The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 453 Respective Purposes, Weird Investigation Group

Chapter 453 Respective Purposes, Weird Investigation Group (Part [-])

It was Alan Tur and Jia Fei who spoke next.

"Let me tell the story." Allen Tur said, if Jia Fei were to talk about it, he might not be able to finish talking tonight. As Jia Fei's "dad", he was clear about Jia Fei's purpose.

"This time our purpose is actually because of the two members of the security umbrella." Alan Tur said.


Everyone was taken aback for a moment, they didn't expect that their target this time turned out to be people from Chaofan Academy.

"Everyone should know the purpose of the safety umbrella," said Allentre.

The crowd nodded.

"Striving for the evolution of all mankind."

"That's right, that's the purpose. The Security Umbrella and the research department have also cooperated and made a lot of achievements. However, in the past two years, the Security Umbrella has become more and more restless, and even secretly researched the matter of immortality."

"What? Eternal life?" Someone exclaimed.

"That's right, to be honest, I was also surprised when I first heard about it," Allentre said.

"Eternal life? I'm afraid I'm going to become a god." Fatty G curled his lips.

"Even a god can't live forever, otherwise there wouldn't be a Ragnarok." Alan Tur sighed.

Ling Huohuo narrowed his eyes.

Ragnarok?He had heard it from the red-haired alchemist, and it seemed to be related to the Twelve Golden Gates, and now that Alan Tur had also mentioned the Twilight of the Gods, Ling Huohuo felt that it was necessary to go to the Holy Light Society after returning. .

"The research department received news that this time the security umbrella will go to the Amazon forest to find a special virus, called the 'ancestral virus', this virus is not recorded in the research department's files, as if it appeared suddenly , the research department is very concerned, and if an unknown virus enters human society, it is likely to cause unimaginable harm to humans without antibodies." Alan Tur said with a serious face.

Others also pondered, if the virus really leaked, it might really cause an unexpected disaster.

Ling Huohuo blinked, and a priest said seriously, is science really good?
"Therefore, the research department felt that it was necessary to send someone to follow up to take a look. If the worst situation really happened, the danger must be killed in time."

"However, is it okay to just say no to the security umbrella? Directly intervene in this matter, presumably with the strength of the academy, this matter can be easily settled." Fatty G said.

Alan Tur shook his head.

"This plan is a secret of Umbrella. Only a few people know about it, and Umbrella doesn't seem to want to share this research with others. It was obtained by accident. If it is really reported to the academy, the research department will be in trouble." Alan Tur said.

The others nodded, expressing their understanding, with serious eyes.

The safety umbrella hides this experiment, and I always feel that it is not a good omen.

If any association has research, it will definitely report it. The college will provide a lot of funds and equipment for free to facilitate the research. However, if the experiment is not announced, it will not be funded. It is difficult for the few people who rely on the umbrella to conduct the experiment. Even more difficult, it is very likely that this experiment may not be so bright, and there must be something shady in it.

Ling Huohuo opened his mouth, you are stealing business secrets, no one finds it strange?

"We are here today hoping to get the help of Instructor Ling. Your demon dog should be able to easily lead us to follow the two members of the security umbrella." Alan Tur said.

"Although this matter has nothing to do with me, it is after all related to the safety of human beings. I will help you to pay attention to it. If you need it, you can call me." Fatty G said.

"I'm also curious about eternal life, you can bring me one when the time comes." Bieber said calmly.

"I will help too." Nero also said.

Seeing other people express their opinions, Ling Huohuo also nodded.

"I'll keep an eye out."

With other people's assurances, Alan Tur and Jia Fei smiled.

"The research department must be grateful."

Then everyone turned their attention to Bieber.

"Actually, I also came to seek help from Teacher Ling," Bieber said.

Ling Huohuo looked at Bieber suspiciously.

"Don't you guys think there is something wrong with this inspection team?" Bieber asked rhetorically.

Everyone was stunned, and thought about it carefully. They had been thinking about their own affairs before, ignoring the inspection team, as if they really didn't feel any problems with the inspection group.

Ling Huohuo couldn't help thinking of the weird Dr. Ruiz.

"Don't you think this mission is weird?" Bieber said.

"How to say?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"Generally speaking, when an investigation team wants to investigate a place, it will be equipped with many other personnel, such as security personnel, adventure groups, and rescue personnel. However, this investigation group does not have rescue personnel and other equipment." Bieber said .

"Maybe it's because we have confidence in us, and isn't Ellentel able to save people?" Fatty G asked tentatively.

Bibo shook his head.

"It's different. The holy healing technique of the Holy Light Society is not a panacea. Although it can cure most injuries, it is still powerless for bacterial infections, viral infections and some other diseases. This requires professional doctors, otherwise the academy will not be able to do anything." A hospital may be built," explained Allentre.

"That's right, what's more, they didn't know our identities at all before, how did they know that there are people with healing abilities among us?" Bieber said.

Hearing what Bieber said, everyone could feel that it was really abnormal.

"Besides, it's just a three-day inspection, but ten people above the fifth level are required in the mission. Don't you feel that you are too talented and useless?" Bieber said.

"What's more, the rewards can be regarded as generous, and the price is not small. Under normal circumstances, a three-day investigation mission cannot cost so much. Normally, this kind of investigation only needs five fourth-level people It’s enough, why waste so much?”

"Maybe... rich..." Jia Fei choked out a sentence.


Everyone looked at Jia Fei strangely, the brain circuit of rich people is really beyond their comprehension.

Jia Fei shrank his neck when everyone looked at him. Could there be something wrong with what he said?Shouldn't you hire more people to protect yourself if you have money?
If it weren't for the limited number of places, Jia Fei really wanted to bring ten or eight bodyguards. Although in the end he only brought the fifth-level Alantel, don't underestimate Alantel.

He was a man blessed by an angel!

He is very strong, and he is the appointed successor of Shawshank Godfather of the Holy Light Society. He can output milk and run, and most importantly, he also has the lucky halo of "angel's blessing". He is simply the most perfect teammate.

"And there's one more puzzling thing," Bieber continued.


"Dr. Ruiz's file is fake, and there is no such person in the college's database." Bieber said calmly.


Hearing this, everyone gasped, and suddenly felt a chill behind their backs.

(End of this chapter)

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