The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 437 Are you going to set fire to the slime today?

Chapter 437 Are you going to set fire to the slime today? (one more)
The Tie Niu transformed from the Niu Armor also consumes Ling Huohuo's physical strength, and similarly, its strength is also linked to Ling Huohuo's. The Tien Niu's strength is one level lower than Ling Huohuo's, so the Tieniu's aura is of the fifth level.

However, this does not mean that Tieniu only has the strength of the fifth level.

The characteristic of the cow armor is that as long as Ling Huohuo's physical strength is not exhausted, the armor will not disappear. Similarly, as long as Ling Huohuo does not rush to the street, the iron bull will not fall down.

Moreover, the iron ox is transformed from armor, so its defense is naturally the same as that of armor.

When the cow armor is worn on Ling Huohuo, the power of the cow armor will increase Ling Huohuo's power to the seventh level, but when the cow armor is in the form of an iron bull, the power of the cow armor is only five levels.

It can be said that Tieniu is the best candidate for a meat shield - it can hold it, its strength is not weak, and the most important thing is that its strength will not be affected by injuries, but it will consume Ling Huohuo's physical strength.

Although the strength of the iron bull is not strong, the stone soldiers on the opposite side are even weaker.

Although these stone soldiers were forged by evil alchemists, they are just stones, without pain or fear.

And because of being injected with power by the evil alchemist, the stone soldiers turned out to be of the fourth rank!

The stone soldiers truly embody the horror of the power of the sixth level. Even without the action of the evil alchemist, these stone soldiers alone can conquer a medium-sized country.

But these stone soldiers are not enough to look at in front of the iron ox.

With a low cry, the iron cow rushed into the stone soldiers, and then the stone soldiers were smashed to pieces one after another like a tofu project.

In just 1 minute, it has advanced a long distance.

And Ling Huohuo also followed behind Tie Niu, walking behind Tie Niu safe and sound, approaching the Transformed Slime King.

And all the stone soldiers who were crushed turned into gravel and lost their strength.

The transformed King Slime, who had caught up with the stone soldier, also unceremoniously started to attack the stone soldier, grabbed it and threw it into his body, and then devoured it.

"It looks very relaxed." Elizabeth said, looking in Ling Huohuo's direction.

"Okay, be careful of the sneak attack of those three evil alchemists at this time, and be careful." Charlotte said.

"Hmph, I see." Elizabeth snorted coldly.

Master Doyle didn't speak, but narrowed his eyes and looked at the iron bull that opened the way in the distance.

He is a person who knows the goods, so he can see the extraordinaryness of Tieniu.

The benefit of gaining a long time is rich knowledge, but Master Doyle still can't see the specific situation of Tieniu.

He can understand the principle of the iron bull - to provide power to dead objects, to make dead objects move, and even generate power.

This is very similar to alchemy. The principle of the stone soldier is like this. He understands the principle, but why can't he see the specific situation of the iron bull?
Could it be that... is that a piece of advanced equipment?But why only the breath of the fifth level?


On the other side, on the ruins of the Bank of America Building, in fact, it is not so much a ruin as an old site, because there is not a single brick around, how can it be called a ruin?

Three men slowly emerged from the ground, they were the three evil alchemists, and four of their subordinates also quickly emerged from the ground, all of whom seemed to be in a bad condition.

Originally there were more than a dozen subordinates, but under the attack of Elizabeth and others and the attack of the Transformed Slime King, only four of them died.

That's right, the Transformed King Slime also attacked them, and the ones closest to King Slime received the strongest attack. Fortunately, they hid underground in time and escaped unharmed.

They summoned the Transformed Slime King, but they didn't listen to them.

And they can only use the method of inducement to make the Transformed Slime King attack Ling Huohuo and the others.

Looking at the huge transformed Slime King in the distance, the three sixth-level alchemists ignored it.

Originally, the purpose of transforming King Slime is to stop those who attack them.

"It seems that this time the matter is a bit big." A sixth-level evil alchemist said in a strange way.

"But, the people in New York City have already run away, the formation..." a team member said hesitantly.

"It's okay." Another sixth-level alchemist said.

"There are four sixth-levels over there, plus the transformation of King Slime. Although the number of souls is much less, the quality is more than that of all the commoners in New York combined. I believe Lord Hela will be very happy." Satisfied." The last evil alchemist said.

"But what to do with them?" asked another team member.

"We don't need to deal with them."

The three evil alchemists pressed their hands to the ground at the same time, the ground squirmed, and the soil scattered around strangely, revealing the magma hole below, and black smoke came out of the hole again.

In order to prevent the entrance of the magma cave from being destroyed, when the Transformed Slime King appeared, the three sixth-level evil alchemists used alchemy to cover the entrance of the cave,

"I believe that the Dragon of Death will help us deal with those who hinder Lord Hela's recovery."

The three evil alchemists looked at the tumbling magma in the cave, and smiled at the corners of their mouths.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but the others seem to have heard a roar, and it seems that some monster has opened its eyes under the magma.


the other side.

Ling Huohuo also approached the transformed King Slime.

The transformed King Slime looks like jelly from a close distance, but the corroded ground that is smoking white shows that this "jelly" is dangerous.

The Transformed King Slime also found Ling Huohuo, stretched out his tentacles from his body, and attacked Ling Huohuo.

"Although the tentacle series is not bad, but I don't want to be the protagonist, let's do it, Fudo Myo!"

"give it to me!"

Red flames floated up from behind Ling Huohuo, condensed in the air, and Fudo Mingo appeared behind Ling Huohuo.

"It's the sixth-level fire-attribute spirit body." Elizabeth and Charlotte looked at Fudo Myoo who suddenly appeared, their eyes shrinking.

Fudo Mingwang and the others have never met before, but they have heard from their deputy that they are very strong and have strong defense.

But in front of Elizabeth and Charlotte who have mastered magic breaking skills, their strength is limited.

"With a spirit body guardian of this level of strength, I really underestimated Teacher Ling." Seeing Fudo Myoko appearing, Master Doyle said in his heart.

Beside Ling Huohuo, the ability to control flames, who else is more powerful than Fudo Mingo?
"Lord Fudo Ming, burn it!" Ling Huohuo said.

"Got it! Drink it!"

Fudo Ming yelled loudly, and the three small drum-like things behind him gradually rose into the air, and the fire dragon on his body roared into the air and became bigger.

The fire dragon is the condensed power of Fudo Myoko, forming a dragon shape. Under the warm care of Fudo Myoko, the power that the fire dragon can explode is extremely terrifying.

After the fire dragon grew bigger, under the control of Fudo Akira, it burned off the tentacles that the Transformed Slime King had attacked, making the Transformed Slime King's body tremble, and then the Fire Dragon began to clean up other tentacles, and finally the huge Transformed King Slime is in the middle.

At this time, the fire dragon had become extremely huge, the temperature was extremely high, the surrounding air began to become scorching hot, and the light began to gradually distort.

Even from a distance, you can feel the horror of the fire dragon, not to mention the slime who is surrounded by fire dragons and who is already afraid of fire.

At this moment, King Slime transformed into a lump of jelly, and began to tremble and shake, making people want to poke it.

Ling Huohuo discovered that the Transformed Slime King seemed to have shrunk a circle after being roasted.

It seems that slime cannot be eaten on fire, because it will shrink, and I don’t know if there will be some left in the end, and what the taste will be.

Behind Ling Huohuo, Fudo Ming Wang stood on the spot and manipulated the huge fire dragon, but he didn't see a strenuous expression on his face when controlling such a terrifying power, instead it looked extremely relaxed.

Ling Huohuo sighed secretly, the control of the power of the old sixth-order was beyond his reach.

In the distance, Elizabeth's people and the evil alchemists also stared blankly at the fire dragon that surrounded the Transformed Slime King. Not to mention the power, this scene was spectacular enough.

"Raise the fire drum, the dragon will open the fire!"

Fudo Ming Wang's face was slightly serious, and the power from his body surged out.

 The communication group has been established, group number (702175437) name: have you heard of the end of the world.Enter the group secretly, not those with big guns!

(End of this chapter)

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