Chapter 423 "Fear" (one more)
"Who is it? Where is it?" Everyone looked around.

However, the sound of footsteps still sounded in an orderly manner, and every step seemed to be stepping on the bottom of everyone's heart.

"Are you afraid?" A cold voice sounded in everyone's ears.

"It's Ling Huohuo's voice." Someone recognized it.

"It is the instinct of all things to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and similarly, people only see what they want to see, and deliberately ignore those things that scare them, choose to escape, and let themselves go, and it is precisely these things that scare them, as long as With a little use, it can become a powerful force that can cause fatal damage to them, this kind of power is something to be afraid of!"

Ling Huohuo's voice sounded faintly.

Elizabeth and Charlotte froze suddenly, as if seeing something that frightened them.


The long swords in Elizabeth and Charlotte's hands fell off and fell to the ground.

The armor on them disappeared as spots of light, and the twelve knights behind Charlotte also disappeared.

The two trembled, and finally knelt and sat on the ground.

The flames fluttered, and Ling Huohuo's figure appeared behind Elizabeth, with his back to Elizabeth, and his face was cold.

In the face of the crisis of life and death, Ling Huohuo's strength broke through, and under the pressure of death, Ling Huohuo finally realized his "fear".

Fear, fear, oppress the enemy with power, arouse the fear in his heart, and win without fighting.

And just now was the first time Ling Huohuo used his fear alone.

In the process of using fear, Ling Huohuo entered the ghost path alone, which is the gap in the space that can only be entered when the ghosts are walking at night.

But Ling Huohuo can still affect the world, which is why people around can only hear footsteps but not see Ling Huohuo.

And the result is also obvious, the power of fear is not so easy to handle, after Elizabeth and Charlotte are enveloped by Ling Huohuo's "fear", they have no power to resist.

Now if Ling Huohuo wanted to deal with the two of them, it would be a breeze.

But, likewise, the consumption of using fear is also huge. Simultaneously using the newly realized "fear" on two people who are not weaker than him directly consumes more than half of Ling Huohuo's power. At this point, it can be said to be an empty shell.

However, the demonized Ling Huohuo has always looked cold, and others can't see the specific situation of Ling Huohuo.

If Ling Huohuo becomes proficient in using "Fear" in the future, the consumption will not be so great, and it will be more useful.

Now Ling Huohuo can only expand the fear in the enemy's heart if he uses "fear" alone. If the enemy's heart is strong enough, then Ling Huohuo's ability will be greatly reduced.

However, after discovering that Ling Huohuo was "unscathed" and frightened by Xiao Yunyun's "Ling Huohuo's true strength", Elizabeth and Charlotte instinctively felt fear in their hearts, giving Ling Huohuo an opportunity to take advantage of it. .

Moreover, Ling Huohuo was not polite, and directly killed her, and used all the remaining strength to deal with Elizabeth and Charlotte, causing huge damage to their hearts.

Ling Huohuo looked down at Elizabeth who was kneeling on the ground, her eyes were closed, without any emotion...

To be honest, from this angle, Elizabeth's rabbit is really not small, Xiao Yunyun can't compare it.

Ling Huohuo shook his head to shake out the distracting thoughts in his head, and then, Yingyu appeared in Ling Huohuo's hands, and Ling Huohuo put her on Elizabeth's neck.

At this time, Elizabeth hadn't reacted yet, she stared blankly ahead, her body still trembling a little.

"That's it!"

A sudden voice broke the atmosphere.

Three figures appeared in the middle of the open space, and everyone looked at them.

The leader is a man wearing a teacher's uniform, and behind him are two girls in student uniforms.

It was Megan, the school committee's mentor Owen and the president of the student union, and Megan's number one paparazzi, Niello, who came.

This time the incident was a big one, and the school committee naturally knew about it, but the place where the three of Ling Huohuo fought was in the combat zone, and they didn't come forward to stop it.

But now Elizabeth and Charlotte are kneeling, but Ling Huohuo has no intention of stopping. The big sword is on each other's necks, and the school committee will naturally come forward.

Whether it is Ling Huohuo, Elizabeth or Charlotte, nothing can happen casually.

This matter involved the mentor, so naturally the mentor should represent Owen.

The words just now were exactly what Owen said.

Looking at the scars on the ground and the ruins in the distance, Owen was also a little tongue-tied in secret. It had been a long time since a battle of this scale had occurred on campus, and Ling Huohuo was able to defeat Elizabeth and Charlotte by himself. It is also considered top-notch in the sixth order.

Looking at Ling Huohuo who was looking at him, Owen showed a warm smile.

"Teacher Ling, stop it. It would be bad if you killed someone. This is their fault. I will let them give you a satisfactory explanation. Give me face today. What do you think?" Owen said with a smile.

"Not much." Ling Huohuo replied.

Owen's smile froze, he was so angry.

Megan and the people around her also twitched their mouths.

Mentor Owen and the others still knew each other. A member of the school committee, also known as the strongest sixth order on campus, was a very nice person, and many people were willing to sell him.

And just now, when Mentor Owen was trying to persuade him to fight, he lowered his posture and promised to make Elizabeth and Charlotte pay compensation, but Ling Huohuo turned out to be rude to Mentor Owen, you are trying to provoke trouble by saying that. , definitely want to pick something up!

Only Xiao Yunyun twitched the corners of his mouth, almost forgetting that Ling Huohuo couldn't speak well in this state.

Although Ling Huohuo didn't give Mentor Owen face, Ling Huohuo withdrew Ying's words and left Elizabeth's side.

Let Mentor Owen and the people around him breathe a sigh of relief.

Suddenly, Ling Huohuo stopped in his tracks.

"Remember to send the compensation to my residence, and tell them for me by the way, if the compensation doesn't satisfy me... I'll beat them up next time we meet."

After finishing speaking, Ling Huohuo raised his footsteps again, and quickly left the sight of everyone, while Xiao Yunyun also chased after him.

Everyone silently watched Ling Huohuo leave.

When Ling Huohuo left, everyone took a breath.


"Grand Commander!"

The Lions and III's men ran to Elizabeth and Charlotte.

Sensing the noise from the outside world, Elizabeth and Charlotte came back to their senses. They just glanced at the people around them and passed out. The people around them hurriedly supported them.

The vice president of the Lions Club and the second leader of the third king saw the miserable appearance of Elizabeth and Charlotte, and hurriedly asked someone to take them to the hospital without looking back.

And the onlookers saw that the protagonist had gone, and they all dispersed, bragging to others about what they saw and heard today.

Megan looked at the crowd going away with a gloating expression.

Elizabeth and Charlotte are always making troubles, and Megan herself is the one who bothers them in the end. Unexpectedly, they are still there today, which makes Megan a little relieved.

"It's really incredible." Owen sighed after holding back for a long time.

After being reprimanded by Ling Huohuo, Owen didn't know what expression to make. Can he trouble Ling Huohuo?Judging from the last sentence Ling Huohuo added before leaving, I'm afraid Ling Huohuo would say "Don't leave after school", but it's hard to ride a tiger.

"Aren't we the ones who are busy in the end? However, compared to Ling Huohuo, I care more about how long the Lions and Sanshi will eat instant noodles in the future, but I hope they will work to pay off their debts. I will take good care of them. They have some 'nice' quests, hehehe..."

Looking at Megan who was emitting black air and smiling strangely, Owen took a step back and distanced himself from Megan.

Owen still knew a thing or two about Megan's opinions on the Lions Club and III, so he couldn't say anything, so he could only smile and shake his head, pretending not to see it.

"Let's go and see the situation of Elizabeth and Charlotte. Teacher Ling really doesn't know how to be sympathetic." Owen sighed and walked towards the hospital.

(End of this chapter)

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