The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 455 You are a turtle in society, there are many chapters of turtle counseling

Chapter 455 Society You Brother Turtle, You Counseling A Lot (Part [-])
The social tortoise froze, feeling the aura of the owner of the claws on the tortoise's shell, and retracted its body into the tortoise's shell in an instant.

Animals are much more sensitive than humans, and their instincts are more sensitive to danger.

He has black and white hair, a pair of piercing eyes, and the pattern on his face looks like a wolf, but if you look closely, you will find that there is always a silly feeling.

That's right, it was a husky, and the husky's name was Happy.

Happy, who had just broken through to the fourth level, was still unable to control his aura well, and the aura he inadvertently radiated made the surrounding ordinary animals feel great pressure, and they were naturally scared away.

"Hey." Happy patted the turtle shell curiously.

"Little bastard, come out and play." Happy shouted.

"I can't afford to play, I won't go out." The social turtle hid in its shell and said in a low voice.

"Really not coming out?"

"Not coming out! Wait... what are you doing... are you..."

"Go away!"

With a flick of Hapi's paw, he directly slapped the social turtle retracted into its shell, then caught up with the social turtle, and then slapped it to another rice surface.

It would be a nice picture if the social turtle were replaced with a Frisbee.

But even with the turtle shell, Happy had a great time playing.

And the animals watching Happy secretly covered their eyes—it was too cruel and tragic.

"Stop! STOP! Flax falls!"

The social turtle, dizzy, came out of its shell and yelled at a tree with one paw stretched out.

"I'm over here," said Happy, standing behind the social turtle.

"Ah, I turned." With that, the social turtle turned to the left, and this time Happy was on the left of the social turtle.

Looking at the social turtle whose body was constantly spinning, Hapiha curiously touched the social turtle's body with its claws, staring at it for a few seconds...

With a mouthful, Happy bit the social turtle's nipple into his mouth.

"It's a monster, the social turtle is about to lose its head by the beast!"

The other animals watching Harpy let out miserable screams. The social tortoise has been taken by the dog. Will they be far behind?
"Being humiliated and played with before being killed, oh no, I would rather choose to commit suicide!"

Happy moved his mouth twice and frowned.


Happy spits out social turtle milk.


At this time, the social turtle is still angry, but its body is covered with blood, and it looks extremely miserable.

"Boss, please forgive me." The social turtle lay down on the ground.

"What's your name?" Happy asked.

"The friends nearby think highly of me and call me the social turtle, but the boss can call me the little turtle." The social turtle said flatteringly.

"Little Turtle, um, I remember." Happy nodded.

"It's my honor to be remembered by the boss. I don't know what the boss calls it?"

"Just call me Happy."

"Boss Happy."

"Yeah." Happy nodded in satisfaction, squinted his eyes, recalled how high-spirited he was when he was a wild monster occupying a little bitch on the social turtle.

Happy suddenly wanted to take the social turtle as his younger brother, but the social turtle shuddered suddenly.

"By the way, little turtle, is there anything interesting around here?" Happy asked.

The social turtle was taken aback, thought for a moment, and shook his head.

"There are forests around here, and there's nothing interesting about it," said the social turtle.

"Then let's play with you..." Saying that, Happy wanted to attack the social turtle again.

"Wait, yes, yes, there is something fun!" The social turtle said hastily.

"Oh? Where is it?" Happy asked curiously, his ears pricked up.

"This...that..." The social turtle's eyes rolled quickly, thinking about something interesting.

"By the way, I remembered!" the social turtle said suddenly.

"Remember what?" Harry asked.

"It was during this time that a hill in the woods across the river collapsed due to heavy rain, revealing a hole! It must be very interesting there," said the Society Turtle.

"Cave entrance?" Happy's eyes lit up, this plot, this is the rhythm of encountering treasures!

"Yes, it must be interesting to see the golden light in the hole," said the Society Turtle.

"Have you ever been in there?" Happy asked.

"No." The social turtle shook its head, "Because after the cave was exposed, many pythons occupied it, and those pythons have become bigger and bigger recently, we can't beat them, and they won't let us get close there."

"Sounds very interesting, little tortoise, lead the way!" Happy patted the nipple of the society tortoise with his paw.

"Ah,'s very dangerous," said the social turtle.

"Dangerous? It doesn't exist!"


"If you don't lead the way, I will play with you."

"Boss, this way please."

The society froze, and remembered the fear of being thrown around.



After talking for a while, everyone left one after another, and the crowded tent became empty again.

Ling Huohuo understood the purpose of everyone, but Nieluo made Ling Huohuo a little confused. What exactly is Nieluo going to do?
Behind Ling Huohuo, Jinyu Ji still slept soundly, and occasionally clicked her little mouth twice.

The fish balls were still rubbing against each other, but they just changed the direction. It might be that the fish balls were affected when everyone left.

Qingmianniao was also woken up, but was not harmed.

Ling Huohuo thought about it for a while, but he didn't expect that the task this time was still not easy, but for the sake of the reward, Ling Huohuo felt a lot more balanced in his heart.

"Forget it, go to sleep." Ling Huohuo patched up the hole that Happy had bitten out, put the quilt back on, and lay down again.

However, after Ling Huohuo just lay down for a while, he suddenly felt something coming from him.

Ling Huohuo frowned, turned around, and put his ears on the ground.

"Something really happened in the distance."

At this moment... Chirp!

A flare went off, illuminating the entire camp.

"There is a situation!" The members of the night watch adventure group shouted.

Ling Huohuo hurriedly got up.

"Can you still make people sleep well!"

Pulling open the tent, Ling Huohuo looked outside.

At this time, the people in the other tents came out, many of them were fully armed, and they could vaguely hear the movement from a distance in the camp.

"What's the situation?" Dr. Ruiz ran out of the tent in his pajamas and asked.

Ling Huohuo looked at Dr. Ruiz and found that Dr. Ruiz behaved like an ordinary doctor.

"Doctor, there seems to be something rushing towards the camp in the distance." The night watch member of the adventure group said.

The others were taken aback and looked in the direction of the fingers of the members of the adventure group.

Although it was very dark, everyone could still see clearly—the trees in the distance were falling one after another, and they were getting closer and closer to everyone's position.

"What the hell is there?" Fatty G said.

"It may be a huge creature, and the target is very clear." Bieber said calmly.

"The woods are too dense to see the situation in the distance," Felt said.

"Qingmian, go and have a look." Ling Huohuo said to Qingmianniao.


The Qingmongniao let out a cry, then quickly lifted off into the air and flew towards the direction of the accident.

(End of this chapter)

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