry, and began to run towards the training ground, while Xia Ri was on its back, always paying attention to the scene displayed in the live broadcast room.


"President, what do you mean?" The vice president of the Lions Club asked suspiciously.

"That's what I said, you can't let this person go!" Elizabeth said, pointing at Ling Miao.

Ling Miao frowned.

"Yes, she cannot be let go!" said Charlotte, agreeing with Elizabeth.

But Elizabeth looked at Charlotte unhappily.

"You bastard, I don't need your support!"

"Ah? You think too much of yourself, who is agreeing with you, but you who stole my words!" Charlotte stared back at Elizabeth.

"You..." Elizabeth.

"You..." Charlotte.

"Huh!" Elizabeth said.

"Huh!" Charlotte said.

The two snorted coldly, turned their heads in opposite directions, and ignored each other.

Ling Miao saw black lines all over his head.

"Commander, why can't you let this person go?" The second commander of the Lions Club frowned and asked, since Ling Miao's identity has been confirmed, rather than continuing to waste time on Ling Miao, it's better to go to Ling Huohuo .

"Hmph, he is Ling Huohuo's younger brother, and he looks exactly like Ling Huohuo. If we let him go, what should we do if he and Ling Huohuo are suspicious of each other?" Charlotte said.

"Yes, that's what I mean too!" Elizabeth nodded.

"Hey, what do you mean?" Charlotte said angrily.

"Want to fight?" Elizabeth said, looking like she was about to argue with Charlotte again.

Ling Miao frowned.

"Don't worry, I won't play that kind of trick with my second brother. Besides, I don't think you people can do anything to my second brother." Ling Miao said.

He felt that his patience was reaching the limit for these people from the Lions Club and Sanshi, and he was not in the mood to waste any more time. Naturally, his tone was not very good. Moreover, Ling Miao didn't think that these people whose strength he could see could How about taking Ling Huohuo, who even he can't see through his strength.

"What?" Everyone was stunned.

Why did Ling Miao's words sound provocative?

People from Sanshi and the Lions Club were naturally upset.

"Hey, what do you mean!" Someone shouted at Ling Miao.

"It's not interesting, it's just telling a fact. Besides, it's against the school rules for graduates to take action against students." Ling Miao said.

Ling Miao's words suffocated the people around, as if it was indeed a violation of school rules.

"Okay, I still have something to do, don't bother me anymore." Ling Miao squinted her eyes, turned around and walked out of the crowd.

However, if you look closely at his eyes, you will find that his eyes have turned red, and a faint black air surrounds his ears.

"Hey, calm down!" Ling Miao gritted her teeth and shouted at the things inside him.

"Jie Jie Jie, they bully you so much, can you bear it? I can't bear it." A strange voice rang in Ling Miao's ear, but only Ling Miao could hear it.

"Don't worry about it, I came to Chaofan Academy to improve my strength." Ling Miao said.

Ling Miao was not willing to do anything, since he accepted the gift of this thing in his body, Ling Miao found that the truth was far from being as simple as he imagined.

Although he has become stronger, his state of mind has changed. He didn't notice it at first, but as he continued to fight, he found that the desire to destroy and kill in his heart became stronger and stronger.

Knowing this time, he reacted and avoided unnecessary fighting, but he realized that it was a bit late, and the things in his body could already affect his state of mind.

Although there is only a trace, he can suppress it, and he believes that he will be able to restore his original state of mind in a month, and will no longer be affected by external objects, but he can't control it well now, as long as someone stimulates him from the outside world. One click, and he is likely to explode like a powder keg.

Moreover, the surrounding situation at this time is not optimistic.

Elizabeth and Charlotte frowned. Although Ling Miao's words made them very upset, what he said was indeed the truth.

It was suspected that Ling Miao would play tricks with Ling Huohuo before, because Ling Huohuo had already had a criminal record before, and they didn't want to be cheated again, but in fact they were still willing to trust Ling Miao.

In the end, it was Ling Huo who got Ling Miao into trouble.

"Hope you remember what you said, get out of the way!" Charlotte said.

"There is a grievance and a debtor. As long as you promise not to cheat like your second brother, our Lions Club will not make things difficult for you." Elizabeth also said.

With Ling Miao's guarantee, the next time you find someone who looks like this and can't get Ling Miao's ID card, it must be Ling Huohuo!

Ling Miao glanced at the two in surprise. She didn't expect the other party to let her go, but she nodded and left without saying anything.

And just as Ling Miao was about to leave, a shout attracted everyone's attention again.

"Look, there's a guy who looks like Ling Miao there!"

Ling Huohuo, who was climbing on the tree, was taken aback for a moment, looking at the crowd who were all looking at him, he was speechless for a while.

"By the way, can you find me hiding here?"

"That must be Ling Huohuo, let me do it from the Lions Club!"

"Third, don't let him run away!"

 Sorry, these two days have been very busy, there is always something to do, and school is about to start, the state is not very good, I can only find time to code, some water, I will adjust it tomorrow, write well, and, I am getting more and more busy, I can only write Two more replies, I hope everyone will forgive me, thank you for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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