The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 443 It's really a big move

Chapter 443 What I said is really a big move (one more)
The red-haired evil alchemist showed the golden key in front of Ling Huohuo and the others.

"The key of Aries can open the passage to the first house - the palace of Aries on the golden gate." The red-haired alchemist said.

"What do you mean? Is there more than one passage behind the golden gate?" Master Doyle said. As an "elder", he always likes to think about another meaning, and feels that there are other meanings in the words of the red-haired alchemist.

"Haha, that's right. In fact, the Golden Gate is not divided. They are all built according to a template. There is no difference. Have you seen the disc on the Golden Gate?" The red-haired alchemist pointed to the disc on the Golden Gate.

"What do you mean?"

"The key lies in the twelve golden keys. As long as the keys are inserted into the corresponding keyholes, the golden door can be connected to the zodiac. In other words, one door can be connected to multiple places." Red-haired alchemist Said.

Hearing this, Ling Huohuo narrowed his eyes, Xiao Yunyun has two keys in his hand - Libra and Virgo, and Guo Xiaoyu has a Leo key in his hand, that is to say, as long as he gets a key The golden gate can open the passage connecting the three palaces. When the time comes, the three inheritances will happen to be one for each person, which is really beautiful.

Thinking of this, Ling Huohuo couldn't help looking at the Golden Gate with a strange look.

As for whether the Golden Gate can be taken away, since the Golden Gate appears here, it can naturally be moved.

"Now, mortals, you are about to see the glory of God." The red-haired alchemist shouted loudly, and opened the door with the key in his hand.

"I won't let you succeed!" Elizabeth snorted, no matter what will happen after opening the door, but as long as the red-haired alchemist and the others want to do it, they cannot be allowed to do so.

Moreover, it's not that they don't know what's behind the door. The red-haired alchemist just said that behind the door is something related to God, the secret treasure and inheritance of God.

Elizabeth and Charlotte are very clear about the weight of inheritance and secret treasures. After all, what they inherited is the inheritance and power of a hero, and they have achieved what they are today at a young age. Although that hero is a hero, he is only a human being. Then the weight of God's inheritance and secret treasure naturally needless to say.

Elizabeth had been secretly accumulating strength when the red-haired alchemist was speaking.

I saw that without any hesitation, she slashed the long sword in her hand, and the wind howled.


The wind roared.

Because in order not to attract the attention of the evil alchemists, Elizabeth's power accumulation was very slow. Although she finally successfully released her big move, the power was slightly insufficient.

"Hmph, I expected it a long time ago!"

The three evil alchemists showed mocking smiles. They were stupid again. Although they told all the secrets, it didn't mean that they were really inflated. If they put themselves in the same way as others, they naturally knew that the other party would try to stop them.

The reason for telling all the secrets, is the reason——

Of course it was for pretense!

Looking at the expressions of Ling Huohuo and the others, the three evil alchemists felt that this coercion was very successful.

They reacted as soon as Elizabeth made a move.

Three walls made of alloy appeared in front of the three of them, and there were still many lines on the wall, which should be portrayed by magic circles.

"It's the 'Wall of Alchemy', which can withstand a full blow of the sixth level!" Master Doyle exclaimed, the "Wall of Alchemy" is a life-saving thing, he doesn't even have one side, but now he sees three sides at once, he I suddenly felt very uncomfortable—after many years of practice, I finally got a set of excellent equipment, and thought it was awesome, but found that the enemy took out a magical outfit.

However, what everyone didn't expect was that although Fenglong walked straight, he passed through the gap between the three iron walls and directly hit the golden gate, and the golden gate was directly bombarded by this blow. To the distance.

And Elizabeth smiled too.

Her goal was not the three evil alchemists in the first place. She had expected that the evil alchemists would be on guard. After fighting Charlotte for so many years, she had seen a lot of routines, so she naturally needed to add another layer of routines.

The evil alchemists who thought they had already won thought about it, but they didn't think so much. In addition, the Golden Gate could not be destroyed by Ling Huohuo and the others, so they were not prepared.

"Hehe, stupid, you can't destroy the Golden Gate!" the green-haired alchemist mocked.

"Hehe, of course I know, but my purpose is not to destroy the Golden Gate." Elizabeth said with a sneer.

"What?" The three evil alchemists were taken aback.

"As long as you don't get close to the golden gate, wouldn't it be fine to defeat you?" Elizabeth said loudly.

"not good!"

The three evil alchemists turned around and were about to chase after the Golden Gate, but at this moment, thirteen figures stopped in front of them.

The long sword in Charlotte's hand pointed at the three of them.

"I won't let you pass!"

When Elizabeth was charging her strength, she was also secretly recovering her strength.

Her ability is to summon the twelve knights to assist in combat, expand the army, and attack the enemy. It does not need to be charged, and the power of the twelve knights covers a wide range, so that Charlotte's strength has no shortcomings in theory.

However, the existence of the Twelve Knights is related to her power, and a lot of power has been recovered, so the battery life will naturally be longer.

Elizabeth is thick, long, and powerful, but she needs to store up her power, and her persistence is not good. The CD time of the skill, if you force another shot or a series of shots, it will only be hollowed out, quickly exhausting energy, and even life-threatening.

Contrary to Elizabeth, Charlotte's is shorter, but it is durable and flexible. If conditions permit, you can unlock various postures. Compared with Elizabeth's one-shot soul, Charlotte is more "desperate". As long as the physical strength can keep up, you can fight for a long time.

The key point is that what I said above is a big move, and there is no other meaning.

And Ling Huohuo was fucked by these two people...

I mean big move.

Although Charlotte and Elizabeth did not deal with each other, they had an inexplicable understanding in many aspects.

The moment Elizabeth started, Charlotte rushed out, summoned her twelve knights, and blocked the only way for the three evil alchemists.

"Go away!" the green-haired alchemist cursed.

Three evil alchemists attack Charlotte at the same time.

And Charlotte didn't show weakness, and went forward to meet the attack.

With the blessing of the Knights of the Round Table's military power, Charlotte actually withstood the attacks of the three evil alchemists. On the contrary, because of the impact of the attack, the momentum of the three evil alchemists was suppressed, so that they had to temporarily retreat.

At this time, Ling Huohuo, Fudo Mingo, Master Doyle and Elizabeth also surrounded him.

The crowd surrounded the three evil alchemists.

"Hmph, surrender." Master Doyle shouted. Although his strength was a little empty because of the "cage of the earth", he was not at all cowardly in the face of three full-state evil alchemists.

After all, there are many of them, and their strength is not weak.

"Surrender? Stop joking!" the green-haired evil alchemist laughed.

"Hehe, even if you beat us, do you really think you have won?" said the red-haired alchemist.

"What?" Everyone was taken aback, hearing the tone of the red-haired alchemist, things have changed?

"Do you really think that we made such a big noise, even sacrificing people in New York City just to summon the Golden Gate?" the red-haired alchemist said slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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