The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 441 Can't help but take a breath...Hot air?

Chapter 441 Can't help but take a breath...Hot air? (one more)
In Ling Huohuo's sight, the transformed King Slime's body was changing and began to return to its previous appearance.

But the volume is smaller, and the aura also begins to gradually decrease.

"The current attack can't cause fatal damage to the Transformed Slime King, it just loses some energy, which will be made up soon." Eight Hundred's voice said.

Sure enough, at this time, King Transformed Slime was devouring the stones around him to restore his strength.

"Time is running out." Elizabeth and Charlotte looked at King Slime Transformation seriously.

"Our attack can cause limited damage to the monster, and it will recover soon. However, Ling... Teacher Ling's flame attack can cause huge damage to the monster. I hope Teacher Ling will focus on the attack." Charlotte said.

Although they didn't know the transformed slime king, they had also figured out the general situation of the transformed slime king during the battle during this period, and naturally knew that flames could cause huge damage to "monsters".

Ling Huohuo nodded.

"Let me go first!" King Fudo Ming said, it was his shame to be transformed into King Slime, now that King Slime has been transformed, he naturally wants to find his place.

Without too much hesitation, a few people rushed towards the Transformed Slime King.

Fudo Mingo took the lead, and the fire dragon and three small drums on his body flew up again.

This time Fudo Mingo did not use the previous method, but with a wave of his hand, the fire dragon got into the ground.

"Flame Rising Dragon!"

The ground around the transformed King Slime's body began to float. It sensed danger and wanted to leave, but was trapped by the cage of the earth and could only stay where it was.

The huge fire dragon rushed out from the ground and directly hit the transformed King Slime.

Like a volcanic eruption, the huge pillar of flame destroyed the earth cage, and at the same time pushed the transformed King Slime's body into the air.

If the Transformed Slime King comes into contact with other things, it will definitely devour it continuously and turn it into its own energy, then blast it into the air, and at the same time, the burning of the flames can also cause great damage to the Transformed Slime King .

However, although King Slime has transformed, his strength is still there.

A large amount of green juice was ejected from the body of the transformed King Slime, and began to resist the attack of the flames.

Although the flame is very strong, there is still a lot of power in the Transformed Slime King's body. The Transformed Slime King can continue to spray, but the flame of Fudo Myoko cannot last for too long.

"Wind King Barrier · Slash, drink!" Elizabeth looked at the right time and swung the long sword in her hand. Huge wind blades appeared continuously with the swing of the long sword, and the transformed King Slime's body was also continuously cut apart with.

Although he didn't directly cut off the transformed King Slime's body, he successfully interrupted the opponent who was spraying juice and flames from the transformed King Slime.

And Charlotte was not idle.

When Fudo Mingo's flames failed, Charlotte led the Twelve Knights to follow closely.

Sword Qi shot at the Transformed Slime King, pushing the Transformed Slime King up again.

The Transformed Slime King itself is not a monster with strong attacks, and its attack methods are limited. The strongest state has just ended, and it cannot be used for a short time. Therefore, the Transformed Slime King can only be "humiliated" and roasted.

In this way, Fudo Akira was in charge of roasting, Elizabeth interrupted King Transformed Slime's counterattack, and Charlotte was responsible for keeping King Transformed Slime in the air, turning over occasionally.

With the cooperation of the three, the Transformed Slime King exudes a tempting aroma, and a plate of baked slimes is about to be completed...

Well, although I don't know if the Transformed Slime King can be baked, it is indeed shrinking.

Ling Huohuo squinted his eyes, feeling that the transformed Slime King had almost shrunk in size, so he glanced at Fudo Mingwang, who nodded indifferently.

"Get out of the way, I'm going to magnify my move!" King Fudo Ming shouted.

Hearing the sound, Elizabeth and Charlotte hurriedly backed away.

During the period of cooperation, they have already felt the temperature of Fudo Myoko's flame, and the temperature of the flame of the ultimate move will only be higher, and they don't want to be accidentally injured.

Fudo Mingo crossed his hands and made a few mudras.

"Fudo Mingwang Curse, Pure Ruri!"

A huge flame lotus appeared beside the transformed slime king, surrounding the transformed slime king.

Then, Fudo Ming-o clasped his palms together.

"Flame boom!"

The sound of drums came from the three small drums, and with the sound of the drums, the flame lotus beside the transformed King Slime suddenly exploded, and terrifying waves of flames surged towards the surroundings.

Ling Huohuo appeared in front of Elizabeth and Charlotte in time, and helped them swallow the raging flames. As a fire attribute monster, Ling Huohuo could not be harmed by the flames at all. Instead, Ling Huohuo was bathed in the flames. When he was in the middle of the attack, his injuries and strength began to recover quickly.

As for Master Doyle who is farther away, he has already made a basement and hid in it.

The flames raged for more than three minutes, and when the flames became thinner, Ling Huohuo directly extinguished the flames around him with a wave of his sleeves, and Elizabeth and Charlotte, who were hiding behind flexible, finally saw the surroundings clearly. Condition.

I saw that some parts of the surrounding land were still burning with flames, but most of them were turned into scorched earth.

The water in the soil was baked by the heat, turned into water vapor and flew into the air, and a lot of white gas appeared in the air.

The direction where the transformed slime king was just now has turned into scorched earth, and the transformed slime king's figure has disappeared.

"Has it been wiped out?" Elizabeth asked.

"The monster has been completely burned." Fudo Ming Wang said calmly from the side with his chest in his arms.

Ling Huohuo glanced at Prince Fufuming, and another man with thick eyebrows and big eyes failed.

The reason why King Fudo Ming made such a big commotion just now was to cover Ling Huohuo.

Ling Huohuo wanted to grab the Transformed Slime King to squeeze out the juice, so it was naturally impossible for others to take a share.

When everyone's sight was blocked by the flames, Ling Huohuo secretly summoned the sealed door, which appeared horizontally under the transformed King Slime.

And when the Transformed King Slime falls down due to gravity, it will directly fall into the sealed door. What is it called... please enter the urn?Catch a turtle in a urn?

The reason why you have to wait until the size of the Transformed Slime King shrinks before catching it is because the place in the small world is not that big, so you can only shrink the Transformed Slime King.

And with [-] people watching in the small world, the transformation of King Slime can't make any waves.

Still want to make trouble?You won't even be able to eat the soil.

After successfully catching the Transformed Slime King, Ling Huohuo secretly put away the sealed door, pretending to be ignorant.

I finally got King Transform Slime!

Although Ling Huohuo really wanted to say that, his reason still made him shut up.

In the distance, feeling that the movement on the ground had disappeared, Master Doyle poked his head out from the ground, and seeing the scars all over the ground, he couldn't help but gasped...Hot air?
(End of this chapter)

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