The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 438 So Creatures like Slimes Are Really Suitable for Living in Books

Chapter 438 So Creatures like Slimes Are Really Suitable for Living in Books (Part [-])
The power in Fudo Mingo's body was tumbling, the surrounding temperature instantly increased, and his body seemed to have grown a lot bigger.

The flame began to spread rapidly around Fudo Mingwang, but it didn't hurt Ling Huohuo. At this time, he was standing calmly in the flame without any damage.

The three small drums floating in the air began to make a "dong dong dong" sound, and the surrounding flames began to shake with the sound of the drums, as if they were dancing.

The fire dragon in the sky let out a roar.

The fire dragon is not a living being, but the cohesion of Fudo Myoko's power. Fudo Myoko stimulates the power, and the fire dragon naturally begins to change.

The fire dragon in the sky seemed to be bigger and longer, and when it flicked its tail, it burst into flames.

"Wind King Barrier!" Elizabeth stepped forward in an instant, and stood in front of the others. With a flick of the long sword in her hand, the flames shot were blocked by the strong wind, splashed around, and burned on the ground.

"Alchemy Wall!" The evil alchemist slapped the ground, and a huge wall rose up to block the flying fireball.

Then the evil alchemists looked at the fire dragon in the sky vigilantly, apparently they did not expect such a change.

At the same time, half of New York was covered in flames, and even outside New York City, the red light in New York City could be seen.

The Fire Dragon raised its head, and then swooped down towards the Transformed King Slime.

Because of his natural fear of fire, the Transformed Slime King didn't take the initiative to attack the fire dragon, but when he was threatened with death, the Transformed Slime King also broke out, and the rabbit bit people in a hurry, not to mention the sixth-order transformation King Slime.

The transformed Slime King can grow to the sixth level, so it naturally has its own unique features.

The transformed King Slime's body shrank with a shock, then suddenly bulged, and a large stream of turquoise liquid was shot at the fire dragon.

The fire dragon and the turquoise liquid spit out by the Transformed Slime King collided in the air, and the two unexpectedly stalemate together, making a sizzling sound.

To Ling Huohuo's surprise, the fire dragon was finally suppressed by the liquid sprayed by the metamorphic slime, and finally retreated.

Ling Huohuo looked back at King Fudo Ming, with such a big formation, he thought you could seriously injure King Transformed Slime with one blow, why did you lose?
"Ahem." Fudoming was a little embarrassed. He knew that the transformed slime king was afraid of fire, so he directly used the fire dragon, but he lost. It was really unexpected.

Could it be that he didn't drink vigorously?Prince Fudo Ming was thinking wildly.

In the distance, Elizabeth and the others were also taken aback for a moment. They were full of confidence just now, and they made such a big battle. Just show us this?
"Teacher Ling, are you dying?" Master Doyle shouted from a distance.

"It's nothing, I didn't take it seriously just now, the next move will definitely solve it." Ling Huohuo turned back and shouted at Master Doyle, a man must not admit that he can't, besides, there is a problem with your question, if you say no, you have to say yes You can't move Mingwang.

However, Fudo Mingo is a spirit body, so he may really not have that ability.

The transformed king slime who was attacked started to fight back.

Fudo Mingwang hastily restrained his mind and temporarily pulled the fire dragon back to defend.

"Eight hundred, what's going on?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"Although the Transforming Slime King is afraid of fire, what it spewed out just now is a water-type attack, and the attributes are incompatible. In addition, the Transforming Slime King has swallowed so much, and the energy reserve is much more than that of the Fudo King. It's normal to lose." Babai explained.

"But didn't you say that the transformed slime king is afraid of fire?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"That's right, you have to attack the Slime King. Creatures who have reached the level of the transformed Slime King will instinctively make up for their own weaknesses."

"That is to say, it is enough to attack the body of King Slime, right?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"That's right, have I seen it? The transformed King Slime's body hasn't changed, and it's still afraid of fire." Babai gave Ling Huohuo an affirmative answer.

"That's good." Ling Huohuo nodded, "Lord Fudo Ming, melee attack, directly attack and transform King Slime's body with flames."

"it is good."

This time Fudo Ming didn't use the fire dragon to pretend to be coercive, but rushed towards the Transformed Slime King with the long sword and whip in his hand. The fire dragon acted as a feint to attract the Transformed Slime King's attention.

Transformed King Slime is more than 500 meters high, and Fudong Ming Wang was more than 30 meters tall when he was weak when Ling Huohuo first met him. After recovering his strength, he was only more than 50 meters tall when he burst into full strength. King Slime is ten times different.

Although King Transformed Slime's wisdom is much higher than that of the slimes of the same race, it is still not enough to look at. It seems that he has identified the fire dragon, and his attention is attracted by the fire dragon. He did not notice that the "only" more than 50 meters high King Ming does not move.

When the transformed slime king wanted to shoot the fire dragon again, Fudoming also stood in front of the transformed slime.

The long sword and long whip in the hands of King Fudo Ming were engulfed in flames.

The long whip became longer, and even directly tied the transformed slime king in a circle. The flame on the whip made the transformed slime king scream, and his body twisted violently, trying to break free.

However, Fudo Mingo didn't give it this chance, and raised his long sword high.

"Vulcan Slayer Demon Sword!"

Fudo Ming slashed out with a sword, and a huge flaming sword suddenly appeared on the head of the Transformed Slime King, fell down instantly, and inserted straight into the transformed King Slime's body.

The Transformed King Slime let out a miserable scream.

The flames deal a huge amount of damage to King Transformed Slime, and the effect is outstanding.

And the fire dragon roared down at this time, devouring the transformed King Slime.

The flames burned on the body of the transformed King Slime, which was extremely spectacular, and other people in the distance watched this scene.

A large amount of steam rose from the body of the transformed King Slime burned by the flames, and the body of the transformed King Slime was gradually shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The giant of more than 500 meters quickly shrank to more than 300 meters.

But at this moment, Fudo Mingwang's face changed, and he felt a huge force through the long whip in his hand.

Under everyone's unbelievable gazes, the flames attached to the Transformed King Slime suddenly exploded, and the long whip in the hands of Unmoved King Ming was also broken free.

A shadow instantly hit Fudo Myoo, but Fudo Myoo, who had been prepared for a long time, quickly dodged.

It turned out to be the tentacles of the metamorphic slime. At this time, the tentacles have changed greatly. They are no longer soft, but look extremely hard, and at the same time have a metallic luster.

However, Transforming King Slime is more than just one tentacle.

Under the attack of the "Eight Hundred Tentacles Fist" that transformed King Slime, Fudo Mingo was still knocked into the air.

Seeing the transformation of King Slime at this time, Ling Huohuo blinked, what's the matter?
At this time, the Transformed Slime King has turned red, and it seems to be harder, and at the same time, the Transformed Slime King's anger can be felt.

"Is this rampage?"

Can be hard or soft, and can also spray, creatures like slimes are really... Huh...

So creatures like slimes are really suitable for living in books.

 The communication group has been established, group number (702175437) name: have you heard of the end of the world.Enter the group secretly, not those with big guns!

(End of this chapter)

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