The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 417 I'm just a passing courier brother

Chapter 417 I'm Just a Passing Courier Brother (Part [-])
"Come down!" A group of people raised their necks and shouted at Ling Huohuo at the top of the tree.

"No, come up if you have the ability!" Ling Huohuo shouted, pulling his neck, and shaking his buttocks.

"Shoot him down!" Elizabeth shouted, waving her hand.

"You take action too, knock him down!" Charlotte also shouted.

A group of people took out their weapons in their first reaction, and let Hao throw them at Ling Huohuo.

However, Ling Huohuo was not a vegetarian either. He swayed from side to side with the branches in his arms, avoiding all kinds of weapons that struck him.

The dropped weapon fell into the crowd, accidentally injuring teammates.

"I can't hit it, I can't hit it, a little bit..."

Elizabeth gritted her teeth angrily.

Xiao Yunyun stood in the distance and rubbed the center of his brows, why did he want to hit Ling Huohuo when he saw Ling Huohuo like this?

Ling Miao, who was about to leave, also stopped, looked in Ling Huohuo's direction, and twitched the corners of her mouth.

Although Ling Huohuo cheated him, he was his second brother after all, and he still cared more about Ling Huohuo.

If there is something in the Extraordinary Academy that is the strongest, it is not a certain building, but the trees on the campus.

Most of the trees in the Extraordinary Academy are hundreds of years old. It is not easy for a tree to grow. In order to prevent the tree from being damaged, the Extraordinary Academy specially set up various restrictions around the old trees. It is impossible for a strong man of the [-]st level to cut down the tree with a single blow.

Moreover, the academy has strict punishments for destroying ancient trees. The compensation is not affordable for ordinary students, and the older the ancient trees, the higher their "value".

The tree Ling Huohuo chose was an old tree, which was why everyone hadn't attacked the old tree for a long time.

Charlotte took a deep breath.

"Second, how much money do we have in our association?" Charlotte asked the second leader beside him.

"The working capital is 500 million." The man with a fierce face said.

"Can I buy this tree?" Charlotte asked.

"Yes." Er Dangjia said, although the "worth" of a tree is scary for a single person, it is nothing if it is shared among all the people in the whole community, because there are so many of them, it is really not enough for the whole community Just eat instant noodles together for a week.

"Add me, half of our Lions Club will be paid." Elizabeth on the side continued, and she heard what Charlotte said and understood what she meant.

Charlotte did not refuse. After all, a tree is very expensive. With the help of the Lions Club, it is enough to eat instant noodles for three and a half days.

"Spread out, stay away!" Charlotte snorted softly, and took out his weapon.

The people around hurriedly dispersed, and when they saw Charlotte draw their weapons, they hid further away.

Charlotte's body radiated white light, and the knight outfit turned into brown knight armor without a helmet.

At Charlotte's waist was a knight's long sword with a blue and gold hilt and a silver-white blade.

With a serious face, Charlotte slowly pulled out the long sword stuck in her waist and held it with both hands.

The moment Charlotte stood still, Ling Huohuo could feel that he was locked, and the hairs on his back stood up, as if there was danger.

However, before Ling Huohuo had time to react, the long sword in Charlotte's hand emitted a bright light.

"Broken Demon Broken Steel!" Charlotte snorted, and the huge white sword qi slashed at Ling Huohuo.

In the white sword energy, Ling Huohuo felt a huge power, it was a full blow of the sixth level, and although there was no sword intent in it, it was mixed with the power of magic.

Feeling the attack, the prohibition on the ancient tree was activated, blocking it in front of the sword energy.

However, it was only blocked for a moment, and the restriction melted like snow meeting fire, and instantly shattered, while the sword energy continued to attack Ling Huohuo.

Ling Huohuo's pupils shrank violently.

"Ling Miao!" Yin Ya's shrill voice came from afar.

"Senior!" Xia Ri's voice followed closely.

As soon as Yin Ya and Xiaori arrived, they saw the scene of Ling Huohuo being chopped down. They thought it was Ling Miao on the tree, and they could feel the horror of the sword energy from such a distance. If "Ling Miao "Being beaten by the sword qi, I'm afraid it will be more dangerous than good.

Yin Ya stared blankly at the scene in front of her, as if her strength had been exhausted, she slumped on the ground, unable to accept the "fact" for a while.

Xia Ri also looked at the scene in front of him with disbelief.

There was silence all around, only the tree where Ling Huohuo was located had a horrible explosion, and the smoke billowed, blocking the sight of others and making it difficult to see what was going on inside.

Everyone present at this time was frightened by Charlotte's sudden outburst, and had no time to take care of their surroundings.

Only Ling Miao noticed the shouting in the distance, scratched his face, and rubbed his footsteps in the direction of Yin Ya, why rub... It was a bit of trouble to explain, and he had to comfort Yin Ya, and he made too much noise It also spoils the atmosphere of the scene.

"Ling Huohuo won't be a scumbag." Someone from the onlookers said aloud.

Just now everyone could see clearly that the huge sword energy fell directly on Ling Huohuo's body, and there was also a terrifying explosion. The pieces of wood that were blown away proved that it was impossible for the ancient tree to still exist, but Ling Huo didn't know Will Huohuo be blown into slag in the same way?

"It shouldn't be a problem, isn't Ling Huohuo also a sixth-order spiritual giant? The giant's defense is very strong." Another person continued.

"That's right, we took turns bombing for 1 minute without breaking the defense."

"Hehe, I'm ignorant, President Charlotte's move is a magic-breaking skill." Someone said with a smile.

"Breaking magic skills? What is that?"

"The so-called magic-breaking skills can be specially created for all energy protection." Someone explained that the person who spoke was a young man in yellow clothes, a hard hat, and a large box on his back. The vicissitudes of life seem to have experienced a lot, and at first glance it is a person with a story.

"The prohibition on the ancient tree was impossible to break even with a full-strength blow of the sixth level, but it was directly shattered under the attack of President Charlotte. This is the horror of the magic-breaking technique, and it can only be defended with physical defense. , Power defense is meaningless, even Ling Huohuo's sixth-order giant spirit body is the same, because the spirit body itself is composed of energy, not only can't defend it, but it can also cause huge damage."

"The magic-breaking skill is so low? Isn't that the mage's nemesis?" Hearing the explanation, someone exclaimed.

"If only it were that simple." The person who just explained shook his head, and the others looked at him suspiciously.

"Magic-breaking skills are not so easy to master. As far as I know, there are only eight people who have mastered the magic-breaking skills announced now, and two of them are Charlotte, the commander of the third generation, and the president of the Lions Club here. Elizabeth, one can imagine how difficult it is to master the magic-breaking technique."

The person shook his head and continued: "There are very few magic-breaking skills, and there are only five types recorded in the database of the Extraordinary Academy. If you want to find one that suits you and can cultivate successfully, you can only depend on fate. The points needed to redeem them are even more terrifying, tens of millions of points are the bottom line."

"I don't know what Xiongtai does?" someone asked.

"I'm not talented, the courier in Chaofan Academy is mainly responsible for outbound purchases. I just passed by here and stopped to watch for a while when I saw the excitement."

"Then why do you have such profound knowledge?"

"Sigh, I'm ashamed to say that delivery has become more and more difficult these years, and the places where the recipients live have become more and more strange, and they are always involved in various incidents inexplicably, and occasionally they have to play the role of the savior Save the world, the water monsters that appeared in the Pacific Ocean in the past two days were killed by passers-by, but I almost missed the delivery time of the courier, but I just want to deliver a courier quietly, so I can only use knowledge By the way, this is my business card, if you want to mail something, please contact me, Kamikaze Express, the mission will be fulfilled!"

When the courier brother sent the business card, the location of Ling Huohuo finally became clear...

(End of this chapter)

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