The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 424 Poverty Limits My Strength

Chapter 424 Poverty Limits My Strength (Part [-])

Three days passed in a flash, and Ling Huohuo finally recovered.

After insisting on returning to the place where he lived, Ling Huohuo withdrew from the monster form and passed out.

Ling Huohuo's mutation frightened Xiao Yunyun and the monsters, and finally found out that Ling Huohuo was due to too much consumption after Babai's inspection.

Ling Huohuo was in a coma for three days.

The monster who is good at healing kept treating Ling Huohuo, and Xiao Yunyun also brought a set of healing equipment.

After Ling Huohuo fully recovered, he slowly opened his eyes.

In three days, many things happened outside.

The first is Ling Huohuo's elective courses. There are two days left to sign up, and the number of candidates has skyrocketed to more than 500, which can be said to be the highest in history.

The other three instructors have only around [-] course candidates this year.

The worst thing was Jian Shixin's elective course, there were only more than 100 people, because his swordsmanship was the same as Ling Huohuo's Chinese swordsmanship.

This year's kendo elective course can be said to be dominated by Ling Huohuo's family, but the other three instructors have not made any moves so far.

After all, Ling Huohuo's hard-on Elizabeth and Charlotte just happened. Although I don't know how Ling Huohuo's teaching level is, if the teacher is a strong person, he will definitely gain something.

But now Ling Huohuo should worry about how to teach again.

And Ling Huohuo is also related to Xiao Yunyun, "Ling Huohuo's girlfriend". There have been a lot of news about Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun, and the "flower rain incident" in front of the Qingxin Pagoda was also dug up. come out.

Finally, it's about the Lions and III, mostly about Elizabeth and Charlotte's situation.

After the two were sent to the hospital, it was diagnosed that their spirits had been greatly stimulated, and at the same time they were a little out of strength.

And the two of them woke up in only one day and fully recovered.

Afterwards, faced with huge debts and compensation to Ling Huohuo, Lions Club and San Shi directly declared bankruptcy and chose to work part-time to pay off their debts.

All members of the Lions Club and III, including the president and the commander, will accept various tasks in the next month, and the rewards they get will be used to pay off debts.

This also highlights the horror of the big society. Let alone the strength, if it is fully mobilized, the speed of accumulating money is unimaginable.

Generally speaking, the Lions Club and the Third World will leave at least half of the people stationed in the Extraordinary Academy, and the members will take turns to receive appropriate tasks, not only to get exercise, but also to develop the community.

If the previous model is still followed, it will take at least a year to pay for the damage caused by the damage, and the food may only be instant noodles.

But now all the members are dispatched, and it only takes one month to continuously receive tasks, plus deposits. After all, both associations have the existence of Tier [-], not just one, and the rewards for tasks accepted by Tier [-] are very rich.

In normal times, without special reasons, the organized sixth order behind him would not accept tasks casually.

However, during this month, Lions Club and III will not develop at all, and even after a month, it will take a long time to recover.

It can be said that this incident was a fatal event for the Lions Club and III, and it also made many organizations laugh.

Meghan even said that she would "treat" the two organizations well.

However, what is surprising is that maybe Elizabeth and Charlotte's prestige is high enough to cause such a big incident, the two clubs let them be the top leaders, and the prestige does not seem to have declined at all. The prestige of the reason for getting ahead has risen to a higher level.

If this matter had been placed on other associations, the top leader would have taken the blame and resigned long ago.

I have to say that these two clubs are really amazing.


After recovering, Ling Huohuo resumed his daily life again.

Three days after recovering, Ling Huohuo ushered in his first elective class.

Because of the large number of people who choose Ling Huohuo's elective courses, the college specially allocated Ling Huohuo a huge training ground.

Standing on the high platform, Ling Huohuo showed a satisfied smile as he looked at the more than 500 people standing in front of him.

Although it is said that there are 500 people, most of them are freshmen. Some old students already have their own cultivation paths and will not change easily.

And when Ling Huohuo looked at the registration list, he also found some interesting people.

Ling Miao, Yin Ya and Xia Ri were dragged here by Ling Huohuo.

What Xiao Yunyun practiced was magic, and he did not choose swordsmanship.

Andy and Xiyan also chose Ling Huohuo's electives.

Jian Shengdao was the first to sign up.

And in the list, Ling Huohuo also saw the names of Megan and Nero.

Although Megan is a member of the school committee, she is only a fifth grade student. At this time, she is standing in the first row, looking at Ling Huohuo curiously.

Megan's own swordsmanship has become a routine, and she has been learning swordsmanship from Alice's mentor.

Ling Huohuo suddenly emerged this year. Under the recommendation of Alice's mentor, Megan enrolled in Ling Huohuo's elective course, wanting to see how powerful Ling Huohuo's swordsmanship really is.

To be honest, Ling Huohuo was still a little nervous when he was teaching so many people for the first time, but he was able to face more than 700 monsters, and Ling Huohuo quickly adjusted his state.

"Cough cough." Ling Huohuo coughed dryly twice, attracting most of the students' attention.

Soon, more than 500 people quieted down and looked at Ling Huohuo in unison.

Regarding the content of his teaching, Ling Huohuo had already made a decision.

"I won't introduce myself much. I think everyone knows me well. In the next year, I will mainly tutor everyone in swordsmanship courses, and I am good at Huaxia swordsmanship..."

In fact, what Ling Huohuo learned was not Huaxia swordsmanship, but the swordsmanship of the sword god, but the sword used by the sword god is very similar to the Huaxia swordsmanship, and the name of the sword god cannot be posted. It can only be said to be Huaxia swordsmanship. Anyway, Ling Huohuo also comes from Huaxia.

After speaking briefly, Ling Huohuo distributed a standard unsharp blunt sword for practicing swordsmanship to each student, and then started the first swordsmanship lesson.

Fortunately, with the help of Yabai and Fudo Mingwang, Ling Huohuo still looked good in a class.

What Ling Huohuo mainly teaches everyone is "Basic Swordsmanship", that's right, it is the "Basic Swordsmanship" that Ling Huohuo learned in "Sword Code".

Although it is "Basic Swordsmanship", after all, it is a swordsmanship that can be stuffed into the "Sword Code" by the sword god as an enlightenment, and it is just right to teach these people.


The purpose of Ling Huohuo coming to Chaofan Academy is not to teach and provide for the elderly, but to become stronger. Although there are eight hundred teachings, there are only eight hundred teachings. It is difficult for Ling Huohuo to get out of his own way. Under the advice of eight hundred , Ling Huohuo began to learn from other people's experiences.

Therefore, when everything was stabilized and on the right track, Ling Huohuo often went to the library to read materials, and occasionally went to the trading platform to see if there was something suitable for him.

Half a month passed in a flash, and Ling Huohuo really learned a lot when reading the materials about swordsmanship in the Chaofan Academy.

However, Ling Huohuo also had to face a problem, that is, the problem of money, which can also be said to be the points needed to consult information and buy things!

""The Comprehension of the Sixth-Rank Swordsman", [-] points."

"The sixth-level swordsmanship set, a full set of [-] points."

"The kendo stone for tempering sword intent, one hundred thousand points."

"Sixth-level swordsmanship gift package, 50 points."

"Kendo battle room, [-] points a day."

"The remaining points are 330 three."

Ling Huohuo put down his phone and looked at the sky speechlessly.

"Perhaps poverty has limited my strength."

 The next chapter begins to enter the next stage of the plot and start filling in the pits

(End of this chapter)

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