The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 456 I, Ling Huohuo, Will Call You The Strongest

Chapter 456 I, Ling Huohuo, Would Like To Call You The Strongest (Part [-])
Qu Feng shared the vision of Qingmianniao at the first moment when Qingmianniao took off.

Qingmianniao is a shikigami specialized in reconnaissance, and has a natural advantage in reconnaissance. Although it is difficult to see clearly at night, it can also get an overview of the surrounding situation.

Qing Mianniao was very fast, and soon arrived at the scene of the accident.

Ling Huohuo also saw the situation in the distance clearly.

"Hiss." Ling Huohuo gasped.

More than a dozen huge boa constrictors appeared in Ling Huohuo's field of vision. The largest body was hundreds of meters long and more than ten meters wide. The huge trees were knocked down one by one by the boa constrictors as they moved forward.

Such a big boa constrictor, I'm afraid it's going to become fine.

Ling Huohuo realized in an instant, these pythons are not what Fatty G is looking for, are they rare?How come there are so many at once?

And it seems to be chasing something... what... Happy?
Through the Qingmianniao, Ling Huohuo quickly found what the boa constrictors were chasing, but what he never expected was that the boa constrictors were chasing Ha Pi.

At this time, Happy was not in good condition, with several scars on his body, and looked very embarrassed, but what surprised Ling Huohuo was that Happy still had a big turtle in his mouth.

"Mr. Ling, how are you? Do you know what happened?" Bieber asked calmly.

"Uh... I saw it."

"What creature is it?" Others came up.

Ling Huohuo didn't answer directly, but looked at Fatty G.

"What's wrong?" Fatty G touched his fat face and asked in confusion.

"Your stone ingredients are delivered to your door."

"What? Could it be..." Fatty G's eyes lit up.

"That's right, it's the boa constrictor you're looking for." Ling Huohuo nodded.

Hearing Ling Huohuo's words, the two members of the umbrella and Dr. Ruiz lost their eyes, as if thinking of something.

And Bieber, Alan Tur, and Jia Fei, who had been observing the three of them, looked at each other calmly.

"What is the strength of the opponent?" Fatty G asked excitedly.

Ling Huohuo shook his head.

"It can't be seen from the Qingmianniao, but the body is extremely large, and the strength should be very good. The preliminary estimate of the strength should be the fourth level." Ling Huohuo said, in fact, Ling Huohuo judged it based on Happy.

Hapi has just reached the fourth level. If the strength of those pythons is above the fourth level of fire, so many pythons, Hapi would have become snake dung, not to mention running away with a big turtle in its mouth. Low, it is impossible to run after Hapi. With Hapi's character, bullying is a specialty. Pythons below the fourth level have already been taken care of by Hapi, and they can be chased and run like dogs... Ah, I almost forgot that Harpy was originally a dog.

"Fourth rank?" Everyone was relieved. For the team of everyone, the fourth rank is not very strong. Although the body is huge, it is just a big fool who is "strong on the outside but capable in the middle".

"Ahem, leave this matter to me, and cook the ingredients yourself." Fatty G held the iron pot and stood outside the camp, facing the direction where the python was running.

Looking at the approaching python, Fatty G swallowed his saliva. Of course, he was not frightened, but the smell of snake meat rang out, and he subconsciously drooled.

Boom, boom, boom...

The trees kept falling, and the python was getting closer and closer to everyone.

Finally, something approached...


"Come on!"

Looking at the black shadow rushing out, Fatty G smashed the iron pan in his hand at the black shadow.

"Assistant, my dog!"

Ling Huohuo suddenly exclaimed, because Fatty G hit Happy who ran out first.

Fatty G also reacted, and found that the creature in front of him turned out to be Ling Huohuo's pet husky. He hurriedly pulled back his strength, paused, and let Happy run over safely.

Fortunately, Fatty G was worried that he would pat the python into a meat sauce and didn't use all his strength, so he could suddenly stop his hand, and it didn't affect him too much, just a little shuddering.

But Happy ignored the others, and quickly ran behind Ling Huohuo, trembling.

"Let's talk about Happy's matter later, it's important to deal with the python first."

Sensing the gazes of the people around him, Ling Huohuo said in embarrassment, and then gave Happy a bitter look.

Fatty G stood up again.

The distance between the boa constrictor and Happy was not far away, and soon, more than ten huge boa constrictors appeared in front of everyone.

Huge body, ferocious snake head, cold eyes.

Everyone also saw the strength of the boa constrictor, which was probably no different from Ling Huohuo. Most of these boa constrictors were of the fourth rank, and a few smaller ones were only of the third rank.

The slimy bodies of more than a dozen pythons made the women present feel a little uncomfortable.

But this time Fatty G saw clearly that the creature that rushed out was definitely a python, and then he shot again.

If I hadn't stopped in time just now, I might have to add a meal of dog meat soup later.

If ordinary people encounter the ten-day-old python, they will definitely die in Shekou, with no hope of surviving. However, there are no ordinary people here.

Fatty G looked at the python and smiled.

With a flick of the iron pot in his hand, the iron pot spun around in the air and hit a boa constrictor on the head under the surprised eyes of everyone.

After a lap, the weaker boa constrictors passed out directly, while the stronger boa constrictors began to shake their heads as if they were drunk. One can imagine how much effort Fatty G had used just now.

Moreover, one blow can hit a circle of boa constrictors one by one, and most of them are stunned, which also requires extremely high skill and control of strength.

You know, not everyone can throw the pot in a circle and hit multiple targets, and finally return it to the hand, and the power is neither too high nor too low, just enough to stun the python.

This kind of skill Ling Huohuo thinks he can't do it. Among those who have fought against Ling Huohuo, Ling Huohuo is willing to call him the strongest with such power control and skills... Laugh~
Looking at the remaining pythons circling in situ, Fatty G smiled.

There is no creature that can't be stunned once with one swing, and if there is, then swing it again.

Then, the remaining boa constrictors also fainted.

Everyone applauded G Fatlu's hands.

"Congratulations, your goal has been achieved." Allen Tur said.

However, although Fatty G smiled, he shook his head.

"Although these are also giant pythons, they are not the one I am looking for. The giant python in the photo is bigger than these giant pythons, and the lowest strength is the fifth level, but although it is not that one, the existence of these giant pythons It also proves that the giant python's lair may be nearby, and the giant python I'm looking for may exist in the lair, and if I follow this path tomorrow, I should be able to find something."

Ling Huohuo and the others nodded. These words did not hide other people's backs. As long as they didn't talk about the alliance, it doesn't mean anything to show that they understand each other.

(End of this chapter)

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