Chapter 442 Twelve Golden Gates (Part [-])

Outside New York City, Rolf and the others looked at the interior of New York City with binoculars, and they all swallowed. For the first time, they had an understanding of the real strength of the sixth order.

The huge fireball just now can be seen clearly even without a telescope.

But now, a small half of the entire New York City was directly destroyed, and the damage caused was incalculable.

Although he was shocked by the damage caused by Ling Huohuo and the others, Rolf knew that if Ling Huohuo and the others did not stop them, the damage would be even more serious in the end. Not to mention the small half of New York, the whole New York might have to be removed from the map. erased.

"Is it over?" Feeling that there was no sound in New York City, Hua asked softly.

"Probably..." Hua Luo said uncertainly.

But Rolf didn't think so.

"Probably not yet." Rolf looked at the sky and said with a frown.

"What do you mean?"

Everyone looked at Rolf.

"The dark clouds in the sky are getting thicker and thicker, and they have no tendency to recede, but instead began to spread around."

Everyone looked at the sky, and there was indeed a trend of storms coming.

"I can only look at Mentor Ling and Master Doyle." Rolf sighed.

As for calling support... Don't be kidding, there is no signal, how can you call it support?By shouting?

At this time, Ling Huohuo and the others obviously noticed something strange in the sky.

Water vapor condenses in the air and falls.

A light rain began to fall in the sky, and the flames on the ground gradually weakened and went out.

The scorched land was moistened by the rain, drinking the rain greedily.

But Ling Huohuo and the others had no time to look at the situation around them at this time, but stared closely at the front.

Three figures stood there, they were three sixth-level evil alchemists.

The costumes of the three evil alchemists look very unorthodox.

Dye hair of different colors, one of the three has red hair, one has yellow hair, and one has green hair.

There are tattoos on the body and face, studs on the ears, and strange clothes.

As for the four younger brothers, they had already been turned into ashes in the flames.

The battle of Tier [-] is not something everyone can watch.

"Catch it with nothing." Master Doyle stepped forward and said.

"Tsk tsk, who gave you the confidence that you can solve us." The green-haired evil alchemist said with a smile.

"Do you think you can beat us?" Master Doyle continued.

Also as an alchemist, he naturally knows the advantages and disadvantages of being an alchemist. Compared with Ling Huohuo's methods, alchemists can't have any advantage, let alone in the case that the number is not dominant, even if Ling Huo Huo and the others had just fought a battle, and it is very likely that these three evil alchemists will be taken down.

This wave has stabilized, and Master Doyle is quite confident now.

It is impossible to lose on my side.

"Hee hee hee." The green-haired evil alchemist let out a weird laugh, which sounded like mocking.

"Whether you can beat it or not, you won't know until the fight is over." Said the evil alchemist with blue hair.

"However, if I were you, I would definitely run away early, because you will face the punishment of God!" The red-haired evil alchemist raised his hands high, with a fanatic look.

The weird state of the three of them made Ling Huohuo frowned.

"There is an energy reaction behind them!" Eight hundred said suddenly.

Ling Huohuo looked behind the three of them, and the only special thing was that there was a hole behind the three of them, and he didn't know what was inside.

"What's in that hole." Ling Huohuo asked.

If you don't understand, you have to ask. Ling Huohuo gave full play to the characteristics of a good student.

The others were taken aback, but they didn't expect Ling Huohuo to ask such a question suddenly. Is this the point?Shouldn't we be thinking about how to arrest these three evil alchemists now?Letting the three of them hang around outside always feels that bad things will happen.

And the three evil alchemists who heard Ling Huohuo's question suddenly let out louder laughter.

In fact, the three of them are usually very cold, but this time they really couldn't control it, because the thought that they had successfully completed the plan made them feel a burst of relief.

But it's over for them to be awesome, let's get in the waist for a while.

"Good question, let me tell you what's there." The red-haired evil alchemist said.

Then, the three evil alchemists walked near the entrance of the cave, Ling Huohuo and their eyes were all focused on the entrance of the cave.

At this time, the magma in the cave has solidified.

"There are treasures left over from ancient Greece in the underground of New York..." the evil red-haired alchemist said slowly.

"Wait." Ling Huohuo said suddenly.

"Why?" The red-haired evil alchemist who was interrupted was a little upset.

It was you who wanted to know, and it was you who interrupted me, you are very naughty.

"I want to say, although I'm not very good at geography, at least I know that ancient Greece and the United States don't seem to be in the same state. Why are the relics of ancient Greece buried underground in New York?" Ling Huohuo said slowly.


Everyone reacted, yes, why are the relics of ancient Greece buried underground in New York, USA?

"How the hell do I know? It was here when we found it anyway!" the red-haired evil alchemist cursed.

"Okay, you continue." Ling Huohuo raised his chin, signaling the red-haired evil alchemist to continue.

"Ahem, don't interrupt me, the next thing is related to God, so be serious!" the red-haired evil alchemist said seriously.

Even though they said that, for some reason, Elizabeth and the others always felt amused seeing the red-haired evil alchemist say this so seriously.

And, don't you think the current wind is a bit weird?How did it become an explanatory conference?Telling his plan directly to the enemy, he still had an extremely confident expression.

Is this the legendary boss disease?

"It is said that in the early stage of 'Ragnarok', the Greek gods created twelve golden doors, which sealed the secret treasures of Greece and the inheritance of the gods. The guardians of the twelve golden doors are twelve The warriors of the constellations, the warriors all master the twelve keys that can open the twelve golden doors given by God, and at the same time, the warriors of the twelve constellations are also bestowed with part of the power of God."

"However, due to unknown reasons, the twelve golden doors and all the keys have disappeared, and now, you will see the opening of one of the golden doors!" The red-haired evil alchemist said loudly.

As the red-haired alchemist's voice fell, the solidified magma surface in the cave cracked directly, and a golden gate rose from the magma. On the golden gate, there was a disc with twelve constellations. a keyhole.

Then, the red-haired alchemist slowly took out a golden key from his pocket.

When he saw the golden key for the first time, Ling Huohuo's pupils shrank, he knew this key, and Xiao Yunyun had several of the same ones!
(End of this chapter)

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