The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 436 Transformation into the Slime King

Chapter 436 Transformation into King Slime (Part [-])
The huge green monster crazily devoured everything around it.

And the ground it is on is corroded by it, emitting white smoke, making a "sizzling" sound.

At this time, a building not far from the monster began to change continuously, and finally turned into countless stone soldiers.

Immediately afterwards, another building also changed continuously, and it also turned into a stone soldier.

"It's alchemy!" said Master Doyle who saw this scene.

The number of stone soldiers is increasing.

In the end, the buildings around the monster basically turned into stone soldiers.

The monster with nothing to devour set its sights on the stone soldier.

At this time, the stone soldiers started to move quickly, and the direction of movement was exactly the direction of Ling Huohuo and the others.

"No, those evil alchemists have discovered us. They want to lure the monsters to us and let the monsters deal with us." Master Doyle said.

Ling Huohuo and the others immediately became alert.

"The current situation is a bit complicated." Doyle said, "This monster hasn't found a solution yet, and there are still three sixth-level alchemists hiding in the dark, so it's hard to handle."

"Babai, do you know this monster?" Ling Huohuo secretly contacted Babai. The monster was still not close to them, and it didn't move fast, so there was plenty of time.

"Well... I know it." Eight hundred recognized it, and then said.

Ling Huohuo was overjoyed.

"Then what exactly is it? How to solve it?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"Actually, you also know each other..." Babai said in a strange tone.

"I know him too?" Ling Huohuo was stunned for a moment, trying to recall, he had never seen such a monster.

"Let's put it this way, this kind of monster often appears in some small books of the eighteen forbidden books, especially the monster girl series are very popular..." Babai said.

Ling Huohuo fell silent.

"What's the matter?" Babai asked curiously seeing that Ling Huohuo didn't make a sound.

"Babai, you've learned badly." Ling Huohuo said with some melancholy, unexpectedly, Babai knew the [-]th ban in a blink of an eye.

Babai was silent, and couldn't help but recall the day when he just learned to surf the Internet and was curious about surfing the Internet...

A pop-up window suddenly appeared, and then Yabai felt that he had opened the door to a new world... Humans are really a "magic" race.

And Ling Huohuo also realized that Babai often browsed the page of Baojian recently.

Thinking about it now, the purpose of [-] seems not so simple.

Babai looked at those "naked sword" photos, and it seemed that there was no difference between human beings looking at some prohibited pictures.

Ah, look at that graceful curve, look at that supple sword tassel, look at that shiny sword body...

"Ahem." Babai coughed twice in embarrassment. Although it has existed for a long time, it is still a child in Sword Spirit. It is normal to be curious about this aspect, but this can mean that Babai will let him Ling Huohuo talked casually.

"Now is not the time to talk about this, let's talk about this monster first." Babai hurriedly changed the subject.

"This monster, if I'm not mistaken, is a slime." Yabai said.

"Slime?" Ling Huohuo was stunned, and hurriedly recalled the shape of slime in his impression - blue transparent body, curves that can be changed at will, pure heart, long tentacles floating Hair, water-like soft and smooth touch... Bah!My memories are not the Eighteen Forbidden Books! (Girls series, ahem, haven’t you seen it, really! You have to believe me.)
"Wait, you said this is the legendary Zhanwu Slime?" Ling Huohuo pointed to the huge monster and said, is this still the cute slime with one punch?Could it be that fairy tales are all lies?

"You humans can break through the shackles and gain strength. Why can't a slime with special power break free from the shackles? Become an extraordinary slime? But I feel that this slime has already broken through to the sixth level. It can be called the Transformation Slime King." Yabai said.

"Eh..." It made sense, but Ling Huohuo couldn't refute it.

"Slimes do exist in other worlds, but the names are different. Slimes are very easy to reproduce and there are a lot of them. Because of different living environments, there are many types of slimes. Frost slime, Flame slimes, steel slimes, etc., and some special types of slimes can also be used to squeeze juice, the juice has a beauty effect, and it is still very popular in other worlds." Eight hundred said .

"Juicing... are you serious?" Ling Huohuo's hair was black, thinking of the slime being squeezed into juice, passing through the mouth and entering the throat, the slippery feeling...

"However, slime's own talent skills are very good. Corrosion, devouring, etc. are very enviable. However, due to the limitation of blood, slimes are not very strong and their intelligence is also very low. However, a But slime has broken the shackles on the blood, these talents will exert terrifying power, it must be a disaster, I have to say, your luck is very good, there are hundreds of millions of slimes that have developed to this level There may not be one slime, so it can be called the slime king." Babai said with a smile.


Ling Huohuo twitched the corner of his mouth.

"Then how do we defeat this Transformed Slime King?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"Physical damage is basically ineffective against slimes, but except for special slimes, most slimes are afraid of three kinds of attacks. The first is soul attacks. Slimes' souls are very weak. As long as they are attacked , It is very likely that the soul will fly away in an instant, but the soul of this transformed king slime may have undergone a qualitative change when it broke through to the transformation state, and the attack on the soul may not have much effect on this transformed king slime. "

"The second and third are to attack with fire-type or ice-type power respectively, because the material that makes up the slime's body has a strong fear of fire and cold."

"These three attacks can cause tons of damage to most slimes, but these attacks will only cause weakened damage to slimes. If you want to really kill slimes, you must break the slimes The core, and the core does not usually appear, only when the slime is severely injured or its strength is weakened to a certain extent, it will appear." Babai said.

"That means it needs to be weakened before it can be killed, right?" Ling Huohuo said.

"That's right, the vitality of slimes is very tenacious. Even ordinary slimes won't die if they don't receive fatal damage, let alone this King Slime Transformation. If you want to really kill it, It takes a little effort." Babai said.

"It's just a little strength, as long as it can kill." Ling Huohuo smiled.

At this time, the Transformed King Slime was already close to everyone, and there were tens of thousands of stone soldiers between them and King Slime.

"Leave this monster to me. You are responsible for guarding against those evil alchemists." Ling Huohuo said suddenly, making others stunned.

"Are you really sure?" Elizabeth asked. Before the monster got bigger, she felt powerless. Could Ling Huohuo really have a solution?
"Just leave it to me." Ling Huohuo said with a smile, looking confident.

Master Doyle was silent for a moment.

"Well, Teacher Ling, I'll leave it to you. We will help you guard against evil alchemists. Be sure to pay attention to safety." Master Doyle said, and now they can only trust Ling Huohuo.

"Don't worry." Ling Huohuo nodded.

"But how are you going to get there?" Charlotte asked.

There are tens of thousands of stone soldiers blocking the monster, herself and others. As far as she knows, Ling Huohuo doesn't seem to be able to fly.

"Of course...the way has been opened!"

Silver light emerged from the surface of Ling Huohuo's body, and finally flew out, combined in mid-air, and suddenly fell to the ground, smashing the ground.

A figure raised its head high and uttered a loud cry—Moo!

To open the way, there is nothing more suitable than an iron bull transformed from a cow armor.

Ling Huohuo smiled.

"Crush them!"

There was a flash of red light in Tie Niu's eyes, and he started to run, the speed became faster and faster, and flames began to emerge from Tie Niu's body.

Soon, the iron bull and the stone soldiers collided together...

(End of this chapter)

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