The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 422 Ling Huo Huo Version 2.0

Chapter 422 Ling Huo Huo Version 2.0 (Second Update)
"Cut, it's really vulnerable. I didn't expect it to be a silver gun wax head." Elizabeth said unhappily, but she still took a step. No matter what, she had to determine Ling Huohuo's life and death, and she didn't intend to. It's not like killing Ling Huohuo, I just want to teach him a lesson and establish the dignity of the president, but who knows that it's a real thing, after all, it's been a long time since I met such a strong opponent, and I accidentally became excited , but did not expect this to happen.

To be honest, if Ling Huohuo is just such a dog, then Ling Huohuo will really disappoint her.

"Silver gun wax head? How ignorant." A voice came to the ears of Elizabeth and the people around her.

Elizabeth and Charlotte were taken aback, and looked at the speaker.

The onlookers also moved away, exposing the speaker.

Xiao Yunyun was hugging her barren chest, looking at Elizabeth and Charlotte with a sneer.

Elizabeth and Charlotte fight Ling Huohuo like this, it's strange for her to have a good expression, if Ling Huohuo is not fine, she would have gone up to fight.

Elizabeth and Charlotte frowned, recalled for a while, and found that Xiao Yunyun who spoke suddenly was very strange.

"Who are you?" Charlotte asked.

"Xiao Yunyun, Ling Huohuo's girlfriend." Xiao Yunyun answered with her neck raised.

The people around started to discuss, they were very curious about Xiao Yunyun, Ling Huohuo's girlfriend who suddenly appeared, and Ling Huohuo was cold, and his younger brother had already rushed to the ruins, but Xiao Yunyun didn't look sad at all. , this is very abnormal, could it be that there is some secret in it?
"What did you mean by that?" Elizabeth asked, frowning.

"Literally." Xiao Yunyun showed a mocking smile, which made Elizabeth grit her teeth. Why did this smile seem similar?By the way, Ling Huohuo also laughed like this, these two people are too annoying!
"Before Ling Huohuo didn't use his real strength at all, but now, Ling Huohuo is serious..." Xiao Yunyun said meaningfully.

After hearing Xiao Yunyun's words, everyone looked in disbelief.

Wasn't it real strength just now?Then can the two enemies Elizabeth and Charlotte be forced to join forces?
How strong is Ling Huohuo's true strength?

Maybe it wasn't Ling Huohuo's real name, Ling Ritian.

At this time, a terrifying flame shot up from the ruins, setting off a terrifying heat wave, and the flames flew around, turning the ruins into a sea of ​​flames.

At this time, a figure slowly walked out of the flames.

Ling Miao, Yin Ya, and Xia Ri stared blankly at the gushing flames, and were a little dazed for a while. Obviously, they didn't expect such a thing to happen.

When everyone looked at the figure walking out of the flames, they showed expressions of disbelief.

I saw a long-haired man in a red robe walking out slowly, his face was expressionless, and he looked very strange, but from the man's face, traces of Ling Huohuo could be vaguely seen. The man's appearance was [-]% like Ling Huohuo's. resemblance!
And Ling Miao also smiled and breathed a sigh of relief.

The induction in his blood told him that this person was Ling Huohuo.

Ling Miao also calmed down quickly, his eyes gradually recovered, and the black air on his body quickly dissipated.

Then Ling Miao looked at Ling Huohuo in surprise, surprised by Ling Huohuo's current state, and didn't know what happened to Ling Huohuo.

At this time, Ling Huohuo had already turned into a demon.

The moment Elizabeth's skills bombarded Ling Huohuo's body, Ling Huohuo instinctively activated her own blood and turned into a demon.

However, even though she was transformed into a demon and her physical fitness had been greatly enhanced, she still couldn't resist this blow. Elizabeth's blow was indeed her ultimate skill.

Mandrill's previous move directly caused Ling Huohuo to give up one of his left arms, but Elizabeth's blow was not weaker than Mandrill's blow at that time, and it was even more powerful and violent.

Ling Huohuo's monster body was directly seriously injured, many parts of his body were damaged, and Ling Huohuo's hands in front of him were even torn into pieces.

However, the last trick still did not kill Ling Huohuo, but instead gave Ling Huohuo a breakthrough at a critical moment.

The power of his bloodline has also been operated more proficiently, and the potential in the bloodline has been further tapped.

Ling Huohuo itself has the ability to regenerate a broken limb, and when he was seriously injured just now, Ling Huohuo had already healed and recovered quickly with the blessing of blood when he was under the ruins, so Ling Huohuo now looks like a normal person .

It can be said that as long as the current Ling Huohuo does not die directly, lacks arms and legs, or is even seriously injured and dying, after a while, he will be a hero again.

And Ling Huohuo's blood flowed out was also detonated by Ling Huohuo's own control, and only then did the explosion-like appearance just now.

At the same time, Ling Huohuo discovered that after he bathed in the flames, his physical strength and strength began to slowly recover.

Ling Huohuo moved his left hand. Although it was intact, it was very painful just now...

"Second brother, what are you..." Ling Miao asked Ling Huohuo in surprise.

"Normal operation." Ling Huohuo replied coldly.

Ling Miao was taken aback. Although Ling Huohuo was still Ling Huohuo, why did he feel like a different person?Ling Huohuo has never been so indifferent before.

Ling Huohuo ignored the astonished Ling Miao, Yin Ya and Xia Ri, passed them directly, and looked at the stunned Elizabeth and Charlotte in the distance, as well as the onlookers. The distance was only 2000 meters. It's not difficult for a group of people to see this place, so they can clearly see Ling Huohuo's appearance.

"That's Ling Huohuo?" Elizabeth said in shock, she knew the power of her own move clearly, but Ling Huohuo was unscathed, and even turned into version 2.0?

And the person who said before that he was good at sensing breath was also shocked.

"No, no, his not the same as before." The man looked shocked.

Xiao Yunyun smiled. If Ling Huohuo is compared to a card, the front of Ling Huohuo is in the form of a human being, while the back is another form of Ling Huohuo—a monster. How can two different sides have the same aura?

Ling Huohuo twisted his neck, looked at Elizabeth and Charlotte in the distance and sneered.

Monsters are not easy to talk about, and the demonized Ling Huohuo will more or less inherit some of the common characteristics of monsters.

With one step forward, Ling Huohuo turned into a handful of flames and disappeared.

"Disappeared?" Everyone was surprised and exuded perception, but found that there was no trace of Ling Huohuo at all.

But at this time, the strange footsteps passed through the noise of the crowd and entered the hearts of everyone...

(End of this chapter)

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