The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 454 There are more than 8 water shallow kings, and there are big brothers everywhere

Chapter 454
"Is the identity false?" Everyone was taken aback by Bieber's words.

If Dr. Ruiz's identity is forged, the consequences will be more serious than "discovering that his wife's identity is false after marriage".

Fake wives cheat money to cheat feelings, and fake teammates may kill!
What's more, Dr. Ruiz is only equivalent to their captain, and Dr. Ruiz leads the way!

"Then the academy still dares to take on this task?" Fatty G was taken aback.

Ling Huohuo found that Fatty G was inexplicably timid, no, it should be said that he was saving his life.

"Why don't you dare to take it? Has the Extraordinary Academy ever been afraid of anyone?" Bieber asked calmly.

"Eh..." Fatty G is speechless, you are right, but... I'm afraid!

At this time, Nero, who had not responded all this time, suddenly spoke.

"The problem with this mission is too obvious. It is impossible for the other party not to know the abilities of the Extraordinary Academy, and possibly, this mission is a test."

"Trying?" The others were lost in thought.

"Is there any force stronger than the Extraordinary Academy?" Fatty G said.

"Your world is too narrow." Nero said.

"..." Fatty G had a displeased expression on his face.

Damn, say I'm narrow-minded?I'm afraid you're blind, but I don't agree with my four hundred catties of fat!

However, Fatty G didn't dare to say it - he couldn't beat him, he was cowardly.

"Although the Extraordinary Academy is the only one, not everyone in this world is convinced. There are always some organizations that will secretly make trouble. This test, if the Extraordinary Academy does not accept the task, it proves that the strength of the Extraordinary Academy is not as imagined. If they are so strong, they will carry out their own plans recklessly, which may endanger the Transcendent Academy, so even if they know that this mission is a temptation, they must continue, because it is a conspiracy." Nero explained.

Only then did everyone understand the deep meaning behind it.

"Miss Nero is right, and I am the person responsible for this incident." Bieber said calmly.

"Then you came to me because you want my help?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"That's right, according to my observation, there is no influence behind Ling Tutor, and there is no other purpose for coming here this time. He has plenty of time, is a free man, and has enough strength to be my teammate." Bieber said calmly.

Ling Huohuo twitched the corner of her mouth, I have plenty of time?

Ling Huohuo looked around at the other people around again. It was indeed abundant before going to bed, but now...

Why do you all take me with you in your own affairs?

Ling Huohuo suddenly regretted agreeing to others.

As if sensing Ling Huohuo's hesitation, Bieber said: "After this mission, no matter whether it is successful or not, the academy will give Ling Tutor 100 million points and a piece of top-level sixth-level equipment that matches your profession, which can also be equivalent Substitution."

After listening to Bieber's words, the others swallowed their saliva.

Ling Huohuo's eyes lit up, 100 million?A piece of sixth-tier equipment suitable for a profession?And regardless of the success or failure of the mission?

"Oh, you're so polite. The academy is my home, and everyone's protection depends on you. Leave this matter to me." Ling Huohuo said, patting his chest.

Bieber was not surprised by Ling Huohuo's attitude. After all, he took this task because of the generous reward.

Generally speaking, the rewards for Tier 15 missions are 30 to 100, and [-] million is considered extremely generous.

If it wasn't for wanting to startle the enemy, the person who solved this incident had better not be too strong. This task might have been taken over by the stronger seventh-order, and Bieber got this task because of his connections.

In the Extraordinary Academy, the reward for serving the academy is the most lucrative, but it is also dangerous.

Bieber naturally knew, but for the sake of the reward, Bieber still accepted the task.

Before he was about to come to Ling Huohuo, Bieber notified the academy, and the academy agreed to Ling Huohuo's joining.

"Then can I join too?" Fatty G squinted at Bieber, his eyes shining brightly.

Bieber looked at Fatty G calmly, without saying a word, the meaning was self-evident.

If you are not strong enough, how can you let Fatty G come to mix rewards?
Fatty G and Allentre were a little disappointed. After all, the rewards were too generous, and they were not rich.

Jia Fei doesn't care, is 100 million points a lot?If you sell anything from the research department casually, it will definitely exceed this price.

So, he went on to say: "Well, this time...things, if...everyone..."

Stopped for 30 seconds.

"If you want to help... I can also... privately... give it to you..."

Stopped for 1 minute.

"More than 50..."

It stopped for one minute and ten seconds.


After 2 minutes, everyone was sure that Jia Fei had finished speaking.

"Okay!" Fatty G applauded first.

"Father and son soldiers, brothers fighting tigers, your business is my business, leave this to me Fatty G, from now on you will be my father!"


The others frowned at G's fat and shameless appearance, but they were very happy to have Jia Fei. After all, Jia Fei's task doesn't sound difficult, isn't it just to monitor two fifth-orders?
Even Nie Luo, who had been indifferent all this time, looked at Jia Fei.

Nero noticed that Jia Fei said "private", that is to say, these points were paid by Jia Fei himself.

If you add yourself, there are a total of five people here, that is to say, Jia Fei must spend at least 250 million points at one time!
Jia Fei alone can pay more points rewards than the Extraordinary Academy!

Is the research department really so rich?

For a while, Nero was also in a trance, and suddenly had an urge to quit.

But thinking of everyone in the research department looking like they would die at any time, plus Megan who was waiting for him in the student union, Nello quickly stifled this "dangerous" idea.

But... this time, I can earn a lot of extra money. How about buying something for Megan when I go back?

Except for Nero whose purpose was unknown, the others communicated happily and soon formed an "offensive and defensive alliance".


The night in the Amazon rainforest is not peaceful. As night falls, poisonous insects, poisonous snakes, wild beasts, and countless nocturnal predators have left their lairs and started killing.

The Amazon at night is more dangerous than the Amazon during the day.

The weak eat the strong, the fittest survive, only the truly strong can have the last laugh, even weak plants may turn into deadly killers...

Today, however, the Amazon rainforest is much less peaceful...

Because a sudden "beast" interrupted the rhythm of the hunters in the rainforest.

"Fuck, the beast is coming, climb up!" A poisonous snake's core smelled the smell of "beast".

"Brother dei, don't climb, ask the eagle above to take you for a ride." A poisonous spider quickly crawled past.

"Are you stupid? Are you sure it won't take me back to its lair?"

"What the hell? Let's go!" A toad hopped past.

A black caiman and giant otter hide side by side underwater.

"Old iron, the beast should not come down." Black caiman.

"I don't know, what are you talking about, don't make any noise." Giant Otter.

"But, the social turtle may not come back in time..."

"It's miserable..."

A giant tortoise is struggling to crawl towards the river. Because of its terrifying bite force and its protective shell that no one can break, this tortoise is honored as the "social turtle" by nearby hunters!
It is probably the situation of "the water is shallow and there are many kings, and there are big brothers everywhere."

Today, the social tortoise felt the danger and wanted to retreat to the river, but found that because it had not been exercising for a long time, its originally slow speed became even slower. It would take a certain amount of time to successfully return to the river.

"Huchi, Huchi... just a little bit... a little bit..."

Seeing the river in front of him, the social turtle smiled.

But at this time, a paw suddenly touched the social turtle's shell, making the social turtle's expression freeze.

"Hey? I found a wild bastard."

(End of this chapter)

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