Chapter 451 Entering Amazon (Part [-])
The helicopter flew for several hours, out of North America and into South America.

It may be because of any special identification or special signals on the plane. The journey was extremely smooth, and no one disturbed Ling Huohuo and the others. For this illegal entry, there was no hidden helicopter. All the way was laissez-faire .

In this way, Ling Huohuo and his party arrived in Manaus.

After flying in the sky for a long time, although everyone felt a little uncomfortable, they didn't feel much impact.

Manaus is the capital of the Brazilian state of Amazonas. It is located at the confluence of the Heihe River and the Solimense River (a tributary of the Amazon River), with an area of ​​14337 square kilometers and a population of 173.8 million. It is the eighth most populous city in Brazil.Manaus is known as the "Heart of the Amazon" and the "City of the Forest". It is humid, hot and rainy all year round.

From May to October is the dry season. When Ling Huohuo and the others came, Manaus had just passed the dry season.

Manaus was originally a tourist city, and the environment is very good, but the temperature is very high throughout the year, and now it is more than 20 degrees.

The delegation has been waiting in the city of Manaus for a long time.

Ling Huohuo and the others have also learned about the information about this delegation. There are not many people, but there are more than 20 people.

Divided into two parts.

Thirteen are real investigators, from the "International Rainforest Conservation Team", who are here to collect data on temperature, humidity, etc. inside the Amazon forest. The group is hired by the investigators to assist in the exploration.

Although Ling Huohuo and the others are strong, they don't have much experience in survival in the wild, and they can play very little role in other aspects. At this time, an old-fashioned adventure group is very necessary.

Ling Huohuo and the others are responsible for everyone's safety, while the adventure group is responsible for survival in the wild.

After all, they will not come out again within three days, and they must be vigilant at all times in the rainforest.

There are more dangers in the rainforest than imagined. Poisonous insects, poisonous snakes, and beasts abound. Even plants may pose fatal dangers. You must also guard against invisible viruses and bacteria.

The members of the inspection team were ten men and three women, all of whom were ordinary people. The leader was an old man with a doctor named Ruiz.

Ruiz is a very kind-looking old man, and he welcomes Ling Huohuo and the others very much, but Ling Huohuo always feels that Ruizsheng is a little bit out of harmony.

In the end, Babai explained that Ruiz has an aura, which is the aura of a superior!This kind of aura can only be cultivated by staying in a high position for a long time. Although Ryze conceals it very well, as long as you observe carefully, others can still feel the sense of disobedience.

The aura cultivated over the years has already left traces on the body, and it cannot be concealed by covering up.

This kind of aura is not an attack method, but a kind of momentum, which can deter other people's minds.

Ling Huohuo's momentum is "fear", and the effect on others is to make people fear, not deter. Fear can scare people to death and make people terrified, but deterrence is the ability to capture the spirit of the other party, but Rui The momentum in Dr. Ze has not yet reached that height.

But Nieluo has the embryonic form of this kind of momentum that can frighten the human form.

This kind of aura also has a simple and easy-to-understand name-the aura of tyranny.

"The domineering side leaks, and the head is bowed." It is this kind of momentum that is being said.

A doctor from the inspection team actually has the aura of a superior person?Ling Huohuo couldn't help but pay more attention to Dr. Ruiz.

As for the rest of the investigation team, they were pretty ordinary. The seemingly ordinary scientific researchers were no different, and the three women were just ordinary.

The composition of the adventure group is six men and two women, all of whom have some strength, two of which are of the third rank, and the rest are of the second rank. This kind of strength can be mixed in most places in the outside world.

The two third ranks are the captain Felt and a bearded player, Xing Yin.

The members of the adventure group seem to be experienced people, and their aura is very fierce.

The two women in the adventure group made Ling Huohuo take another look, not because they were so good-looking, but because they had a rare wild beauty that women living in the city didn't have.

Everyone got to know each other briefly, Ling Huohuo and his party first checked into the hotel, bought some things under the guidance of the adventure group, and then set off.


The Amazon rainforest is located in the Amazon Basin in South America and covers an area of ​​700 million square kilometers.The rainforest spans 8 countries, occupies half of the world's rainforest area, and accounts for 20% of the global forest area. It is the largest and most species-rich tropical rainforest in the world.The Amazon rainforest is known as the "lungs of the earth".


It's afternoon, and at this latitude, the sun will dip below the horizon for another six hours.

Therefore, everyone must find a safe place to stay near the target site within six hours.

Otherwise, the rainforest at night is very dangerous. Although a group of people is very strong, they have not broken through to the sixth level, and their life levels have changed. Even people at the fifth level are just stronger ordinary people, bitten by poisonous insects , or be mortally wounded, will still die.

Therefore, it is necessary to find a safe enough place to camp.

Fortunately, the expedition team had a clear map, made some preparations, and had already determined the location of the camp, so they were not worried about getting lost or running out of time.

After finding the right direction and walking for three hours, everyone arrived at the camp.

At this time, everyone's position has gone deep into the Amazon rainforest. Along the way, with Ling Huohuo's protection and the experience of the adventure group, they did not encounter any danger.

The camp was chosen to be built behind a mountain, surrounded by a not-deep river, very open and not many trees.

The delegation started to set up a camp. They wanted to inspect the natural environment nearby and needed to stay here for a long time.

Soon, more than a dozen tents were set up.

The largest tent in the middle is the central camp of the expedition team, and all the equipment is placed inside. There are six small tents around the central camp, which can accommodate two to three people. They are the tents of the expedition team.

In the outer circle are six tents one size larger, which can accommodate four to five people.

The two women of the adventure group lived in a tent with Nero and Ankara.

Jia Fei and Alan Tur live together.

Bieber, G Fat, and Rukawa Kaede live in a tent.

The six people in the adventure group plus Dahl and Yingmu Huadao, a total of eight people live in two.

The last tent was where Ling Huohuo brought Jinyu Ji and Happy to live in it. After all, Ling Huohuo was the only one who came down with his hands.

The reason for this arrangement is for safety considerations, the weak ones are protected inside, and there is at least one fifth-level person in each tent in the outermost circle. If an accident occurs, each direction can respond in time and will not be killed in seconds , to buy time for others to support.

And the vigil came in rotation.

Subject to draw.

Fortunately, there was no Ling Huohuo on the vigil today.

When everything was almost packed, Ling Huohuo ate a simple dinner, said hello to the others, and got into the tent.

(End of this chapter)

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