The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 450 Driver: Teacher Ling, another change?

Chapter 450 Driver: Teacher Ling, another one? (two more)
The other sixth-level person is a man wearing a camouflage combat uniform, with a vicissitudes of life, it seems that he has experienced many battles.

"My name is Bieber, and I'm from the War Department." Bieber didn't say much. The people in the War Department have always been efficient and won't say much.

The remaining seven fifth-orders also introduced themselves one after another.

First up are the graduates.

"Dahl, graduate, from Umbrella." A very gentle boy said.

"Ankara, also from the umbrella." A girl with an intellectual beauty said.

Umbrella is a club, and everyone has heard of it. It is a club that specializes in making various potions. Its purpose is to make the ultimate potion that can allow humans to evolve, so that humans can fight against various disasters, and even gain eternal life. Evolve into a more advanced creature.

However, because the potions made are always weird, and making potions is also very boring, plus the purpose that makes people feel "unclear", so there are not many people who joined, and this year, it seems that only 50 people joined. many people.

However, the safety umbrella is famous in some respects, such as a certain blue potion with no side effects that "enhances the strength of a limb below the navel of a male creature". It supports the research expenses and daily consumption of the entire society.

Moreover, those who heard about the Umbrella saw a lot of profit from this potion, and recently tried to develop a "female version".

After all, the purpose of the security umbrella is to "strengthen all human beings", how can it only strengthen "male creatures"?

How did that sentence come from—don't worry about being few, but about unevenness.

Then came the third graduate.

is a priest.

"My name is Alan Tur, from the Holy Light Society."

The Holy Light Society is the church where the school committee member Shawshank belongs.

"I'm good at healing. The Research Department hired me to treat Researcher Jia Fei at any time, but you can come to me if you are injured or in a bad state." Allen Tur said with a kind smile.

Everyone nodded. If there is no accident, Alan Tur should be the only healing unit in the team. In the team, the most important thing is the healing unit, because he can renew your life.

Ling Huohuo took a look at Jia Fei and felt that Jia Fei's condition might be more serious than he imagined.

Generally, those who are in poor health bring a doctor, but Jia Fei brought a priest, this is to prepare for renewing his life at any time, and if he is not saved, Alan Tur may have to change his job to become a "superior priest" .

The last graduate was a fat man with an iron pan on his back, his eyes were squeezed to small size by the flesh on his face.

"Just call me Fatty G. I come from the Chefs Association, and I want to find rare ingredients in the Amazon rainforest to break through myself." Fatty G said with a smile.

The Chefs Association is an association formed by a group of people who love cooking and food. There are only more than 20 members, but it is not that simple, because everyone in it has sublimated their cooking skills to the level of art, and has long-term cooperation with the canteen of the college. The network of relationships is extremely wide, which cannot be underestimated.

Ling Huohuo looked at Fatty G, and for some reason, Ling Huohuo always felt that Fatty G cheated him away with a lot of money, and his squinted eyes seemed to say, "Open your wallets, let me see if there is any money left", Ling Huohuo couldn't help but want to beat G fat.

Then the three students introduced themselves.

"Nello, from the Student Union." That's right, the first girl with glasses introduced was Megan's deputy, Nelo.

Nero looked indifferent and didn't say much.

Bieber and Fatty G glanced at Nero without leaving a trace, and a trace of curiosity flashed in their eyes.

Most people know that Megan is the president of the student union and is extremely good, but few people know about Nero who stands silently behind Megan.

Moreover, Nero's identity is not an ordinary member or clerk, but a vice president who has the opportunity to compete with Megan for power!

However, Nero was willing to act as Megan's deputy to stabilize Megan's position.

However, no one who really understands Nero will despise Nero, but puts Nero's degree of danger above Megan.

In fact, the vice president was another person at the beginning. That person has been fighting for power with Megan. It is a serious injury.

It was declared to the public that the mission was wrong, and the vice president died on the spot in order to rescue Nero, leaving no bones, while Nero was seriously injured.

But it is not the case.

At that time, someone secretly spread the news that the vice president was actually killed by Nero, and he was killed without injury!Destroy corpses and wipe out traces.

However, Niello, who was at the fifth level at the time, had the strength to crush the vice president who was also at the fifth level, and Megan's strength was similar to that of the vice president. Otherwise, the vice president back then was not qualified to compete with the vice president. Megan scrambles for power.

And Neluo's body was hit by herself. She was not only ruthless to the enemy, but also ruthless to herself.

If it's true, it's horrific.

However, the person who spread the news disappeared the next day, and the rumor disappeared instantly, while Nero was taken away by the people of the academy and imprisoned for half a year.

If these are connected, it will be obvious what Nero has done.

Moreover, what is surprising is that Nero was only imprisoned for half a year. You must know that the killing at the Extraordinary Academy will not end so easily. Could there be any hidden secrets in it?But this also made other people more afraid of Nero.

After Nero came out, he spent the remaining half a year directly rising to become the vice president and Megan's deputy, and then Nero disappeared from everyone's sight.

And Nero, who has always been hidden behind others and will not leave Megan, appears here, making Bieber and Fatty G, who know Nero's roots, vigilant. Could it be that there is something that attracts Nero in this mission?
However, they didn't see anything from Nero, but they didn't dare to speak, after all, Nero had a bad reputation.

Although Bieber is at the sixth level, he still dare not underestimate Nero. The roaring tiger is not scary, but the silent but deadly poisonous snake is scary.

The remaining two students are very ordinary, plus Ling Huohuo, they may be the only ones who are purely here to earn points.

There are two boys, one is Rukawa Feng and the other is Sakuragi Hanamichi.

Then Ling Huohuo also introduced the people around him to others.

"This is my pet Harpy, this is my shikigami blue cotton bird, this is mine..."

"I am the general's subordinate, Jinyu Ji Mengmeng, and this is my pet fish ball." Jinyu Ji said, and pulled out the fish ball.

"so cute……"



"Fifth order..."

The way everyone looked at Ling Huohuo changed, they wanted such a cute subordinate too.

After getting acquainted with each other, everyone boarded the helicopter and prepared to gather at the place designated by the scientific research team.

Because of the large number of people, three helicopters were divided.

Coincidentally, it was the two pilots who pulled the rage this time.

The ones on the same plane as Ling Huohuo were Jia Fei, Bieber, and Allentre.

Ling Huohuo was holding Jinyu Ji in his arms, while Happy was lying in the middle, and Qingmianniao was lying on Ling Huohuo's head.

The two drivers obviously recognized Ling Huohuo and were very enthusiastic.

"Teacher Ling, long time no see... Hehe, another one?" said a driver.

Who said that those who fly planes are not old drivers?

"Yeah, last time it was two British girls, this time it was replaced by a loli, Teacher Ling is really happy." Another driver echoed.

Ling Huohuo suddenly felt that this was a bit wrong, and when he was about to explain, he found that the other three people looked at him like scum.

"Actually, it's not what you think..."

"Mr. Ling, if you lose something, you can never go back..." Bieber said.

(End of this chapter)

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